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Test Preparation. ETS offers a variety of practice materials to help you prepare for the TOEFL iBT® test and build your English skills.

Test Preparation

Materials include free sample questions, practice tests, interactive skill-building programs, and detailed tips and information for understanding more about the test. Note: The TOEFL® program offers test preparation tools for test takers with disabilities. TOEFL® Test Preparation and English Skill Building TOEFL® Practice Online is the only official practice test that gives you the experience of taking the real TOEFL iBT test. You will be able to review and answer authentic test questions and receive scores within 24 hours, with performance feedback on all 4 skills measured on the test — reading, listening, speaking and writing.You can take the practice test at home, at school or wherever there is an Internet connection — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Test your English - Adult Learners. Oxford Dictionaries definitions (english) Looking for the meanings of words, phrases, and expressions?

Oxford Dictionaries definitions (english)

We provide hundreds of thousands of definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and pronunciations for English and other languages, derived from our language research and expert analysis. We also offer a unique set of examples of real usage, as well as guides to: Writing help: This section gives guidelines on writing in everyday situations, from applying for a job to composing letters of complaint or making an insurance claim.Grammar: Straightforward advice on some of the trickier points of English grammar.Spelling: This section contains lots of quick-reference spelling tips and other useful guidelines.Usage: This section gives you lots of practical advice, helping you to avoid making some of the most common mistakes of usage. Couldn't find what you were looking for? Try searching again, or read about how our search function works. BBC Learning English.

Foreign Language and ESL Games. In fact, even acquiring basic level skills in one or several foreign languages is bound to have a sizable beneficial impact on one’s career and life in general.

Foreign Language and ESL Games

A great way to begin to learn a foreign language is through online games. Kids and adults alike love learning foreign words and phrases using fun matching games. Long before French scholar Champollion deciphered the three Rosetta Stone languages nearly 100 years ago, the advantages of learning a foreign language were clear. Indeed, foreign language learning statistics show that those who speak more than one language often have greater success in their careers. Foreign language education is therefore an important topic to tackle.

Fortunately, foreign language teachers have many foreign language resources at their disposal, including excellent foreign language lesson plans. Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free. Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at 擬音語・擬態語―50音順「た」行―と. サイト内コンテンツ 日本で英語をマスター そりゃ英語圏に行って勉強する機会があれば理想。


でも、行かないからってマスターできないことはありません。 英語の発音 「エ」の口で「ア」と発音… そんな覚え方もいいけれど、英語の発音というものを体系的に捉えてみませんか? 英単語ニュアンス比較 「面白い」を意味する英単語、あなたはいくつ言えますか? それぞれに微妙にニュアンスが違う同じ意味の英単語を紹介。 英語ドラマの英語表現 「実際にはこんな表現をするのか」という学校では教えてくれない英語表現。 英語の歴史 たどってみよう、英語の生い立ち。 そこがヘン、日本人の英語 日本で見かける屋外広告や看板の英語表現、バッグやTシャツの飾りとして入れた英語のメッセージ。 日本人の英語べたを考える 中学高校と、最低6年間は習っている英語。 英語の句読点 押さえてますか? 世界の英語 ところ変われば英語も変わる? 今日の英単語 今日の英単語コーナー。 英単語解剖 今ひとつわかりにくい日本語になじみのない英単語を解剖し使いこなそう!

英語徒然日記 英語と格闘しながら日々徒然なるままに暮らす、管理人の英語日記。 分野別英語ビジネス用語集 グローバルなビジネスの場で欠かせない分野別の英語用語集です。 いろいろ用語集 ずばり探していたモノから、ほとんど趣味のような変わった英語用語集がそろっています。 企業の英文スローガン 企業のモットーやブランドイメージを短いフレーズに凝縮した企業スローガン。 広告・販促の英語 文法的には飛んでいるが、強いインパクトを持つ広告やカタログなどのコマーシャル・コミュニケーションの英語。 日刊英語ライフ|ネイティブから学んだ活きた英語をニュージーランドから毎日コラム形式でお届け. 5 weak words to avoid and what to use instead. When I first began writing, I was unsure of myself.

5 weak words to avoid and what to use instead

My sentences were filled with meaningless words and fillers. What I didn’t realize is that by using them I was sabotaging myself and my writing. Weak words can sneak into our writing anywhere, anytime and when they do, they destroy the power of our work. I’ve rounded up five weak words to avoid and some helpful tips for what you can use instead. For more tips on how to communicate clearly, whether you’re writing a tweet, post, or brief, click here to sign up for our weekly newsletter. 1. Example: “The swimmer really performed admirably.” Why it’s a problem: The word ‘really’ is a crutch. There’s also the issue of considering what the word “real” means. Thankfully, this problem is easily remedied: “The swimmer really performed admirably.” Can be changed into: “The swimmer performed admirably.”

Nothing is lost by cutting ‘really’ from the sentence but simplicity and function is gained. 2. Find Synonyms and Antonyms of Words at Dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms of the UK. Time and dates. We use phrases with prepositions as time adverbials: • We use at with: clock times: at seven o’clock - at nine thirty - at fifteen hundred hoursmealtimes: at breakfast - at lunchtime - at teatime … and in these phrases: at night - at the weekend - at Christmas - at Easter • We use in with: seasons of the year: in spring/summer/autumn/winter - in the spring /summer/autumn/winteryears and centuries: in 2009 -in 1998 - in the twentieth centurymonths: in January/February/March of the day: in the morning - in the afternoon - in the evening. • We use on with: days: on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday etc - on Christmas day - on my birthday.dates: on the thirty first of July - on June 15th Note: We say at night when we are talking about all of the night: When there is no moon it is very dark at night.

time and dates

But we say in the night when we are talking about a short time during the night: He woke up twice in the night. I saw Jim about three weeks ago.