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Lean Testing or Why Unit Tests are Worse than You Think. Frequently Asked Questions. The focus of building the Radar is our bi-annual face-to-face meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Psychology of Code Readability – Egon Elbre. I’m going to use the term programming artifact.

Psychology of Code Readability – Egon Elbre

By that I mean everything that is created as a result of programming. It might be a method you write, type declarations for a function, variable names, comments, Unreal Engine Blueprints, UML diagrams etc. Effectively anything that is a direct result of programming. A crash course in compilers – Increment: Programming Languages. Hype Driven Development – Daftcode Blog. Top mentioned books on Unified Modeling Language (UML) description, UML diagram examples, tutorials and reference for all types of UML diagrams - use case diagrams, class, package, component, composite structure diagrams, deployments, activities, interactions, profiles, etc.

SDLC Tutorial. SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle.

SDLC Tutorial

SDLC is a process that consists of a series of planned activities to develop or alter the Software Products. This tutorial will give you an overview of the SDLC basics, SDLC models available and their application in the industry. This tutorial also elaborates on other related methodologies like Agile, RAD and Prototyping. This tutorial is relevant to all those professionals contributing in any manner towards Software Product Development and its release. It is a handy reference for the quality stakeholders of a Software project and the program/project managers. There are no specific prerequisites for this SDLC tutorial and any software professional can go through this tutorial to get a bigger picture of how the high-quality software applications and products are designed. Agile software architecture documentation.

"We value working software over comprehensive documentation" is what the manifesto for agile software development says.

Agile software architecture documentation

Clean Coder Blog. When you first learn Test Driven Development, it sounds simple and easy.

Clean Coder Blog

If you learned it in 1999, like I did, the rule was to simply write your unit tests first. Test-Driven Code Review. A year ago I had an interesting discussion with my best friend Alex about code reviews.

Test-Driven Code Review

He said that when he does a code review, he always starts with the tests. HOW TO PROGRAM. FreeCodeCamp Guide. Dan North & Associates. [This article has been translated into Korean by HongJoo Lee, French by Philippe Poumaroux, Spanish by Adrian Moya, Russian by Denis Oleynik, and German by Julia Kadauke.]

Dan North & Associates

Behaviour-driven development is an “outside-in” methodology. It starts at the outside by identifying business outcomes, and then drills down into the feature set that will achieve those outcomes. Each feature is captured as a “story”, which defines the scope of the feature along with its acceptance criteria. This article introduces the BDD approach to defining and identifying stories and their acceptance criteria. Introduction Software delivery is about writing software to achieve business outcomes.

10 Reasons Why BDD Changes Everything - Larry Apke. Recently I have been working with my two scrum teams to implement a BDD approach to our development.

10 Reasons Why BDD Changes Everything - Larry Apke

DevFreeBooks. How Can I Quickly Learn Terminal Commands?


IDE. Google Developers. Ohloh Code Search. Daily curation of the latest and hottest coding tools. Featured Related Tags - Runnable. API Dashboard: ProgrammableWeb. The API Economy and You. Adam DuVander speaks fluent “developer” while serving as Developer Communications Director at SendGrid.

The API Economy and You

Previously, Adam wrote for Wired, Webmonkey and edited ProgrammableWeb, the leading resource for APIs. Just a few years ago, application programming interfaces (APIs) were largely viewed as an easy, functional way to make applications work together, a digital adhesive of sorts. Today, the value of the API has evolved into much more than a simple bridging mechanism.

For many developers, APIs have become the foundational architecture that allows them to manifest their vision. Consider the Pareto Principle, which states that 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes; apps and cloud services already do 80 percent of what your application needs so leverage that ecosystem to focus in on the 20 percent of “magic” that you can call your own. A look back Facebook and Twitter soon followed suit with their own open API strategies. FileFormat.Info. Practice for Programmers. Mechanical Plan month Upload and Type Any CodeTypo HeatmapTouch Typing Fingering GuideTrack Typing ProgressTyping Lessons in 16 LanguagesRealistic Key Processing EngineTypo Cost Analysis Thanks for Beta Testing!

Practice for Programmers

We're sorry, you're browser doesn't support file upload features required for custom lesson creation. To upgrade, please update or switch browsers. Subscription Details. Choosing an OSS license doesn’t need to be scary - How to become an expert in Linux Command Line. Linux is a Unix-like and most powerful operating system in the world. It was assembled under the FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) development and distribution. First Linux kernel was released on 5 Oct 1991 by Linus Torvalds. In 2014 Linux Torvalds continuously updates the kernel, so the Linux operating system goes more powerful day by day.

So learning Linux command lines are much better than learning some programming languages. Most of the Linux flavors has both the GUI and the command shell. Watch people code. Watching People Code Could Be The Next Big Thing. Twitch made streaming video games into a hugely popular phenomenon, so what could be next big livestreaming thing?