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CASSI Search Tool Usage Agreement. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Physics Laboratory Homepage.


Physics Databases. Nuleonica. New 9th Edition (2015) of the Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart now available Through a joint collaboration between Nucleonica GmbH and the JRC, the new 9th Edition (2015) of the Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart has been published.


The 9th edition contains new and updated radioactive decay data on 1644 nuclides not found in the previous 2012 edition. In total, nuclear data on 3992 experimentally observed nuclides are presented. The accompanying booklet contains the multi-lingual “Explanation of the Chart of Nuclides” in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese and Russian. Radioactive Decay Data. Numerical Recipes Books On-Line.


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