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SoundCloud Community Forum. Can't confirm e-mail, page won't load. I'm trying to confirm my e-mail, but the page will not load. I've also tried selecting "e-mail settings" on the upload page and this page... Problem with soundcloud player on facebook page Hey, i'm having a problem when i post a soundcloud link to my music page.

The actual player isn't coming up on my page, only the link wit... Is the daily follow limit always the same for every user? Hi. How do i change the size of the mobile audio cache on android? The new Soundcloud app on android looks good, taking googles material design into effect, but it seems to be missing some features. Can i retrieving whole the songs that I had deleted? I need to retrieve all my info (songs) of my account that i had deleted, if somebody can helps me i will be so thankful "Not available in your country", but other users from same country can listen, not me. I Can't change my profile pic. I can't send new private messages From a few days ago I can't send new private messages. Rádio universitária web: reflexões sobre um modelo em construção | Figueiredo | Revista Brasileira de Administração Científica.

AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) - ECIS 2014 Proceedings: FROM PESTS TO PETS: EFFECTS OF OPEN CONTENT LICENSING ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF MUSIC. Paper Type Research-in-Progress Paper Description As digital music proliferates, consumers increasingly illegally share the music that they love; music distributors complain that this erodes their profits. While most existing research has characterized illegal sharing as harmful to music distributors, some research has shown that it also has positive effects in marketing the music more widely, which opens secondary but substantial profit opportunities. This article examines the emerging phenomenon of open music licensing as an unexplored solution to the challenges posed to musicians and music distributors: like the woman who caught five pesky mice and turned them into pets, some musicians have chosen to legalize sharing of their music.

Our analyses show that open-licensed tracks on the SoundCloud platform have been more widely distributed than all-rights-reserved tracks. CiNii Articles -  RJ-007 A Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis of User Commenting Behavior on an Online Music Distribution Site. We analyze user behavior on, a web-based music distribution site, using the methodology of computer-mediated discourse analysis. The broad goal is to infer patterns of use that can inform the development of methods to facilitate communication among online users. In order to achieve this goal, we analyze SoundCloud comments and identify site design features that facilitate users' actions, using speech act analysis and dynamic topic analysis.

We address two research questions: What are the most common communicative acts on the music distribution site, and which commenting function of the site contributes most to facilitating interactive commenting? Results of speech act analysis show that 56% of comments are REACT which means site users mostly react to the song in short, simple comments. Additionally the users tend to be more interactive when using the timed comment function, which appear below the song waveform, provided by the site. CiNii 論文 -  RJ-007 A Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis of User Commenting Behavior on an Online Music Distribution Site. Patentti US8688615 - Content selection based on consumer interactions - Google Patents. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/819,529 filed Jun. 21, 2010, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) to U.S.

Provisional Application No. 61/220, 914, entitled “Content selection based on consumer interactions,” filed Jun. 26, 2009, and the entirety of each is herein incorporated by reference. People today are often overwhelmed by choice when deciding what music to which to listen. As a person is presented with more and more options, a person may find selecting appropriate music to listen to, etc. at a given time increasingly difficult. Several methods for automation of music selection exist that people may use. To select a next piece of music using attribute-identification techniques, the attributes of pieces of music available for selection are analyzed to identify attributes of the pieces of music.

In one embodiment, there is provided a machine adapted to select content to be presented to a consumer. Sounding Out Social Media. <i>SoundCloud</i> In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: As librarians and archivists, we engage constantly with questions relating to licensing, copyright, fair use, and open access, and we can expect to do more of it with the growth in online education and increasing user expectations of immediate access. Simultaneously, we need not look far for examples of the perils involved, as content industries have moved to protect their business models and neutralize the inherent ability of their digital “Read/Only” tokens to become “Read/Write,” to borrow Lawrence Lessig’s terminology, to anyone with a computer, broadband access, and the will to do so.

In the digital audio economy, as elsewhere, it has become commonplace for the content industry to lump together as piracy the activities of the amateur musician, the remix artist, the audio archivist, and the user of illegal peer-to-peer file sharing networks. SoundCloud operates on a freemium model. The Complexities and ‘Price’ of SoundCloud Going Legit - Jersey Demic. Guest post by Alaister Moughan The debate on the future of the music business and the streaming economy is often framed by discussions of user base and per stream payments. What these parameters leave out is the business practices which bring about these rates. This article utilizes SoundCloud as a contemporary case study to examine these practices and reveal the backdrop of complexity. Combined with the interests and music business practices of different parties: content owners, recording artists, songwriters, and users – the situation becomes as tangled a set of neglected Christmas tree lights. Sorting through this entanglement and being conscious of how the wires cross is a crucial exercise in informing and shedding light on the frustrated discourse that accompanies the ‘streaming debate.’

