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La notion de spiritualité (du latin spiritus, esprit) comporte aujourd'hui des acceptions différentes selon le contexte de son usage.

Nous vous donnons accès à des sites web que nous avons jugés utiles et pratiques sans mettant la priorité sur une forme de religion.
Tous les membres doivent comprend que la spiritualité désigne également la quête de sens, d'espoir ou de libération et les démarches qui s'y rattachent (initiations, rituels, développement personnel, New Age).
Nous respectons aussi les choix: comme le soufisme, le taoisme, l'hindouisme, le bouddhisme, l'Humanisme, le néopaganisme, la spiritualité laïque, New Age.
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Spirituality and Nature. I think you came here with some expectation, bur essentially I've nothing to offer you. Simply, I'll try to share some of my own experiences and my views. You see, taking care of the planet is nothing special, nothing sacred, and nothing holy. It is something like taking care of our own house. We have no other planet or house except this one. Although there are a lot of disturbances and problems, this is our only alternative. We human beings, what is wrong with us? From a certain viewpoint, religion is a little bit of a luxury. If we practice religion properly, or genuinely, or religion is not something outside but in our hearts. If we look closely at human nature affection is the key to a good heart. Sexuality, Love and Spirituality. FREE download of complete "Teachings of Love" with Kriya Yoga All previously published spiritual content created and published online from 31 July 1997 - 17 May 2012 on - also known as the Cyberspace Ashram - is now available for free as one single compressed file "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" from THIS page.Copyright © "Spiritual Treasures" - Post Mortem Learn Kriya Yoga to feel God's Love Download information "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" with complete Kriya Yoga teachings Copyright © "Spiritual Treasures" - Contact and contributions Below topic icons show you an overview of all main content of the "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition".

Included of course is the complete teachings of love, the Kriya Yoga technique in every necessary detail and all other major sections of the Cyberspace Ashram - in English language as well as German language. All "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" - key data for you: Revised edition - change log Love and Bliss hans. Ascension Love Spirituality. Agniveer - Self-Help | Motivation | Spiritualism | Rationalism | Behavioral Repatterning | Vedas | Hinduism | Anti-Casteism | Women Rights.

Spiritual Journeys. Exercise Dictionary | The Elite Fitness. L'EVANGILE AU QUOTIDIEN. 詩 篇 45:17 我 必 叫 你 的 名 被 萬 代 記 念 , 所 以 萬 民 要 永 永 遠 遠 稱 謝 你 。 Buddha Teachings Discourses of Buddha, Ramana, Ramakrishna, Shankara, Lao Tzu Gurdjieff. Biible: Trouver les commentaires de la Bible sur le Net ! Indian Institute of Spirituality, RajajiNagar, Bangalore, India. Yantras, Rudrakshas, spiritual accessories, shaligram, power crystal, India, ashrams, guru, pilgrim. Speakers from Brazil/Germany | First British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality.

Physician specializing in Digestive System Surgery. Medical degree from the Federal University of São Paulo – Unifesp. Full Professor of Physiology in courses in Biology, Physiotherapy and Pharmaceutics at the University of Santa Cecilia at Santos (Universidade Santa Cecília de Santos – UNISANTA), State of São Paulo. Associate Professor of Health and Spirituality in the course for Gerontology at UNISANTA and member of the Brazilian Spritist Medical Association (Associação Médico-Espírita AME) Santos, São Paulo. Author of several books. Clinical Psychologist specialized in Regression Therapy and in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, with a PhD degree in Neuroscience and Behavior from the Psychology Institute, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Gynecologist (MD) with specialization in cancer prevention. Medical degree from the University of São Paulo; Master’s degree in Neurosciences from the University of São Paulo.

Fiction on Indian spirituality popular in Germany. New Delhi, February 28: A fictional story that explores themes like life after death, healing, commitment and faith in the master among others is picking up popularity in Germany, says its Indian author Ruzbeh N Bharucha. "It is amazing because a backpacker who happened to be travelling to India picked up a copy of my book and loved it so much that she gave it to her publisher back home in Germany.

