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The Man Who Never Gave Up (175 Pound Transformation) Reseachers Find Wonderful Uses For This Garden Weed. Prevent Disease A common weed could help cure skin cancers, claim researchers. The sap from a plant known as petty spurge or milkweed – found by roadsides and in woodland – can ‘kill’ certain types of cancer cells when applied to the skin. It works on non-melanoma skin cancers, which affect millions each year. They are triggered by sun damage and, although not usually fatal, can be disfiguring without treatment. The plant has been used for centuries as a traditional folk medicine to treat conditions such as warts, asthma and several types of cancer. But for the first time a team of scientists in Australia has carried out a clinical study of sap from Euphorbia peplus, which is related to Euphorbia plants grown in gardens in the UK.

The study of 36 patients with a total of 48 non-melanoma lesions included basal cell carcinomas (BCC), squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and intraepidermal carcinomas (IEC), a growth of cancerous cells confined to the outer layer of the skin. Source: Prevent Disease. 131 Heirloom Seed Companies by Region. Avoid These Veggies – Even if They’re Organic.

Avoid These Veggies – Even if They’re Organic by DR MERCOLA Fruits and vegetables—apparently even organically-grown varieties—may have cow-, pig-, and chicken collagen coatings on them rather than wax, as well as a number of other unsavory ingredients. Wax was first applied to the skins of fruits and vegetables for longer shelf life hundreds of years ago. Today, that tradition is being carried on with a new generation of chemicals and compounds I’d rather NOT have on my fresh produce… Modified Atmospheric Packaging While I normally do not feature blog posts, this instance is a rare exception, as I thought this Reality Blog report contained quite a bit of worth-while details.

So, could that rubbery peel be a form of sprayed-on MAP, designed to prolong shelf life of fresh produce? Edible “Invisible Packaging” is More Common than You Might Think “Park and others (1994) reported the successful application of a corn-zein film to extend the shelf life of tomatoes. Is it Safe to Eat? Furthermore: Study Finds These 3 Essential Oils More Effective at Bacteria Inhibition than Mainstream Disinfectants.

By CASE ADAMS As the battle against superbugs like MRSA and other hospital-acquired infections rages on, researchers have determined that oils derived from plants outperform the antiseptic chlorhexidine and even ethanol in the inhibition of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The researchers – from Australia’s Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital – tested a number of extracts derived from plants, including Tea Tree oil, Lemongrass oil, and Eucalyptus oil – against several of the most deadly antibiotic-resistant superbugs. These included Klebsiella pneumoniae, MRSA - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, VRE - vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and ESBL-producing Escherichia coli.

The testing was carried out in a laboratory. The researchers also tested the same bacteria strains against the two most popular antiseptic products used to disinfect hands, hospital equipment and bedsides – chlorhexidine and ethanol, commonly termed rubbing alcohol. Physician Prescribes Coconut Oil And Successfully Cures Alzheimer’s Disease. By NATASHA LONGO What if there was an actual cure for diseases such as alzheimer’s disease, parkinson’s, ALS, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, and even autism? What if that cure was not a drug and available at many health food and even grocery retailers? What if you could be incorporating something into your diet right now that is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, helps with weight-loss and is one of the richest sources of healthy sources of fat? I know it sounds to good to be true but coconut oil can do all these things. It’s natural, widely available and thankfully not a patented. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest cooking and edible oils in the world.

It is extracted from the kernel of matured coconuts in typically tropical regions. In the video above, Dr. Dr. After incorporating coconut oil into his diet, Steve Newport began passing specific clock tests designed to help diagnose Alzheimer’s patients. Dr. Source: Prevent Disease Image: Flickr/Yim Hafiz Alzheimer'sCoconut Oilnatural cures.