Why Does SoundCloud Need a License Without this permission, SoundCloud relies upon the notice and takedown procedures of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). So SoundCloud needs a license. 1. The Complexities and ‘Price’ of SoundCloud Going Legit. Combined with the interests and music business practices of different parties: content owners, recording artists, songwriters, and users - the situation becomes as tangled a set of neglected Christmas tree lights. Sorting through this entanglement and being conscious of how the wires cross is a crucial exercise in informing and shedding light on the frustrated discourse that accompanies the ‘streaming debate.’ Why Does SoundCloud Need a License SoundCloud is the latest music streaming service to go legitimate, by actively seeking the permission of content owners whose music SoundCloud’s users have or might upload. Without this permission, SoundCloud relies upon the notice and takedown procedures of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Under the DMCA system, SoundCloud only had the responsibility to remove any infringing content they are made aware of (Davis). So SoundCloud needs a license. What Licenses Does SoundCloud Need (i) Composition (Songwriter/Publisher) Performance Royalty. A content-based system for music recommendation and visualization of user preferences working on sem...

De la chambre au « cloud » ? Fonction documentaire du son et énonciation éditoriale des « players audio » Hal.archives-ouvertes. Eric Wahlforss (SoundCloud) : "Je ne vois pas ce qui nous empêcherait de compter un milliard d'utilisateurs" Alors que les rumeurs ont évoqué l'échec du rachat de SoundCloud par Twitter, son cofondateur évoque le futur du service de musique en ligne. JDN. Comment est née SoundCloud et quel en est le concept ? Eric Wahlforss. Moi et mon cofondateur (Alexander Ljung) sommes à la base des musiciens. Je précise tout de même que notre contenu audio ne se limite pas uniquement à la musique et s'étend également aux podcasts ou encore aux chaînes de radios. Comment Soundcloud se différencie t-elle des autres plateformes de streaming musical, comme par exemple Spotify ?

La première grande différence est que nous sommes une plateforme dédiée aux créateurs. Comment la plateforme a t-elle évolué au fil des années ? "Soundcloud a été conçu pour les créateurs" Lorsque nous avons conçu Soundcloud, nous avons d'abord pensé la plateforme pour des professionnels tels que nous.

Sur quoi repose justement votre modèle de revenus ? En quoi consiste le programme "On Soundcloud" ? "Mon conseil aux entrepreneurs ? Filtrage : Quand SoundCloud joue au RoboCopyright. SoundCloud, le service de partage de sons et de musiques en streaming, avait jusqu’à présent l’image d’une plateforme plutôt ouverte et innovante, avec son API largement disponible et la possibilité qu’il donnait à ses utilisateurs d’utiliser les licences Creative Commons. Cette image a cependant été sévèrement écornée ces derniers jours.

Un changement de politique dans l’application du droit d’auteur a en effet provoqué une réaction virulente de la part des usagers. Avec sa nouvelle politique en matière de droit d’auteur, SoundClound pourrait bien entrer en conflit avec les DJ, qui constitue une partie importante de ses utilisateurs. Une pétition, "SoundCloud : change your copyright policy", a été lancée par le DJ et producteur français, Stephan Hedfors. Il reproche à la nouvelle politique du site d’entraîner des retraits arbitraires de contenus originaux postés par des utilisateurs de bonne foi. Traduction : Soundcloud était un outil intéressant de promotion pour les musiciens. Quand et pourquoi utiliser Mixcloud à la place de Soundcloud? | LA VOIX DES LABELS. SoundCloud double ses pertes et peine à attirer les majors. Les finances de SoundCloud ne sont pas bonnes.

Le site de streaming audio a creusé ses pertes l'an dernier. De plus, ses négociations avec les majors patinent, alors qu'elles sont vitales sur le plan légal. La popularité de SoundCloud lui coûte cher. Le site de partage audio attire 175 millions d'utilisateurs actifs mensuels. Une croissance rapide qui a inévitablement entraîné une hausse des coûts d'infrastructure et de fonctionnement, mais qui ne s'est toujours pas accompagnée d'une monétisation suffisante pour afficher un résultat positif. Sur l'exercice comptable 2013, SoundCloud a doublé sa perte, à 29,2 millions de dollars. « Nous sommes dans une phase de croissance où nous voulons positionner SoundCloud comme plateforme leader pour écouter, créer et partager du son », explique la société dans son document financier. « Cela a nécessité des investissements dans la technologie, les ressources humaines et le marketing.

A lire également : Filtrage : Quand SoundCloud joue au RoboCopyright.

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