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Businessmodel. Entrepreneur. Gilt. PR Secrets for Startups. Editor’s Note: At a time when anyone can broadcast their opinions about your startup to the world, public relations requires a new level of engagement on the part of companies and entrepreneurs.

PR Secrets for Startups

But what are the new rules of PR? Guest author Brian Solis, who earlier this month wrote a post for us on the evolution of the press release, explains how public relations has changed and offers up 12 secrets of PR for startups. Warning: This a lengthy post. Its intent is to help companies navigate through the rough seas of traditional PR as it struggles, forcibly, to evolve and adapt to the new rules set forth by the Web (regardless of version number) . Solis is the Principal of FutureWorks, a PR and New Media agency in Silicon Valley and also blogs at PR 2.0. I’ve been overwhelmed with requests from executives and PR professionals to explain how this new media (r)evolution applies to them specifically and how they can make PR more effective and personal during these interesting times. No BS. Is ToyBots Dreaming Big Enough? You may recall back in December, we first reported the news about Apple gearing up for the launch of a large form iPod touch.

Is ToyBots Dreaming Big Enough?

While there had been no shortage of rumors over the years about some sort of Apple tablet, our sources indicated the device would be akin to Apple’s current mobile devices, the iPhone and iPod touch, which are both seeing booming sales. A new report from AppleInsider seems to confirm this news, and gives some new details. Most importantly, after months and probably even years of tweaking, the device is now said to have Steve Jobs’ seal of approval. All we all know, even now, that is perhaps the single biggest determining factor as to whether a device will see the light of day from Apple. Jobs apparently likes this new device so much, that he’s “cemented” into the company’s 2010 roadmap of products, AppleInsider says citing sources well-respected “for their striking accuracy in Apple’s internal affairs.” On Startups by Dharmesh Shah.

小公司如何“傍上”大公司. 敲开大公司的合作之门,并非容易之事。


对此,王佳梁深有感触。 十多个员工,一项领先技术,CooTek恰似一个创业公司的素描。 自2007年成立,王佳梁一手创建的CooTek公司就一直在为其手机输入法软件TouchPal寻找合适的合作伙伴,从手机厂商到运营商,王佳梁几乎尝试了所有的可能,但是,CooTek是一家来自中国的、没有品牌、没有成功经验的公司,手机厂商和运营商很难有信心和这样的公司合作。 对大部分希望攀上高枝,获得大公司合作机会的小公司而言,王佳梁的遭遇都再熟悉不过。 事实上,从向大公司出租带宽到承包其董事长的书架,小公司与大企业的合作可能看似数不胜数,小企业与大企业的合作有三种基本的方式:将大公司视为战略投资者寻求投资、向大型企业集团出售自己的企业、为大企业提供配套服务及产品(以合作深入程度划分,则可分为三层:简单的常规业务外包、专利买卖、涉及到产品业务的较核心层面的合作)。 简单的常规业务外包早已是红海,而卖专利、深度合作则门槛甚高,“傍上大公司”对于小公司的创业者来说,是一件既考验意志力,又考验技巧,同时还需比拼内功的任务。 “敲门”学问 “我见过一些小公司跟大公司谈判,很故弄玄虚——这是核心那是核心,都不能说;实际上,这会让别人觉得你不是一个很安全的合作伙伴。” 不论你的创意有多么地“惊世骇俗”,首当其冲,你需要先敲开大公司的高门。