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TTU Pearls of Wisdom

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Blogs. You've seen the word, you've seen the web sites and you may even have one.


But have you ever wondered: What's the big deal about blogs? To make sense of blogs, you have to think about the news and who makes it. Twitter. So, what are you doing?


It's one of the first questions we often ask friends and family. Even if the answer is just mowing the lawn or cooking dinner, it's interesting to us. It makes us feel connected and a part of each other's lives. Assessment for Learning: Improving Teaching Quality & Test Scores. NETS-T. What Teachers Need to Know About Action Research. Motivation & Purpose. 8 Things to Look For in Today’s Classroom. As I think that leaders should be able to describe what they are looking for in schools I have thought of eight things that I really want to see in today’s classroom.

8 Things to Look For in Today’s Classroom

I really believe that classrooms need to be learner focused. This is not simply that students are creating but that they are also having opportunities to follow their interests and explore passions.1 The teacher should embody learning as well. Will Richardson recently wrote this in a comment on one of my recent posts on what teachers need to be like in our current day and the focus that needs to be on learning: RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.