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Archangel Abiel's Instructions for the Exodus please follow it to the letter. This is a Virrannah craft that will take you to the Ark Motherships, Abiel Abaddon asked my son Michael to help with the Exodus to rescue the people, he will be going back and forth to the motherships dropping the people off he was told it will be a 2 and a half to 3 year process as it will be according to the damage of the calamities around the world that it will be determined by when people will be picked up, my son accepted this mission proudly, here is a picture of him in case he is sent to retrieve you so you will recognize him, He will be wearing a teal colored silver shimmering spacesuit.

Archangel Abiel's Instructions for the Exodus please follow it to the letter.

He will be under the direction of Michael the Archangel and Elder Aziel Archangel Abiel Abaddonius Abaddon If you are a newcomber to this website and have stummbled onto this information it is not by accident the Father has lead you here, just know that all the information is to help you get prepared for what is now ready to occur. Abiel Abaddon last text message to me: Peace Mission: What It's All About. PEACE MISSION: Volume 3 of OTHER WORLDS: The Series Peace-Seekers ...

Peace Mission: What It's All About

They come from every corner of existence. Their destination ... Earth. They bring wisdom. "I admit that there was a small part of me that still lived in hesitation and doubt. But when the morning broke, and the first light of dawn touched upon the hulls of over a thousand crafts, that something within me broke. I was left to deal with the certainty that not only was I never going to be the same, but Planet Earth wasn't going to be either. " Exopolitics blogs and essays. Transcending the Matrix Control System. UFOs and Alien Abductions in Los Angeles: The Court of Owls. Owls.....

UFOs and Alien Abductions in Los Angeles: The Court of Owls

In older Western myths owls are associated with Wisdom, Helpfulness, and Prophecy. In the middle ages they were viewed as evil and harbingers of doom. In New Wold they are viewed as powerful entity... either one of great evil or protection. In eastern tradition it can be viewed as a keeper of souls. What ever its roots its an ancient and powerful symbol of mystery. I stayed away from the series mind you because it was well, even as a comic fan, something said don't buy. Back to the Owls... like Rabbits... their symbolism are melded with the Greys. Exclusive Interview With seeingUFOsPA & whotookmymojo. The Secret Sun Radio Mystery Hour. Well, with Mercury in Retrograde (and letting us all know it) I thought it would be a good time to go back in time and invite our old friend Paul Weston onto The Secret Sun Radio Mystery Hour.

The Secret Sun Radio Mystery Hour

Strap yourself in for a tour de force journey through a range of esoteric topics, with the idea of sacred landscapes as the starting point. From there Paul brings his encyclopedia of a brain to bear on topics as wide-ranging as Glastonbury, the Aztecs, the Maya, the Toltecs, Quetzalcoatl, leylines, the Cygnus Mystery, UFO abductions, David Icke, William Blake, Jeffrey Russell, Stonehenge, the Arthurian mythos, John Michell, crop circles, Phoenicians, Venice, Syria, the Druids, stone chambers, pre-Columbian colonies in America, the Sinclair family and Roslyn Chapel, the Giza necropolis, and much, much more. Believe me, this is one that you're going to want to listen to a few times and take notes.

EMVs - Designers of the Solar System - James Horak. At Spiral's End. Latest-UFO-Sightings. Hidden experience.