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Generation Y

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BUSINESS IMPACT. MIT Technology Review publishes bi-monthly reports on the intersection of technology and business.


The Business Report gives executives and entrepreneurs consistently valuable insights into how emerging technologies can transform companies, disrupt markets, or create entirely new industries. Long a multibillion-dollar industry in their own right, video and computer games are now affecting a broad range of businesses. The appetites of game players are driving social and mobile technologies. Games are being used to train and manage employees, as well as to encourage customer loyalty and reduce health-care costs. November 2011 Special Business Report A downloadable special report + charts and infographicsProfiles of leading companies highlighted in the sectorComplete WEB access to the special report. Digital Millennials: R U Ready. CIO. Gen Y Traits in the Workplace Unveiled CIO. CIO — You know the typical labels associated with Gen Y, or people between the ages of 18 and 29: They are more tech-savvy than other generations, are achievement-oriented and, some would say, are an entitled group that's infiltrating the workforce.

Gen Y Traits in the Workplace Unveiled CIO

A new study released today takes a closer look at this generation and its employment trends—with statistics culled from the social network that defines Gen Y: Facebook. Millennial Branding together with, studied 4 million Gen Y Facebook profiles to obtain better insight into how members of this generation operate professionally—a topic of increasing importance as they are projected to make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025. According to the study, only 7 percent of Gen Y reports working for a Fortune 500 company—a statistic in line with another report that predicts that 40 percent of the Fortune 500 will no longer exist 10 years from now.

PwC Survey: Millennials at work 2011. of Millennial Careers Report.pdf. Gen Y will change the rules » Pulse of Week » society » 05.03.2012 | By Hryhoriy Nikonov “This is such a sophisticated and confident generation that we have not seen for years.

Gen Y will change the rules » Pulse of Week » society »

5 Ways Gen Y Is Changing Your Business, Like It Or Not. Top 10 Social Media Tools the Savvy Generation Y Can’t Live Without - News. From Zoofs to Flickr, Technorati to Stickr, here are the top 10 social media tools the savvy Generation Y cant live without in the latest guest blog...

Top 10 Social Media Tools the Savvy Generation Y Can’t Live Without - News

Entrepreneur or no entrepreneur, if youre honest, you know you cant live without the many amazing things that Web 2.0 has brought to your life. Twitter anyone? Facebook? Admit it. Much like yours truly, theres just so much you can do using the power of the internet that you cant possibly imagine a world without it. But of course, living in the Web 2.0 world is different from living with the Web 2.0 world. Using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is just the tip of a very popular iceberg. Communicating with Gen Y. Tips for Communicating with Gen Y Employees: Gen Y employees (often described as those born after 1980) are typically technologically savvy and creative, with lots of energy, strong informal networks and a fresh perspective.

Communicating with Gen Y

Employers Change Corporate HR Policies to Cater to Generation Y, Survey Finds CIO. CIO — Generation Y, those brash, überconfident youngsters typically defined as born between 1982 and 2005, are taking corporate America by storm.

Employers Change Corporate HR Policies to Cater to Generation Y, Survey Finds CIO

They expect promotions, flexible work schedules, lots of vacation time and more money, as if those benefits were their right, not something to be earned. But because Generation Y represents the workforce of the future, employers are changing stodgy HR policies in response to their demands, according to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder and Harris Interactive. The survey of 2,546 hiring managers and human resources professionals was designed to explore the challenges, benefits and impact of Generation Y's entrance into the workforce, said Rosemary Haefner, CareerBuilder's vice president of human resources, via e-mail. The research was conducted in June 2007.

Gamification. Categorization[edit] Gamification in a narrow sense is used in a non-game context, is built into the service system, and is aiming at an infinite experience.


It does not aim at creating a game but offering a gameful experience. In a broader sense gamification also includes game context such as in serious games and finite and infinite games.[20] Another categorization compares gamification with other gameful approaches by looking at characteristics such as spontaneity, rules, or goals:[20] Techniques[edit] La gamification : une solution pour sensibiliser la génération Y. Gen Y, Gen X and the Baby Boomers: Workplace Generation Wars CIO. CIO — Think the generation gap went out with bell-bottoms and love beads?

Gen Y, Gen X and the Baby Boomers: Workplace Generation Wars CIO

Think again. Take a good look around your IT department. Who’s that cohabiting in the cubes outside your door? Gen Y vs. Gen X: Who Causes More IT Headaches? CIO. CIO — You've heard the Gen Y stereotypes before: They're lazy workers, exude entitlement and have been reared on social technologies that they bring into the workplace, whether IT departments like it or not.

