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Graphic Design Education & Book List | David Seah / Designing. Every once in a while I’m asked what books I’d recommend. Here’s a list of the books and resources that have influenced and enlightened me. (last updated: 12/21/2012) Getting Started The Foundation When I got started in “design”, I was a computer engineering student with no intuitive grasp of style or layout. Building a picture in someone’s mind is different on a two-dimensional (2D) page, but you still have a lot of control if you are aware of how visual hierarchy works.

If you have no sense of what goes into a basic page layout, Robin William’s The Non Designer’s Design Book is a good starting point. In summary, it’s useful to understand how the human eye is drawn to elements on the page, in the order of visual dominance. Finding your Design Footing Looking for Style If you are looking for visual style to call your own, one way to start is to look at other designers. Other than cribbing other people’s work, you could also make graphics that reference like the things you already like. Communauté francophone d'utilisateurs d'Ubuntu. La Quadrature du Net | Internet & Libertés. Logiciels Libres. Éditeur Framasoft Association loi 1901 déclarée en sous-préfecture d’Arles le 2 décembre 2003 sous le n° 0132007842 N° Siret : 500 715 776 00018 Siège social Association Framasoft Pierre-Yves Gosset c/o Locaux Motiv 10 bis, rue Jangot 69007 LYON Pour nous contacter : Directeur de la publication Monsieur Christophe MASUTTI, Président Hébergeur SAS au capital de 10 000 000 € RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045 Code APE 6202A - N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419 Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix - France.

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