45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off. Most people are familiar with the traditional uses for lemons to soothe sore throats and add some citrus flavor to our foods. However the diversity of applications for lemons far exceeds general knowledge and once you read the following list, you’ll likely want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24-7. 1. Freshen the Fridge Remove refrigerator odors with ease. Dab lemon juice on a cotton ball or sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Make sure to toss out any malodorous items that might be causing the bad smell. 2. High Blood Pressure Lemon contains potassium which controls high blood pressure and reduces the effect of nausea and dizziness. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

. * If you do consume lemon peel, stick to organic lemons to reduce your pesticide exposure. Source: Prevent Disease Eat More FruitLemon Related Posts. Natural News Blogs DIY Recipes You Might Want To Lick Off Your Face! Herbs transform skin care into fragrant, potent skin food that you might be tempted to eat. Actually, some of these recipes ARE edible and work as therapeutically internally as they do externally.

Face masks can bring skin into balance by delivering healing levels of nutrients to the skin. Creating your own recipes allows you to determine the right ingredients that work ideally with your skin type. They’re extremely versatile depending on the results you wish to achieve. Tip: Introduce new herbs, oils, or products slowly so that skin has time to adjust and so that you discover what works for you or what causes an adverse reaction — like a rash. Some redness or tingling on the skin during or after a mask is normal and desirable as it stimulates blood flow to the skin and elicits a healing response.

Start out with a lovely herbal steam to open pores and prep your skin to receive nutrients. You will need: Choose any herb that appeals to you. Directions: Result? Directions: Result? 1 Tbs. 22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism. By ARJUN WALIA Concerns regarding vaccinations continue to increase exponentially in light of all of the information and documentation that has surfaced over the past few years. As a result, corporate media has responded to alternative media, stating that the increase of persons who are choosing to opt out of vaccines and the recommended vaccine schedule is a result of ‘fear mongering.’ This may not be too surprising as the corporate media is owned by the major vaccine manufacturers, and the major vaccine manufacturers are owned by corporate media(1)(2)(3)(4).

Given this fact, it’s easy to fathom the possibility that these institutions are desperately trying to protect the reputation of their product. Vaccines and Autism, Both Sides of The Coin Here we will simply present information from both sides of the coin because many are not even aware that two sides exist. The vaccine-autism debate has been going on for years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. This Video Will Make You Never Want To Eat Lobster Again. It’s the age of information, and the internet has become an excellent tool for sharing and coming together to spread awareness to begin taking necessary action towards global change. Collective Evolution recently received an email from PETA, showing their interest in working together to spread the word about animal cruelty worldwide. It’s just another example of alternative media outlets working together as a team.

We all recognize that we are working towards a common goal, and the potential we have when we come together is unlimited and far-reaching. If you haven’t checked them out, please do so here. PETA’s groundbreaking investigation of mass crustacean slaughter recorded animals who were ripped apart and boiled alive for Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster. Lobsters and crabs feel pain. Lobsters are like us in many ways; they have a long childhood and an awkward adolescence.

Around 2.3 million lobsters and countless crabs will be killed at this slaughterhouse this year alone. Take Action Here. Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare. (NaturalNews) Much to the dismay of many pharmaceutical giants and doctors who reap big rebate checks from recommending chemotherapy treatments, Nigella sativa has been proven over and over again to successfully treat cancer without the use of conventional treatments. Nigella sativa has been shown to be effective against numerous cancers, such as pancreatic, colon, prostate, breast and even brain cancers. Indeed, Nigella sativa is cancer's worst nightmare and a ray of hope for people who may have died otherwise. Statistics show that the success rates of people using chemotherapy over a five year period is only 2.1 percent. Nigella sativa on the other hand was proven to annihilate pancreatic tumor cells at the rate of 80 percent. Chemotherapy has many side effects and one of the side effects is the possibility of secondary cancers.

Secondary cancers are very aggressive and may occur from tumor reseeding. Presently, there are 462 published studies on the efficacy of Nigella sativa. 1). Jojoba oil will work wonders for your hair and skin. (NaturalNews) If you live in the United States, then you won't have to go too far in order to find jojoba shrubs, as they grow in the southern regions of the country, in addition to other areas in Mexico and Africa. The jojoba seed is very rich in essential fatty acids, and it is best used topically as an oil-based product.

