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Anti-Adblock Killer. YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD. Top 20: Greasemonkey-Scripts. Show Password onMouseOver. Top 20: Greasemonkey-Scripts. Greasemonkey Makes Firefox Unbeatable. Greasemonkey is an excellent addon which makes Firefox a lot better.

Greasemonkey Makes Firefox Unbeatable

Unlike many other addons that let you do one particular thing, possibilities with this one are incredible. Greasemonkey extension lets you add so called ‘user scripts‘ which can add more functionalities or change the behavior of a web page. These scripts let you control any aspect of a web page’s design or interaction. For instance, you can add video download functionality to video sharing site like youtube, OR disable all ads on myspace OR change the appearance of gmail and lots lots more… So, how does it work? 1. is a directory currently listing over 2.000.000 Greasemonkey ‘user scripts’. Some of the popular script categories are: Installing user scripts is extremely easy, just click on the script’s install button and Greasemonkey will do the rest.

Tips: 1)Try to avoid installing scripts from elsewhere but Torrent Search Links for Greasemonkey. Script Summary: The script adds links to various torrent trackers/indices, Spotify, Grooveshark, Wikipedia, Google, Discogs, Rate Your Music, MusicBrainz, Amazon and allmusic to artist, album and similar-artists pages and Rate Your Music album and artist pages. Torrent Search Links for Greasemonkey

BookInfoLine. Compare book prices from various book stores. for Greasemonkey. Make sure to use latest version of FireFox: Support American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) by ordering gifts from amazon: support us: in the UK: What:LittleBird.

BookInfoLine. Compare book prices from various book stores. for Greasemonkey

Compare book prices from various book stores while you are looking at a book on a site of your choice (amazon, abebooks, half, etc...) LittleBird is a free open source greasemonkey script for Firefox that works on any operating system (Mac, PC, Unix),(also workes on Google Chrome with GreaseMetal addon, and on Internet Explorer, but you need to figure how) Why:This is an ideal script for people who buy a lot of books online, especially books are that are hard to find, rare, and out of print. Script Summary:Skip extra time and steps of going to "price comparison sites".

In order to use this script you will need: 1. If you have comments, suggestions, ideas, requests for updates please email to: (eastwoodreaders at

Amazon Greasemonkey

eBay Greasemonkey. Ikariam Greasemonkey. Pixiv Translation Plus for Greasemonkey. About This is a new version of Pixiv Translation with a focus on adding usability enhancements in addition to updating and maintaining a list of translations.

Pixiv Translation Plus for Greasemonkey

Changelog Version 20130702 (07/02/13) • Fixed menu not opening on Firefox 22 • Added a better method to export custom translations Version 20130418 (04/18/13) • Stop blocking all iframes as ads • Stop using and delete localStorage if GM_setValue is available. Pixiv - It's fun drawing!

Online community for artists[pixiv] "HTTPS, please!" for Greasemonkey. Attention, please!

"HTTPS, please!" for Greasemonkey

There are some small bugs in the current version 0.1.3 which (hopefully) will be fixed in the next version. But the development of "HTTPS, please! " is currently freezed! Why? It´s more secure (and more effective) to change the transfer protocol with an Add-On and not with a Userscript !!! With an Add.On it`s not only possible to change the transfer protocol of all elements from a given webpage - no matter if visible or hidden (e.g. scripts and stylesheets).

I strongly encourage you to use a Add-On for all links which you`ve included into your personal filterlists (or which are included in the first predefined whitelist of "HTTPS, please! "). "So, for what can I use "HTTPS, please! " You`ll be able to use "HTTPS, please! " The personal filterlists will remain in "HTTPS, please! " And at least there will be several small new features. Thanks for notice and your patience! With best regards, Sebastian Lang. :: Firefox :: ::Add-ons:: Greasemonkey. Greasemonkey (von englisch grease monkey für „(Kfz-)Mechaniker“,[2] wörtlich „Schmieraffe“, im Deutschen umgangssprachlich auch „Schmiermaxe“) heißt eine Erweiterung zum Webbrowser Mozilla Firefox, welche die Implementierung des Konzeptes Active Browsing ermöglicht.


Greasespot. Wiki. Main Page - GreaseSpot. Power-ups for your browser. Greasemonkey. Greasemonkey. User Script Compiler. Dive Into Greasemonkey Deutsche Version. GreaseKit - User Scripting for all WebKit applications. Greasemonkey. Greasemonkey is a Mozilla Firefox extension that allows users to install scripts that make on-the-fly changes to web page content after or before the page is loaded in the browser (also known as augmented browsing).


The changes made to the web pages are executed every time the page is viewed, making them effectively permanent for the user running the script. Greasemonkey can be used for customizing page appearance, adding new functions to web pages (for example, embedding price comparisons within shopping sites), fixing rendering bugs, combining data from multiple web pages, and numerous other purposes.

History[edit] The Greasemonkey project began 28 November 2004, written by Aaron Boodman.[4][5][6] Boodman was inspired to write Greasemonkey after looking at a Firefox extension designed to clean up the interface of Allmusic.[7] This extension was written by Adrian Holovaty, who later became a userscript developer.[edit] Technical details[edit]

Greasemonkey-users. (99+) greasemonkey-users. Greasemonkey/greasemonkey. 410 Gone. Greasemonkey. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


En mars 2012, près de 75 000 scripts sont mis à disposition au grand public par les internautes qui les ont conçus[6]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Sur les autres projets Wikimedia :