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Mobile Mathematics – Nokia Mobile Mathematics. Programmation en Java (API) - Java. The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. Twitter Bootstrap. Multiple phone web-based application framework. 20 New Frameworks for Web and Mobile App Developers. Web development is about getting stuff done, not figuring out how to get it done.

20 New Frameworks for Web and Mobile App Developers

Frameworks and libraries help you, the web developer, focus on creating rather than figuring stuff out. Rather than reinventing the wheel, you can use a framework or library to delegate brunt, non-creative and repetitive work, freeing up your time and energy to create the actual website or application. Touch - JavaScript Mobile Framework for Building HTML5 Web Apps. DHTMLX Touch is a free open source JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps.

Touch - JavaScript Mobile Framework for Building HTML5 Web Apps

It's not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, robust web applications that run on iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms. Syntax DHTMLX Touch framework offers intuitive object inheritance. You can define an object with properties, some of which are objects or arrays of objects, and some are simple strings or numbers. This way you can pass data into components or nest components one into another. Extendable Functionality DHTMLX Touch provides an elegant and simple solution to extend and customize the existing functionality of the library and to add new UI components. Data Storage on the Client Side Global data storage is an advanced and useful feature that allows keeping relations between data elements (e.g. list of employees and employee details form) on the client side. Top 15 Android-Ready Application Development Frameworks. On July 20, Adobe unveiled version 2.0 of the open source PhoneGap, a leader among the growing crowd of cross-platform, Android-compatible, mobile app frameworks.

Top 15 Android-Ready Application Development Frameworks

Open source developers welcomed new PhoneGap features such as a "Cordova WebView" function that enables developers to integrate code into larger native applications. Getting started in Android with Cordova, formerly known as PhoneGap. There are scores of such frameworks to choose from these days, and as seen in our Top 15 list below, the best are getting quite sophisticated.

Yet there is still considerable grumbling about the state of mobile cross-platform frameworks. They may be fine for the majority of Android apps being developed, yet few seem to be capable of handling all the requirements of a professional-quality enterprise or consumer app. Nevertheless, the official tools deserve a look, as it's usually difficult to port one's cross-platform effort to the Android SDK in mid-stream.

Google's Tools Get Friendlier. Providing a Software Quality Framework for Testing of Mobile Applications. PhoneGap. Behat — BDD for PHP. LimeJS HTML5 Game Framework. PUF · PHP Utility Framework. Mobile application development. Platform development environment[edit] Each of the platforms for mobile applications also has an integrated development environment, which provides tools to allow a developer to write, test and deploy applications into the target platform environment.

Mobile application development

The following table summarizes the elements in each of the development environments. Criteria for selecting a development platform usually contains the target mobile platforms, existing infrastructure and development skills. Aqua (user interface) The Aqua theme and user interface was first introduced at the January 2000 Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco.[3] Aqua's first appearance in a commercial product was in the July 2000 release of iMovie 2.[4] Aqua is the successor to Platinum, which was used in Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X Server 1.2.

Aqua (user interface)

The first version of the Aqua GUI, from Mac OS X Public Beta. It differs vastly from the GUI of Mac OS 9 with glass-like elements and a Dock, among other things, although the Apple reverted to its traditional position on the left-hand side of the menu bar for the final release of OS X 10.0. Jaguar brought flatter interface elements, such as new buttons and drop-down menus, as well as reducing the transparency to tone down the pinstripes in windows and menus.

These trends continued in subsequent Mac OS X releases. The Panther version of the Aqua GUI shows several changes, most notably brushed metal. The Aqua GUI in Mac OS X Leopard. With Mac OS X Lion, many changes were introduced. Appcelerator Titanium. Appcelerator is a privately held mobile technology company based in Mountain View, California.

Appcelerator Titanium

Adobe Integrated Runtime. Architecture[edit] With AIR, Adobe intends to provide a versatile runtime-environment that allows existing Flash, ActionScript, or HTML and JavaScript code to construct Internet-based applications that have many of the characteristics of more traditional desktop-like programs.

Adobe Integrated Runtime

Adobe positions AIR as a browser-less runtime for RIAs that can be deployed onto the desktop, rather than as a full-fledged application framework. An application deployed in a browser does not require installation, while one deployed with AIR requires that the application be packaged, digitally signed, and installed on the user's local file system. This provides access to local storage and file systems, while browser-deployed applications are more limited in where and how data can be accessed and stored.[3] Adobe AIR internally uses Adobe Flash Player as the runtime environment, and ActionScript 3 as the sole programming language. MobileFrame: The leading provider of wireless mobile applications.

RhoMobile Suite. Rhodes Framework. Currently at least 105 applications that utilized this framework are actively available for download. [3] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

Rhodes Framework

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