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Activity Book 2010. Sharin' Unlimited, Highland Park, IL : Reviews and maps - Yahoo. Best Video I've Seen Today Will Make You Smile - Songs around the world - Gizmodo. Private Worlds. From Tamagotchi to RealDolls, contemporary Japanese culture has exhibited a penchant for virtually mediated relationships. But with the recent outbreak of what Japanese media outlets have been calling “sekkusu shinai shokogun”, or “celibacy syndrome,” more and more Japanese youth are increasingly forsaking all forms of intimacy and pleasure…replacing love and sex—virtual or not—with other activities.

“Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?” And “what happens to a country when its young people stop having sex,” are questions asked by Abigail Haworth in her recent article published by The Guardian. Japanese-American author Roland Kelts is cited in Haworth’s article stating his belief that the Japanese example foreshadows a likely future for the rest of us. He suggests that the desire to flee intro virtuality emerges in overcrowded nations and urban centers like Tokyo. Japan has long been recognized as a global leader in the development of virtual realms. My outsourced Life. I really shouldn't have to write this article myself. I mean, why am I the one stuck in front of a computer terminal?

All this tedious pecking out of words on my laptop. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions. Jesus. It began a month ago. I don't have a corporation; I don't even have an up-to-date business card. The next day I e-mail Brickwork, one of the companies Friedman mentions in his book. A couple of days later, I get an e-mail from my new "remote executive assistant. " Dear Jacobs, My name is Honey K. Desired satisfaction. Oh, did I mention that Vivek sent me a JPEG of Honey? I go out to dinner with my friend Misha, who grew up in India, founded a software firm, and subsequently became nauseatingly rich. Perfect. To pay for YMII, I send my MasterCard number in an e-mail. Honey has completed her first project for me: research on the person Esquire has chosen as the Sexiest Woman Alive. I get an introductory e-mail from my personal-life outsourcer.

Mr. Thanking you, Honey Balani Love. Instructions for Everyday Life. Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey. When you create the look... Easy Doily Bowl Craft a decorative bowl from a doily picked up from a flea market, antique... Camper Birdhouse Encourage birds to stay awhile with an adorable vintage birdhouse. CRAFTS : Lamps & Shades : Miniblind Chandelier. How to Build a Spy Camera | Acid trip 1. Baked Spaghetti with Toasted Peppers recipe - Hoopnotica | Hooping, Hoopdance. Cheap Eats - Chicago. Gay Marriage: Our Mutual Joy | Newsweek Culture | Deputydog. From52to48withlove :: zefrank. How to slow your heart down & then stop it completely | Wonder How To.

HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF. Crazy song. Tales of the Weirrd: Ralph Steadman. Cheap chicago SUSHI- Lawrence Fish Market - Albany Park - Chicago, IL. MacBook cases still cracking up | Laptop | MacUser. I really don't know what's going on with Apple's manufacturing process, and perhaps this has changed with the new unibody MacBook design, but my last two MacBooks (purchased in March 2007 and February 2008) both suffered from the problem of crack on near the right hand palm rest corner, just as Dan described back in August 2007.

My current machine (the Feb '08 one) is just barely under warranty and I'm going to get its case replaced as soon as I return to the U.S. in May. A recent commenter over at MacInTouch says that he's now on his eighth case and Apple has finally caved and given him a new machine. Meanwhile Cult of Mac's Giles Turnbull writes that he's on his second case, and points to a Flickr group devoted to documenting this scourge. How are you faring, MacBook users? [For what it's worth, I got the crack in my case fixed at my local Genius Bar.

Gross Unknown Sewer Life Forms is Today's BIG Thing - JUL 01, 2009.