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Twitter Marketing Tips: 50 Ways to FAIL on Twitter. Like many others, I scoffed at Twitter when I first heard of it. What use could sending short messages to people I don’t know be? The mental leap from IM and Facebook status updates to Twitter makes it easier, but business use seemed pointless at first. As I noticed more of my Search, Social and PR industry peers using Twitter, it seemed a good idea to test out. While I don’t have a million followers, or even 100,000, I’ve found out that for my purposes, quality is the key and the 13k or so followers I am lucky to be associated with are appreciated a lot more. Being strategically useful and helpful builds trust, attracts influential followers (vs bots and spammers) and results in a new channel for social networking. Twitter Marketing tips are not hard to come by. 50+ Awesome Twitter Tips to become a Pro.

25 Jul 2009 Home » collection • social media • twitter » 50+ Awesome Twitter Tips to become a Pro Twitter has grown a lot and they are millions of users using it. Now when you are newbie or even as a twitter user you need tips to make your twitter experience fabulous. Here is a roundup of 50 twitter tips by various experts which would help you to become an expert on twitter. You Might Also Like These :400+ Beautiful Twitter Icons for your Website If you like this post you might want to subscribe to my blog or follow me on twitter Twitter Basics 1. A really great video by CommonCraft which explains what is Twitter 2. It covers the basics of retweeting and also highlights some of the best web and mobile-based tools for retweeting and tracking RTs in real-time. 3.

Talks about what is a Hashtag and how to identify them and much more.. 4. Just Tells you what exactly this infective thing known as followfriday is. 6. 7. An Awesome Slide for twitter newbies. The Twitter Tutorial 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. Twitter. Orkut - login. Delicious. Flixster - Share Movie Reviews and Movie Ratings With Your Friends. Myspace | Social Entertainment. Dashboard Everything.

Like Button Reveals More Than Friends Realize. I'm not sure why but I saw this and it made me nervous. I felt I was peaking into a neighbor's window when I landed upon the website. When I wear my marketer's hat (as I did for this Adweek interview) everything seems just fine. But maybe it isn't or maybe it just takes getting used to. Does this worry you? This website is a mashup of "like" button activity among your friends around the Internet. A dashboard of what your friends are finding important and are liking on websites beyond Facebook. What makes it unusual is that in those moments of liking something, your friends aren't thinking about who or what else is going to be seeing their actions. The benefits to marketers is undeniable and as long as companies look at the data in an anonymized fashion that's fine too.

Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills. 157 of the Most Useful Websites on the Internet. How to Find Great Keyword Traffic. 8 Youtube Creative Tools You’ve Probably Not Seen! And Are Gonna Love! 8 Youtube Creative Tools You’ve Probably Not Seen! And Are Gonna Love! YouTube has been building out it’s collection of Add-ons and the results are pretty darn cool! Over at you can find these 8 cool toys, most of which have been designed to work with YouTube but are partnerships with other companies. What’s really fantastic about this is that majority of these are video editors (and a few creators) that really streamline the creation process and make it easier to edit videos “on the go” right in the browser than ever before!

The YouTube Video Editor (product of YouTube) is deeply integrated in the site and I wrote about them before. I also suggest having a close look at WeVideo which accomplishes a lot of what Windows Movie Maker can do and since it runs in the browser is available to Mac/PC/Linux. I think you’re really going to not only ENJOY this collection but also find a lot of cool ways you can bring video to your audience.

Related Posts: How to Add a Welcome Page to Your Facebook Fan Page. 99 Essential Twitter Tools And Applications. 99 Essential Twitter Tools And Applications Advertisement If you haven’t heard of Twitter1 by now, you must be living under a rock! It is everywhere, and everyone is using it. To say that the rise of Twitter has been explosive would be an understatement. As a result of this growth, the number of Twitter apps and tools available has become extensive.

Below, we present 99 Essential Twitter Tools and Applications, split into the following categories: Tools and Productivity Apps, Statistics and Analytics, Find New Twitter Friends Apps, Search Twitter Apps, Web-Based Mobile Apps, WordPress Twitter Plug-Ins, Adobe Air Twitter Apps and Firefox Twitter Extensions. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Tools and Productivity Apps Twittercal6 Twittercal is a service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar and lets you add events easily, directly from your Twitter account. Twitpay7 TwitPay is a simple way to send payments via Twitter. Mr. Search Twitter Apps.