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In Cuba

CT generation 2 is here! | Community Tools. Compare: Free, open source community exchange software | A fantástica horta de 400 m2 da familia Dervaes ( Legendado Pt ) OCCUPY THE ECONOMY : Andrew Faust - Permaculture - OWS. Evolver Presents Thrive: Complementary Currency part 1 of 5. Communication. In UK. In Spain. Solutions - the place to discover what you can do to bring about change and explore solutions to questions such as 'What on Earth does it take to thrive?'

In Greece. Blue Economy Solutions. Backed by an international network of engineers and experts, Blue Economy Solutions is a business consultancy for development of sustainable solutions. Blue Economy Solutions focuses on research and development of sustainable product innovations and business models as well as their implementation. Our basic concept is a consequent realization of the open access principle, therefore we enable all our readers to use the business models of the Blue Economy for him/herself and implement any result of his own research for innovation.

For this end, we are publishing each week an open access report about one innovation, its market surrounding, first cash flows and its potentials. This is often compared with the open source principle within software as well as its legal structure, but there is a basic difference: We can only publish the ideas, but not give access to the rights or patents of each technology. This remains under authority of the innovators themselves. BookMooch: trade your books with other people. Can offer you: | All the software we use is free, open source and documented. Our solutions range from free, default community sites to customised, innovative web applications. Whether you have half a volunteer webmaster, or capital to invest in a business, we will work with you to setup your alternative economy. We've found that most communities don't have the web skills needed to make their own installations, so we created a hosted-solution that meets 90% of the needs of small to medium-sized communities looking to build a local economy with their own currency.

The founders have built a community of 4500 users, trained and supported 120 local admins, and helped organise a group of 10 "super local admins" (user/1) in order to build, test and implement new features into the tools. All communitites benefit from the fruits of this collective effort and that is one of our core values. As a member of the CForge Community, you benefit from these resources. “The 100-Mile Dollar” by Alina Konevski | The Walrus Blog. Community currencies from Calgary, Salt Spring Island, and Toronto Hundreds of communities around the world have created new currencies over the last few decades, trading millions of dollars’ worth each year.

In Canada, at least Calgary, Toronto, and BC’s Salt Spring Island are taking part. While only the Bank of Canada can print paper to serve as legal tender, it’s perfectly lawful for any Canadian community to make its own alternative currency as long as it records transactions and files taxes — which means this currency needs to be exchangeable with the national dollar. By their design, community currencies force people to spend locally, and usually quickly.

Third in a series of posts about underexplained people, places, and things that have arrested our collective attention. Do you have a question about Canada and/or its place in the world? These schemes have roots in the traditional view of money having value because of actual goods or services already produced. - A Cooperative Community Of Overlapping Villages. We give Your Community a Place to Thrive | Alternativas | Sistema económico integral | Nia Vero. La economía como herramienta para generar redes de autosuficiencia Según su origen griego, la economía es el arte de administrar la casa. También podemos definirla como la ciencia que estudia los procesos para cubrir las necesidades básicas de las personas y colectividades que forman una sociedad. Sin embargo, igual que el dinero, la economía se ha convertido en un gueto de la burguesía y de los estados para dar cobertura al sistema capitalista.

La economía es, actualmente, un complejo sistema protegido por el Estado y sus tentáculos de control social, lejos del alcance de la gente de a pie, las personas que se interrelacionan a nivel local y las colectividades. Por eso, no es casual que en las facultades de economía no se dedique ni una sola clase a tratar cuestiones de fondo sobre el mundo actual, como son la creación del dinero de la deuda o el control sobre las fluctuaciones en los mercados financieros. 1. 2. Acción no-monetaria de intercambio de bienes, servicios y conocimientos. 3. Serveis Financers Ètics i Solidaris - Funciones.

Creating Our Own Money: Examples. Welcome. Features overview. Interview with Juan Esteban Lopez of Venezuela’s Network of Exchange Systems. Juan Esteban Lopez is from Medellín, Colombia, and has been living in Venezuela for the past four years where he has helped coordinate the Network of Exchange Systems, which has been implementing local currencies in many different communities in Venezuela. This interview was conducted and translated by Gregory Wilpert. What is an exchange system? An exchange system is a community or popular power—as we say in Venezuela—organization, whose objective is to create a local economy, which operates in a particular locality, in a barrio, in a city, or in a municipality.

That is, to create a market among the people themselves who are a part of the exchange network, in order to exchange products, services, and knowledge. What are these modalities to which you refer? Basically, in Venezuela, in Colombia, in Mexico, we use mixed models for the exchange process. What is the advantage of the exchange system over the traditional system?

Currently there are 13 exchange systems in Venezuela. Duurzaamheid, aantrekkelijk en concreet: voor iedereen (bedrijven, overheden en consumenten) The 12 Sectors / Economics - a thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression. VISION for the Economics Sector : A thriving humanity on a healthy planet, truly free to meet our own needs, to exchange voluntarily, to build prosperity, and to take care of each other and the environment without coercion or aggression. Danger : The current economy has been taken over by a rigged system that benefits a few at the expense of most. Not only the U.S. but virtually the entire world economy is verging on free-fall collapse, taking the well-being and lives of billions down with it.

Opportunity : We have the power to change our economic system and allow it to work for everyone. There are well-developed and brilliant ideas for how to create truly thriving economies. The Economics Sector is perhaps the most important one of all to transform because the way the money system works directly impacts each and every person’s job, home, family and community. Local Money: How to Make it Happen in Your Community (9781900322522): Peter North. Local Money: How To Make It Happen In Your Community-ISBNLIB-Book infomation,Prices,excerpt,ebook download.

In Portugal

In Brazil.