They thought it would sell a few copies but the number turned out to be 20,000 and more," says Barucha. The author''s book "The Fakir" published in 2007 tells the story of a hippie who wants to commit suicide and happens to meet a holy man who guides him through life and existence. Barucha, who recently launched a sequel "Fakir- the journey continues" - says spirituality is a way of life. "Nowadays we complicate it with strange dogmas. Essentially it means good thoughts, good speech and good action, the fundamental way of life," he says. Spirituality in Health-Care Network - Welcome. Budget Tours India | Budget Travel India | Budget Tours to India | Budget Packages India | Budget holidays to India. How Can Spirituality Affect Your Family's Health? Questions de la vie, questions sur Dieu. Spirituality & Health Magazine | The Soul/Body Connection.

Meditation techniques and guided lessons that teach you how to meditate.


Yoga Postures At A Glance - Quick Look At Yoga Poses - Yoga Positions. In this section we are presenting different Yoga postures, poses and positions at a glance. Have a quick look at these Yoga poses. Yoga asanas bring wonderful health benefits. They let you feel the power of your body and the importance of keeping it healthy. When done in right way, Yoga is just fun and relaxing. Here are some popular Yoga postures at a glance. Shirshasana (Head Posture) It increases blood circulation to brain. The posture looks imposing to beginners and is extremely powerful. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) It helps regulates the thyroid and sex glands. Lie on your back. Sukhasana (Easy Position) This posture helps gain awareness on breathing and body, strengthen lower back and open the groin and hips. Just sit cross-legged with hands comfortably on knees. Tadasana (Mountain Posture) The posture benefits your balance and self-awareness. Stand with legs together, hands at your sides, eyes looking straight.

Sit with your feet spread apart. India to patent yoga asanas. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has prepared patent formats of nearly 900 yoga asanas (postures), to prevent European and American companies involved in fitness-related activities from claiming them as their own. These asanas will all be included in the digitalised Traditional Knowledge Library (TKDL), set up by the council to collect and record traditional treatment therapy knowledge.

Medicines and yoga asanas registered with it enjoy the status of being patented. "Video recordings of the asanas are also being made and recorded to prevent them from being stolen," said TKDL director Dr VK Gupta. The CSIR began the project in 2006. These 900 asanas have been collected from Patanjali's classic work on yoga, as well as other ancient classics like the Bhagwat Gita.

Gupta said a number of countries had already laid claim to around 250 of these postures. Some foreign companies have even patented some of them. Vajra TV | Home. Integrative Spirituality :: The New Unified Understanding of Life, Spirit & Success. Damanhur - Temples of Humankind. Yoga Poses | Basic to Advanced Yoga Poses | Asanas.

Inspiration Online: Inspiration Line's Meaningful Life Newsletter. Resources for Spiritual Journeys.


The Mayan Calendar Portal | Damanhur Home Page. Introduction. Powerful Intentions: Law of Attraction Community - Powerful Intentions is a unique Law of Attraction Online Community. Empowering your Authentic Self | Lighting Pathways to Authenticity and Abundant Living. Power to Change. Psychic Readings | Live Phone Psychics | California Psychics ® Daily inspirational quotes and motivational quotes delivered to your mailbox. Products : Inspirational Quotes - Personal Development - Motivational Quotes & More - Jim Rohn International.

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Memory Training | Memory Expert | How to Memorize. Confucianism. By Confucianism is meant the complex system of moral, social, political, and religious teaching built up by Confucius on the ancient Chinese traditions, and perpetuated as the State religion down to the present day. Confucianism aims at making not simply the man of virtue, but the man of learning and of good manners. The perfect man must combine the qualities of saint, scholar, and gentleman. Confucianism is a religion without positive revelation, with a minimum of dogmatic teaching, whose popular worship is centered in offerings to the dead, in which the notion of duty is extended beyond the sphere of morals proper so as to embrace almost every detail of daily life. The teacher, Confucius The chief exponent of this remarkable religion was K'ung-tze, or K'ung-fu-tze, latinized by the early Jesuit missionaries into Confucius.

Confucius was born in 551 B.C., in what was then the feudal state of Lu, now included in the modern province of Shan-tung. The Confucian texts The doctrine. MAPP- Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential. Inspirational Words of Wisdom. Mark Twain quotations. A Gift of Inspiration - Positive inspirational messages, stories, quotes and images.

