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The Art of Writing a Good Link Request. So in Jim’s session at the conference, someone asked in the Q and A about what type of subject to use for a link request, and I realized what an art form link requests have really become. It’s TOUGH to get folks to give you links, especially with the volume of sheer CRAP that is out there now. The post previous to this one was examples of some of the garbage that I got in the last few days. Maybe I’ll do a few more of these if I get some good feedback. I think there are lots of ways to approach a link request more politely and effectively than with an e-mail list of sites at the top of the serps and a form letter.

While it’s fairly on topic – I’ve also been meaning to mention the linking blog all about all things links including text links, authority links, reciprocal links, buying links, and much more. I was fortunate to get to hang out with Patrick, Jay, Brock, and Andy from Text-link-ads (Buy Text Links) in N’awleans. Successful Link Request Dialogue 1 Regards, Dr. Reply Best, Be:

BiteSize Learning - training short modular leadership and personal effectiveness courses bite size and bitesizelearning training. How to Invite Others to Join Activities. Get the best benefits from using beta software. Using beta software can be risky, but it may also offer some great benefits--like cost savings and stellar support. Find out what some beta users have gained as a result of taking a calculated risk and using beta wares. By Ruby Bayan Most self-respecting IT pros would think twice before deploying beta software on their system networks. Unstable, incomplete, and buggy, these works-in-progress betas have the potential to create headaches for all levels of the organization. However, respectable software applications need to go through the beta phase before they can mature into their foolproof, headache-free rollout versions. Your risks with beta software will be real, but if you know how to make the most of the situation, the benefits can easily outweigh the risks.

Stirling's participation gave her the opportunity to see the development of the software and to "match more closely how our brains work in this business of gathering, assimilating, and sharing information. " Have you beta'd? 6 reasons to use Pearltrees. Pearltrees is the first and largest social curation community on the Internet. It’s a place to organize, discover and share all the cool content you find online. However, beyond this basic definition, a question remains: why would I want to use Pearltrees? Well, what I want to share with you are six major use cases (or reasons) we’ve identified as being most popular across our entire community of web curators. In addition, I’ll also share with you a couple of interesting ways in which I have put Pearltrees to use for myself. Hopefully, you’ll not only get value in learning how the community uses Pearltrees, but also be inspired to find even more clever and creative ways to use our software yourself.

(And if you do, we really hope you’ll share them with us. Just send a note to or @ message me on twitter: @owstarr) Here are the most popular general ways to use Pearltrees: 1. 3. Oliver Starr is the Chief Evangelist for