Gen Y vs. Gen X: Who Causes More IT Headaches? CIO

A new Forrester Research (FORR) report sheds light on the latter issue, finding that Gen Y workers actually are not much different than Gen Xers or in some cases, even Baby Boomers, when it comes to their views on technology. Businesses should consider and rely more on this Gen Y group of employees when implementing policies and technologies, Forrester advises. Take, for example, this statistic: Among the first wave of Gen Y'ers that graduated college in 2001 or 2002, 52 percent have been in their current role between three and 10 years, according to the report. Twenty-seven percent of Gen Y'ers are now managers or executives in businesses. [How CIOs Can Devise a Social Business Strategy] Génération Y. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Génération Y

Supporting Generation Y at Work. Management Techniques for Bringing Out the Best in Generation Y CIO. CIO — Over the next two decades, 76 million Americans will be retiring and only 46 million will be entering the workplace to replace them, according to the American Society of Training and Development. The vast majority of those 46 million workers will be from Generation Y, also known as the Millennial generation. There's been a lot of talk recently about Generation Y. Its members, born between 1982 and 2005, are known for their sense of entitlement, outspokenness, inability to take criticism, and technological sophistication. Génération Y, le choc des cultures en entreprise. Ils posent sans cesse des questions, n'imaginent pas faire toute leur carrière dans la même société, sont connectés sur les réseaux sociaux pendant leurs heures de travail, ont troqué leur costard-cravate contre un uniforme jean-baskets...

Les nouveaux salariés bouleversent les codes de l'entreprise. In Defense of Gen Y Workers CIO. CIO — We’ve been called an entitled generation. We’ve been called spoiled. We’ve been called brats. What we are, old folk, is different. We have been raised with technology; we know what’s good and we won’t settle for less. ‘Generation Y’ is dead, long live ‘Generation T’ I wasn’t aware of all the different labels that have been assigned in the past, but here is a brief overview (for those who are equally in the dark): The Lost Generation: Those who fought in World War I (born pre-1900)The Greatest Generation: Veterans of World War II (born 1901-1924)The Silent Generation: Also known as ‘War Babies’ (born 1925-1945)The Baby-Boomers: Those born in post-war boom and are generally attributed with(born 1946-1964)Generation X: (born 1960′s to early 1980′s)Generation Y: Also known as ‘Millennials’ or the ‘Net Generation’.

This label is more about their attitude (born between late 1970′s to early 2000′s)Generation Z: Also known as the ‘Internet Generation’ (born early-mid 2000′s) From what I can see the movement from one categorisation of generation to another has been about the enlightenment of the individuals to their surrounding based on different elements of cultural and economic influences. However, I think this only applies to the earlier classifications. The generation Y revolution: new attitudes, new expectations - 19 Mar 2012 - Computing Opinion. The age of the multi-device, always-connected workplace is upon us, and many changes are driven by the needs and expectations of the workforce itself.

As the demographics of organisations shift, the challenge is now on for CIOs to prepare for the needs of the new generation of workers as they comprise the majority of the workforce. This evolution looks set to have a significant impact on the way we interact with the devices, applications and systems that we use and how they are developed, designed and supported. Generation Y: 'The cloud just works'; but should you care why? Zack Whittaker is in Portland, Oregon. This week I attended the Intel's 'Day in the Cloud' event in Portland, Oregon, which focused on the latest happenings in cloud computing and the next generation of datacenters.

In this series of posts, I explore cloud computing and the effect and impact it has on the next generation IT worker, its perception by Generatiion Y's in an educational setting and as consumers. During my time here, I've spent the vast majority of my time with cloud experts, vendors, service providers, journalists but mostly high-definition geek zombies who vomited tech talk in my face. Then again, I realised this week that I've spent more time in air flying across the world than actually on the Earth itself.

And then it came to me in a fizz of conjecture. Once the jetlag had worn off, I remembered who I was. Oh, and rather handsome it seems. I digress. The fact of the matter is the vast majority of younger consumers are just that: consumers. Take Facebook. Cloud, Mobility and Generation-Y. During the preparations of a few upcoming presentations I noticed a recurring pattern. The presentations all center around the changes we see in information technology and the effects on our lives. Technology and especially information technology has always been very good in selling us the latest and the greatest in technology development, currently it's all about cloud and mobile computing. For me these technology developments are nothing more than the logical evolution of what we already had, what really excites me are the new opportunities they are creating.

Le Cloud computing porté par la génération Y. Les entreprises éprouvent des difficultés à recruter et fidéliser les nouveaux talents de la génération Y. Aujourd’hui, il n’est pas rare d’entendre des collègues de travail dirent qu’ils sont mieux équipés en informatique chez eux qu’au travail. Pour les jeunes actifs de la génération Y, les usages et les modes de consommation doivent changer. La Génération Y a développé de nouveaux usages et une consommation différente des nouvelles technologies Différents de la précédente (génération X), les individus nés entre la fin des années 70 et le milieu des années 90 possède des aptitudes communes : Ils ont une grande capacité à accomplir plusieurs taches en même temps et demandent un retour sur investissement rapide (reconnaissance ou prime).

Vous trouverez plus de détails sur Le Blog qui vous permet de mieux comprendre, former et manager la Generation Y.