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Visual Facilitation

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Mind and Brain. Reflective. Roy Blumenthal -- Visual Facilitation. Graphic facilitation isn't harmed by a bit of showmanship sometimes. Depending on the needs of the client. The client in this case wanted visual facilitation within a James Bond themed evening. The key is getting a really tight brief from the client. Knowing what kind of illustrations they need. A friend has been conversing with me in email about the practicalities of graphic facilitation. I suspect this answer will vary between different practitioners. I’ll dodge and enhance the question by changing its terms of reference… Digital Works For Me… AND For My Clients For me, it would be almost inconceivable working non-digitally. Painting my illustrations digitally makes it possible for me to do a significant amount of pre-production. While doing graphic facilitation on my tablet pc, I feel no pressure about mistakes.

On a personal level, my creativity is certainly enhanced by the colours and tools available to me. Is there a link between ‘memorable’ and ‘creative’? International Forum of Visual Practitioners. Dan Roam. Julie Stuart. Julie Gieseke. Nancy Margulies. Rob Benn. John Ward. David Sibbet. Grove. Copyright Policy The Grove’s models and templates are the intellectual property of The Grove Consultants International and are based on best practices drawn from more than thirty years of fieldwork. The Grove is committed to sharing its ideas, processes, and tools in order to foster collaboration, and while we strive to make these easily accessible, only authorized licensees may use our proprietary information and materials. Such licensees must acknowledge The Grove as their source by displaying a Grove copyright notice and may reproduce such proprietary information only with our express written permission. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of our copyrighted material without The Grove’s express written permission is a violation of U.S. copyright law.

If you wish to use our copyrighted material, we are happy to assist you with a purchase or discussion of an appropriate licensing arrangement. Vision Statement (HBR) Text by Daniel McGinn; illustration by Stephanie Crowley For a big client meeting in April, Accenture senior manager Mark Papia hired a type of practitioner he’d never encountered before: a “graphic recorder.” During the session, artist Julie Stuart drew large murals depicting the participants’ discussion on 4-foot-by-8-foot sheets of paper. The goal: to help people make connections and better recall key points. “The artwork generated a tremendous amount of interaction,” Papia says. Graphic recording—also called visual facilitation—has been around since at least the 1970s, when it was popularized by a group of San Francisco architects.

Does It Work? Professor Martin Eppler of the University of St. However, Eppler’s research suggests that software programs that let participants create their own visual representations—Let’s Focus or SmartDraw, for instance—may be more effective than a pricey artist’s handiwork. What Companies Say Companies using the technique include HP, Dell, S.C.