The oil is filled with important nutrients, such as vitamins B and E, plus minerals such as copper, chromium and zinc. It has been known to work wonders for the hair and skin, which explains why more and more beauty salons use products based on its wonderful oil. It just may be the best possible moisturizer available, as it doesn't evaporate to the same extent or at the same speed as most water-based products do. The ongoing perception is that jojoba can balance the skin's oil production much like sebum usually does. It's also important to note that jojoba oil keeps its beneficial properties much longer than most other oils which often become rancid over time. Long-term oral contraceptive use doubles women's risk of glaucoma. ( new study has found that women who take oral contraceptives for longer than three years increase their risk of glaucoma by more than two times.

Glaucoma is an eye condition in which drainage tubes become blocked, leading to increased fluid pressure which can damage optic nerves and nerve fibers from the retina; it can eventually lead to blindness. Scientists are urging gynecologists and ophthalmologists to warn their patients of the risk and to screen for the condition. According to the Daily Mail, The researchers used data from 2005 to 2008 in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. This included 3,406 female participants aged 40 years or older from across the U.S. who completed the survey's vision and reproductive health questionnaire and underwent eye examinations. The scientists were unable to establish a causative relationship. Man and Woman Use Carrot Juice to Cure Stage 4 Cancer. Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books, ‘cured’ her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only.

She states, “I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer – and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes.” Stories of unusual natural cancer treatments are quite astounding. I trust them more than I do all the bogus pharmaceutical testing that enables Big Pharma to rush toxic drugs that make billions and cause more harm than good. On June 6, 2012, Ann had surgery for Stage 3 colon cancer. She had decided against chemotherapy and actually started feeling better, until about November 6, 2012. A routine follow-up CT scan indicated lung cancer. She was advised that radiation would be useless, and chemotherapy was recommended, but it wouldn’t extend her life.

Read: Man Reverses Stage 4 Cancer with Baking Soda Five Pounds of Carrots Juiced Daily Ann came across a man who had treated his cancer with nothing but carrots. Ann cautioned: According to Dr. Avoid These Veggies – Even if They’re Organic. This Juice Replaced 40 Medications in Sick Woman’s Struggle. This miracle juice is replacing many prescriptions throughout a rapidly awakening population. by SAYER JI Approximately 106,000 Americans die from prescription drugs each year, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. All the more amazing that the young woman in this video, who at age 16 was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (which snowballed into lupus and other autoimmune conditions), was able to get off of over 40 medications by using raw cannabis juice, according to her physician, Dr.

Courtney. US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE finding: “In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many of the foods we consume.” Raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, and is the way it was used for hundreds of thousands of year like our hunter and gatherer ancestors. Dr. They help make sense of the science behind patient’s recoveries from a diverse range of medical conditions.

Source Image:YouTube Eating HealthyhealthJuicingmedical marijuana Related Posts. A practical guide to sugar and sweeteners. (NaturalNews) Sugar has definitely become the poster child of all things wrong with our health. Our overconsumption of the sweet white stuff has shouldered the blame for a rise in diabetes, obesity, attention problems, arthritis, cancer and several other diseases. So is ALL sugar bad, and what 'sweet' alternatives are our best choices? The following is a list of common sugars and sweeteners, their glycemic index (GI) and other factors to consider when choosing them: Maltodextrin (150) - With an extremely high glycemic index rating, this sugar is near poison for diabetics. Found in many packaged products. Glucose (Dextrose) (100) - Very high on the glycemic index and equivalent to white bread. Corn syrup (75) - Largely GMO, with little nutrition. Refined table sugar (65) - Largely GMO and stripped of any beneficial nutrients, this sugar has a very acidic effect on the body and causes mineral depletion.

