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Education et Réseaux Sociaux

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Réseaux sociaux et éducation. Uses of Social Networks for Knowledge. Veille et usages pédagogiques des réseaux sociaux. [Fr] Réseaux sociaux : 13 conseils pour les enseignants. En complément du dossier Comprendre les réseaux sociaux numériques : un enjeu pour l’enseignement évoqué sur NetPublic en octobre 2011, le service Service Ecoles-Médias (SEM) de la République et Canton de Genève (Suisse) a publié en décembre 2011, un document synthétique sous licence Creative Commons intitulé : Réseaux sociaux : 13 conseils pour les enseignant-e-s (pdf).

[Fr] Réseaux sociaux : 13 conseils pour les enseignants

Ce document synthétique présenté sous la forme d’une mini-affiche rappelle des conseils de bon sens pour guider les adultes dans leur relationnel avec les élèves, collègues et la communauté éducative sur les médias sociaux. Cette ressource propose un vademecum plus généralement applicable en situation professionnelle ainsi que pour les animateurs multimédia en EPN (espace public numérique). Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : Europe Tags: affiche, conseil, donnee personnelle, éducation au multimédia, enseignant, internet responsable, reseau social, vie privée.

[Fr] "Quand vous êtes professeur, les élèves cherchent vos traces sur Internet" Aux Etats-Unis, l'Etat de Virginie s'apprête à prendre des mesures drastiques interdisant à ses enseignants de parler à leurs élèves sur Facebook, par SMS ou en messagerie instantanée.

[Fr] "Quand vous êtes professeur, les élèves cherchent vos traces sur Internet"

Des enseignants lecteurs du expliquent comment ils gèrent leurs relations avec leurs élèves sur les réseaux sociaux. Un nécessaire respect mutuel, par Patricia Je comprends que des mesures soient prises par un Etat, mais la vigilance commence à notre niveau ! [Fr] Typologie des RS et usages pédagogiques. Comment utiliser les réseaux sociaux en pédagogie ?

[Fr] Typologie des RS et usages pédagogiques

Le carrefour technopédagogique du CEGEP régional de Lanaudière à l’Assomption (Québec) a publié en novembre 2011 une double typologie des réseaux sociaux (dits aussi « médias sociaux ») au format pdf. Le premier document généraliste dresse un panorama des réseaux sociaux par types (réseaux sociaux de masse, agrégateur social, marque-page social, médias sociaux et partage de contenus) avec un descriptif, des exemples de services et les principales caractéristiques de ces outils). Le second tableau s’intéresse à une typologie des usages pédagogiques des médias sociaux avec exemples d’activités d’apprentissage et d’outils. [En] Using Twitter Makes Students More Engaged. Further affirming what you probably already know, Twitter is evidently one of the best tools for learning and becoming an engaged student.

We’ve covered the benefits of the social network ad nauseum for teachers and administrators over the past few years … but a new study solidifies the worth of Twitter for students. Assistant Professor of Education at Michigan State University, Christine Greenhow, conducted a study titled “ Twitteracy: Tweeting is a New Literary Practice. ” In it, she found that college students who tweet as part of their instruction are more engaged with the course content, the teacher, other students, and they have higher grades. “Tweeting can be thought of as a new literary practice,” said Greenhow, who also studies the growing use of social media among high-schoolers. [EN] Why Students Should Use Twitter. I must admit I was skeptical and originally questioned the validity of Twitter. I initially viewed Twitter as just a tedious free service that lets you send a 140-character message, or “tweet to your followers” of lackluster and hum-drum information.

I was not really interested in reading about the location of someone checking in on Four Square or what he or she was eating for dinner. See Also: It’s Official: Using Twitter Makes Students More Engaged Yet, I was totally surprised at all the benefits that Twitter provides to high school and college students. Every student should use Twitter. [En] Connect With Your Students On Twitter. [En] Integrate Social Media Into Education. [Fr] applications pédagogiques de Twitter. Michelle Deschênes, enseignante de techniques d'intégration web au Collège O'Sullivan de Québec, et Séverine Parent, conseillère pédagogique TIC du Cégep Limoilou (Profweb) Michelle Deschênes et Séverine Parent C’est en 2007 que le petit oiseau a lancé ses premiers gazouillis, permettant au phénomène de microblogage de gagner des milliers d’adeptes.

[Fr] applications pédagogiques de Twitter

Il est difficile de connaître le nombre exact de microblogueurs : en 2010, ils auraient été 25 millions selon le CEFRIO1 et 105 millions selon le Huffington Post. [En] Use Twitter To Learn A New Language. If you’re thinking of learning a new language Twitter is the perfect place to start. It might be an unusual concept, but it really shouldn’t be. There are loads of ways the world’s most popular micro blogging platform can help you master a new language, as this article will show you. Following Linguistic Specialists. [Fr] Quand Twitter donne le goût de lire et d écrire. Une forêt de doigts levés pour la lecture à haute voix et pour les exercices d'écriture...