Lifebridge. Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights. FOUR YEARS. GO. Short Poems. Home - Roots & Shoots : Engaging and empowering youth with service learning projects. We, The World Global Unity Calendar - Global Unity Calendar - Month. We, The World Homepage. Mother Teresa Of Calcutta Center. Matthieu Ricard. Paroles, poèmes & citations de Dalai Lama. Le Saint-Siège. Aboriginal Human Resource Council | Conseil pour le Ressources Humaines de Autochtones. Voyage initiatique: Voyage en conscience et voyage spirituel avec Oasis Voyages. Prendre les aliments comme médicaments : les alicaments.

Qu’est-ce qu’un alicament ? Le terme d’"alicaments", désignant des aliments censés, au-delà de leur propriétés nutritives, faire office de médicaments, passe aujourd’hui dans le langage courant… bien qu’une définition exacte reste à établir. En effet, pour les uns, l’alicament serait un organisme, végétal ou animal, génétiquement modifié dans le but de lui conférer des vertus thérapeutiques ; pour les autres, ce serait plutôt un produit alimentaire tout à fait normal, comme par exemple un yaourt, auquel on aurait ajouté des substances médicinales pour le rendre actif dans le domaine d’une pathologie particulière ; pour d’autres encore, le terme " alicament " ne devrait désigner que le légume ou le fruit issu de la culture biologique et utilisé de manière thérapeutique en fonction des nutriments et principes actifs dont la nature l’a pourvu.

C’est évidemment cette dernière définition qui reste la seule acceptable. Prendre les aliments comme des médicaments Indications préventives. Environmental responsibility, personal coherence, planetary consciousness, social harmony - Global Coherence Initiative. Spiritualite. CPM - Les Religions au Canada - Spiritualité autochtone. Des systèmes de croyance spirituelle uniques se sont développés parmi les peuples autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord au cours des milliers d’années qui ont précédé l’arrivée des Européens, peut-être même des premières migrations des Premières nations sur ce continent, voire plus tôt.

Cette longue période d’évolution des croyances et des pratiques spirituelles parmi les peuples qui se distinguaient par de nombreuses cultures tribales et nationales manquait bien entendu d’uniformité. Au Canada de nos jours, il existe au moins 56 traditions autochtones distinctes, y compris celles des Inuits du Nord, et beaucoup d’autres existent au sud de la frontière séparant le Canada et les États-Unis.

Chacun de ces peuples a élaboré un système de croyance spirituelle qui dictait la moralité et la relation personnelle avec le Créateur. Avec l’arrivée des Européens, les Autochtones d’Amérique du Nord ont trouvé de nouvelles façons de définir leurs relations avec Dieu. Textes sacrés et doctrines Rites. Mani Bhavan - Gandhi Sangrahalaya: Mahatma Gandhi Museum & Reference Library. If you could help create world p. : bijoux tibetains - artisanat tibetain bouddhiste - bijoux en pierres naturelles.

Chi kung (Qi Gong) pour maigrir. Desicolours - Life is Full Of Colours. Winter2010frontpage. Trimurti | Seminaires et congrès - Cogolin Saint Tropez Var France. École In-Tuition . . . Aashti Tousignant. RIRES PLEURS SILENCE Interview d’Aashti Tousignant sur le séminaire Rires, Pleurs, Silence 1) Aashti, tu es thérapeute et tu as crée l’Ecole In-Tuition qui propose un accompagnement et des enseignements spirituels au Québec et en Europe. Tu proposes en France un séminaire RIRES– PLEURS – SILENCE. Peux-tu nous parler de ce séminaire ? De quoi s’agit-il ? Je propose une version « adaptée » de la « Mystic Rose » qui est de plus en plus connue et célèbre dans le monde entier, crée par le mystique indien Osho, à la fin de sa vie.

Je suis formée et reconnue pour faciliter ce processus. La technique est simple et puissante. 1heure de rire, sans raison, 1 heure de pleurs, sans raison et 1 heure en silence, à observer…. 2) Est-il possible de rire 1h puis ensuite de pleurer pendant 1 h pendant 1 semaine ? Il est difficile de s’imaginer avec sa tête, comment faire, c’est un processus à vivre! La solution adoptée par la plupart d’entre nous est souvent : « ravaler une autre couche ». + DE VIE be happy. ISRAEL - Daniel MEUROIS GIVAUDAN et Marie-Johanne CROTEAU MEUROIS. Links to web sites dealing with spirituality, meditation, new age, astrology and mysticism. Angel Valley Sedona. Modern Theosophy Blog - discussion of the Theosophical Movement. Radio Ville-Marie | Pour un sens à la vie! Spiritual India Trip — Preparing for India & research. Horoscope Astrology Jewelry < Astrological jewelry for all starsigns in the zodiac. Spirituality, religious views, religion and spirituality.