Evaporated cane juice (55) - Better than white sugar, but still refined. Rick Simpson Has Cured Over 5000 Patients with This Recipe. Rick Simpson Has Cured Over 5000 Patients with This Recipe by ZACH REICHARD “Once the public becomes aware of the fact that properly made hemp medicine can cure or control practically any medical condition, who is going to stand up against the use of hemp?” Rick Simpson has dedicated his life to helping suffering patients (with all types of diseases and disabilities) with the use of natural hemp oil. Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil Proves Effective In Curing Cancer Rick Simpson is a medical marijuana activist who has been providing people with information about the healing powers of Hemp Oil medications for nearly a decade now.

Rick has treated patients will all types of conditions including, but not limited to, cancer, AIDS, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, leukemia, Crohn’s disease, depression, osteoporosis, psoriasis, insomnia, glaucoma, asthma, burns, migraines, regulation of body weight, chronic pain, and mutated cells (polyps, warts, tumors). Rick Simpson’s Hash Oil Recipe 1. 2. 3. 4. Princeton and Russian Scientists Confirm Effect of Human Mind on Physical World.

The Reality of Chemical Terrorism In Our Food. New Study Confirms Chocolate's Fat-Busting Properties. 3 Ways Citrus and Vitamin C can Help Reverse Signs of Aging. Rick Simpson Has Cured Over 5000 Patients with This Recipe. Naked Juice Class Action Settlement Announced. Natural News Blogs DIY Hair Gel Recipe. Natural News Blogs Top 4 Herbal ADD/ADHD Remedies Your Doctor Forgot to Mention. 5 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums. Is the fish you are eating good for you? A simple rule of thumb applies. 10 Side Effects of Tattoos. Pharmaceutical Strength Marijuana: The Future of Cancer Treatment? Honey Plus Coffee Beats Steroid For Treating Cough. Los Angeles Set to Be Largest GMO-Free Zone in USA. Natural News Blogs 5 Empowering Tips to Overcome Lies About Your Health. 10 reasons to take spirulina every day. 3 Facts Everybody Should Know About Monsanto. Dentist speaks out about the dangers of mercury. Fabric softeners contain toxic chemicals.

Plant-Based Diet and Less Alcohol Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer. This “Miracle Health Food” Has Been Linked to Brain Damage and Breast Cancer. The Ultimate Herbal Traveling Companion: Tulsi. How to Reduce Bloating: 6 Foods to Beat the Bloat. Natural News Blogs Bad Breath? Banish it with these Top 6 Natural Remedies. What – You Still Think Salt Consumption Causes High Blood Pressure? 97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure… Curing cancer the natural way. Ayurvedic Medicine | GreenMedInfo | Therapeutic Action | Natural. Seven ways to bulletproof your immune system this winter. Natural News Blogs Basic Emergency Kit For Any Emergency Scenario.

8 Pink Foods that Fight Breast Cancer. Unraveling food industry lies - Many honey and spice products are counterfeit. Why this Single Organ Powerfully Dictates Whether You’re Healthy or Sick. Why Is The Food Industry Poisoning Us With Trillions of. Improving your health with alfalfa sprouts. 7 Health-Boosting Root Vegetables to Add to Your Diet TODAY. Natural News Blogs The Mother of All Superfoods. Natural News Blogs Five 100% Natural Ways to Boost Serotonin. 10 superfoods for babies and toddlers. Chemtrails: Learn how to protect yourself from these treacherous poisons.

Research Proves Wheat Can Cause Harm To Everyone's Intestines. 25 Awesome Green Roof Pictures. Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC. Natural News Blogs Inflammation Nation. Unhappy marriage? Here's what it's doing to your body. The synergestic miracles of chlorella and its ability to reduce high blood pressure and cerebral stroke lesions. Freebased nicotine has 45 million U.S. smokers hooked. Wheat | GreenMedInfo | Toxic Ingredient.

Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked To Statin Drugs. Little-known form of vitamin D holds key to Alzheimer's disease prevention. Natural News Blogs What - You Still Believe Cholesterol Causes Cardiac Problems? Don't! Argan Oil: A Moisturizer So Pure You Could Drink It. Cinnamon for holiday cooking reduces blood sugar and can cure the common cold.