[Fr] Quand Twitter donne le goût de lire et d écrire

Seul Twitter suscite de telles réactions chez les enfants d'une école de Seclin (nord de la France), l'une des premières du pays à utiliser le site de micro-blogging. «Sur Twitter, il y a l'image et le son, mais ça n'enlève pas l'intérêt des élèves pour l'écriture, au contraire», sourit Céline Lamare, institutrice. La classe entre en effervescence, le temps de taper les messages sur l'iPhone de l'institutrice, ou en salle informatique. [En] Using Twitter to Transform Classroom Learning. [En] What To Do On Twitter. [Fr] Utiliser Twitter en classe. [En] Use Twitter in the Classroom. Many critics of Twitter believe that the 140-character microblog offered by the ubiquitous social network can do little for the education industry. They are wrong. K-12 teachers have taken advantage of Twitter’s format to keep their classes engaged and up-to-date on the latest technologies.

The following projects provide you and your students with 50 ways to Twitter in the classroom to create important and lasting lessons. 1. Tweet about upcoming due dates or assignments. One of the simplest ways that teachers can use Twitter in the classroom involves setting up a feed dedicated exclusively to due dates, tests or quizzes. 2. Subscribe to different mainstream and independent news feeds with different biases as a way to compare and contrast how different perspectives interpret current events and issues. 3.

[En] Use Twitter to accelerate learning. How can Twitter be used to accelerate learning?

[En] Use Twitter to accelerate learning

Here are 30! 1. Provide tips daily. [En] Use Twitter In Education. Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown.

[En] Use Twitter In Education

These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. [En] What Teachers Need to Know about Hashtags. One of the secrets behind the power of Twitter as a social media platform is hashtags.

[En] What Teachers Need to Know about Hashtags

This is a distinctive feature not found in any other social networking site. If you have been following the recent American presidential campaigns you would have noticed how both of the candidates took advantage of hashtags to reach wider audiences and get their messages across . It is really pretty amazing how a single hashtag can create such a huge buzz over the web but such hashtags most of the times have a political nature or involve gossips about celebrities .

As educators and teachers , hashtags can be of great help to us in both our teaching and professional growth as life long learners. I personally use certain hashtags to share and also keep track of the novelty in educational technology, I would, for instance, regularly check #edchat or #edtech to see what is trending there. [En] Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags. The Teacher’s Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-10-18 I heart Twitter. If you haven’t yet, follow @edudemic to keep up with what we’re doing, working on, and seeing (like last night’s tech event with GDGT in downtown Boston!). [En] Guide To Twitter Hashtags In Education. What is a hashtag?

[En] Guide To Twitter Hashtags In Education

A word or phrase preceded by a “#.” How do hashtags work? [En] Educational Twitter Hashtags. [En] Education Twitter Hashtags. 50 Important Education Twitter Hashtags–With Meeting Times!

[En] Education Twitter Hashtags

Note: We are updating this list that is now going on two years old. Please suggest any revisions, additions, etc., in the comments below and we’ll make the changes. Twitter chats are a great resource for learning and networking, allowing academics from all over the world to come together on a regular basis to talk about what’s important in education. They’re also ideal for gaining authority and visibility in your field. Better yet, they’re happening all the time. [En] Twitter Tips For Teachers. Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown.

These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. You have to start somewhere and these tips will help ensure that your first foray in Twitter is a great experience. Organize your Twitter. [En] Twitter Tips For Teachers. For many teachers making a foray into the edtech world, Twitter is an excellent tool for consuming and learning. There are a number of great resources out there to help teachers follow people who will be useful to them based on location, subject, grade level, and technology being used. Many are also harnessing Twitter as a part of their PLN (personal learning network) to connect, share, and network.

[En] Roadmap to The Use of Twitter in Education. [En] Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom. How Can We Stop Cheating In Online Courses? 6.11K Views 0 Likes While clearly not every student is trying hard to take the slacker route, it's worth noting that picking out the students trying to take this route gets a little more complicated when you move from taking classes in person to taking classes online. 5 Ways To Have A High-Tech Classroom With What You Already Have 11.45K Views 1 Likes. [En] Using Twitter in the Classroom. This handful of resources provide about 100 different ideas for, and examples of, using Twitter in the classroom.

It’s been almost 8 months since I published the post, “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom”, about uses of the popular micro-blogging tool in the instructional setting. This post generated a lot of traffic, and continues to attract hundreds of viewers every week. Since that brief posting, I’ve come across a lot of articles containing examples and suggestions for using Twitter in instructional applications. I’ve combed through many of these and tried to boil down the redundancies to create a rich set of idea-laden resources. While there’s still going to be some overlap in the concepts presented in these articles, they clearly meet the goal of providing a thorough set of ideas and examples for leveraging Twitter in the educational process. Here are the original “6 Examples” from last June’s post: About Kelly Walsh Print This Post.

[En] Ways To Use Twitter in the Classroom.


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