Yoga - history and tradition from India Information on hatha yoga and the other classic types of yoga. In Hinduism there are various types of yoga, but in the West Hatha Yoga has become most popular... Top Spiritual Blogs There aren't many spiritual blogs out there that I actually enjoy reading. Buddhism: practice, religious views and beliefs Buddhism is one of the most inspiring world philosophies. Quiz: Blavatsky facts and trivia Test your knowledge, your mettle, your trivia (not trivial) pursuit, your multiple choice skills. A Dummy's Guide to Spiritual Hitchhiking I was challenged to make this lens - A dummies guide to spiritual hitchhiking. Theosophy Blogs & Forums: religious and interfaith debate The latest from theosophists online. Videos about NDEs - Near Death Experiences Videos about Near Death Experiences: both reflection about the topic, as well as testimonies.

Holistic Consciousness, Enlightenment and Science Videos All Considering - spiritual blog. ADSL Broadband Plans - Phone Plans - Business Solutions - Web Hosting - Westnet Australia. About Us. Beliefnet, a property of BN Media, LLC, is the most comprehensive online resource for inspiration and spirituality. With a mission to help people find and walk a spiritual path that instills comfort, hope, strength and happiness for people who are exploring their own faith or are curious about others, Beliefnet is the leading source of spiritual information presented without a defined editorial point-of-view. Whether you're looking for spirituality, health and wellness, entertainment or more, Beliefnet has something for everyone. Click here to learn more about Beliefnet, our audience and what others are saying about us! Matthewfox. Wisdom quotes, facts and articles: Spirituality & Religions on Katinka Hesselink Net.

Welcome to A spirituality and psychology resource site. Enlightened Spirituality, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening. Spiritual Life. Ingredients of a Healthy Food | - Julie's Corner. We understand that food provides certain essential macronutrients, namely protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Without these nutrients in balance no diet can be completely healthy. However, some qualities of certain nutrients are healthier than others, and some foods provide these healthy items better than others.

Understanding the "ingredients" of a "healthy" food will help you to build a diet that can better fuel the body and prevent disease. Good Fats, Bad fats Not all fats are created equal. Polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, Omega-3's, and Omega-6's are elements of healthy foods; even though a serving of nuts may appear very high in fat, you'll notice that saturated fat quantities are low; the rest of come from this "good fat" category. Lean Protein Protein makes up our hair, nails, skin, blood, hormones, enzymes...the list goes on. Fiber Fiber, though not scientifically considered an essential nutrient, plays many important roles in healthy living and nutritious foods.

Vitamins. Favorite Inspirational Quotes: Great Quotes for Inspired Living. Islamic Networks Group. Teaching Tolerance. Pastor David Blunt. New Acropolis Canada School of Philosophy - Nouvelle Acropole Canada école de philosophie. Matthieu Ricard : 'Démystifier la méditation' Après avoir fait de la recherche en génie cellulaire, vous avez embrassé le bouddhisme, et vous êtes l’interprète en français du dalaï-lama. Pourquoi avoir consacré un livre à la méditation ? La méditation, cela ne veut rien dire en soi : on médite sur quelque chose. Ce n’est pas faire le vide dans son esprit, ce n’est pas se relaxer, c’est cultiver, développer certaines aptitudes, certaines facultés. Matthieu Ricard (à gauche) et le dalaï-lama, le 17 avril 1997, avant sa conférence de presse au Mémorial de la paix de Caen. Ayant vécu quarante ans dans l’Himalaya où j’ai médité 40 000 heures, je me suis retrouvé, en 2000, projeté dans la recherche en neurosciences.

Que montrent ces recherches des bienfaits de la méditation sur la santé ? Avec l’IRM, l’électroencéphalo-gramme, la présence de cortisone dans la salive qui mesure le stress, on note les différences entre un état au repos et un état méditatif, entre des sujets entraînés ou non. Comment définissez-vous la méditation ? CCCUN Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations.

The Carter Center: Advancing Human Rights and Alleviating Suffering.