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Stigmergie - stigmergy une collaboration instinctive ?

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For Government. What is Assembl?

for Government

Assembl is an online application that enables hundreds or even thousands of people to work together effectively on the definition of new ideas. The application supports the belief that with the proper conditions, people working together can think smarter than any one member of the group could alone. There are two key factors for the creation of collective intelligence: The larger the group of people, the larger the number of ideas that will be generated. This is why Assembl is designed for groups as large as several thousand people.The more people believe their views are being treated with respect, the more likely it is that creative ideas will emerge. Traditional collective intelligence software tends to refine ideas from one person. Assembl is designed to facilitate the co-creation of new ideas by many people. In terms of public policy, collective intelligence allows officials to engage with citizens in order to better take into account their ideas and needs.

My PhD. Citation: Elliott, Dr Mark Alan (2007) Stigmergic Collaboration: A Theoretical Framework for Mass Collaboration.

My PhD

PhD thesis, Centre for Ideas, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne. Status: examination complete, final bound version submitted, graduated! Supervisors: Elizabeth Presa, Sean Cubitt, Warren Burt Examiners: Howard Rheingold, Francis Heylighen - read examination reportsWord count (approximate): 52,000Download: PDF version (30MB) Read Online (chapters will appear below as they are available): 0.

Creative Projects: The below links point to the online projects undertaken as part of this PhD. MetaCollab.netAustralian Bill of Rights Initiative This thesis presents an application-oriented theoretical framework for generalised and specific collaborative contexts with a special focus on Internet-based mass collaboration. Stigmergy. Kind people have stigmergically translated this article into German, French, and Spanish.


This article is part of a series now incorporated into : ‘Binding Chaos’. Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the same or a different agent. In that way, subsequent actions tend to reinforce and build on each other, leading to the spontaneous emergence of coherent, apparently systematic activity.

Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. A personality based system can never allow for mass collaboration on a global scale without representation such as that seen in organizations like the United Nations. Currently, the typical response to a situation which requires an action is to create a noun, in the form of a committee, commission, organization, corporation, ngo, government body, etc. Most systems are now run by competitive organizations. Nodes. La stigmergie: un nouveau modèle de gouvernance collaborative. Si le modèle concurrentiel crée des redondances et gâche des ressources sur la protection des idées, la publicité et autre, le modèle coopératif gâche beaucoup de temps et de ressources à discuter et à discuter les discussions.

La stigmergie: un nouveau modèle de gouvernance collaborative

Entre ces deux modèles, la stigmergie, une nouvelle méthode de gouvernance inspirée du mode d’organisation des insectes sociaux, pourrait offrir un modèle alternatif plus adapté à la collaboration dans des grands groupes. C’est quoi la stigmergie ? Définition de la stigmergie par Wikipédia : Application du modèle stigmergique aux organisations La théoricienne Heather Marsh a écrit un article remarquable sur l’application de principes issus de la stigmergie à la collaboration dans des grands groupes et comme une méthode de gouvernance alternative à mi-chemin entre les organisations fonctionnant sur un modèle de compétition celles fonctionnant sur un modèle de coopération.

Voici une copie de l’article traduit. Stigmergie Le problème des organisations actuelles Nœuds.