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Enseignement à distance Licence, Maîtrise (Master 1) et Capacité en droit.Diplômes en droit à l'université. ONLINE: Innovating e-Learning 2011 Online Conference. Innovating e-Learning 2011, the sixth in the popular series of JISC online conferences, brings together delegates from further and higher education with an interest in technology-enhanced learning and teaching. Sessions fall under two themes: learning landscapes and nativgating pathways. Innovating e-Learning 2011, the sixth in the popular series of Jisc online conferences, brings together delegates from further and higher education with an interest in technology-enhanced learning and teaching. This year’s programme offers more than ever before with two distinct elements demonstrating the advantages of online conferencing. Firstly, the pre-conference activity week, starting on the 15th November, provides a platform for delegates and agencies, such as the Jisc Regional Support Centres, to run their own short presentations and showcase events.

The main conference then starts on the 22nd November with sessions programmed under two themes, each with its own keynote presentation and plenary. Britta Riley: A garden in my apartment. La communauté Transilien Lab. Getting results. Wizzard Software I Speech Technology Services I AT&T Natural Voices.

How to bend time to your will and destroy barriers to productivity. Okay, that title's a bit dramatic, but I've had a lot of coffee this morning, and that's just what popped out. On topic: I’ve been meaning to write a little about the Pomodoro technique, and a post by Dave Caolo motivated me to finally do it. I agree with Dave: it’s gimmicky, but It works because I can concentrate for 25 minutes easily, and enjoy the regular permission to goof off. It’s effective for me and that’s what counts. I see the Pomodoro technique as a kind of “plug in” for GTD. It’s not a substitute for good planning and review, but it’s a great way to stay focused when you’re in work mode. By working in little 25-minute time bundles, you can turn your focus into a sharp, persistent chisel capable of dislodging some pretty significant barriers in your project (life?).

I find the Pomodoro technique particularly useful for Getting through multi-hour stretches of the day when your mind is saying “I’d really rather be somewhere else.” In the end, the idea is very simple. How to Get Buy-In for NEW IDEAS. The Next Microsoft. SE@M'11 - International Workshop on Search and Exchange of e-le@rning Materials. The Thiagi Group: The Source for Training Games and Interactive Experiential Strategies. Blogging Innovation » Does your Structure help or hinder Innovation? The traditional top-down structure in organizations can be a powerful inhibitor to innovation.

It is a reflection of a command and control style of leadership where orders are issued at the top and followed by the ranks. People lower down the organization who have great ideas can feel inhibited about promoting them. They feel it is disrespectful to challenge the command chain. Most modern businesses try to overcome this with open communication and employee empowerment. But there is a more radical alternative – destroy the hierarchy altogether. Oticon, the innovative Danish hearing-aid manufacturer, broke the conventions of corporate structure when it tore up the hierarchy and created what became known as a ‘spaghetti organization’.

People are not allocated to departments but move from project to project. Another celebrated example of this approach is W L Gore & Associates, manufacturer of the world famous GORE-TEX® fabric. The Innovation Issue. The Trivialities and Transcendence of Kickstarter. Tom Schierlitz for The New York Times The dipr, left, for dunking cookies in milk, and Edible Cups, right, exceeded their Kickstarter goals. But this time something occurred to me: What about that Kickstarter thing? Kickstarter has been around online for just over two years, and various artists, filmmakers, musicians, writers and designers have used the site to raise more than $75 million for 10,626 “creative projects,” to use Kickstarter’s preferred term. That money has come from 813,205 “backers” — individuals making mostly modest contributions (the most common is $25) to support specific efforts.

The selling point of “crowd-funding,” as this phenomenon has come to be called, is that it is an alternative to the wealthy patron or the grant-giving foundation. So what kind of “creative projects” does Kickstarter enable? It wasn’t until much later that I met the people who created the company and figured out how it works. “I’m not so sure about this,” Strickler, 32, recalls thinking.

ARTILECT - FABLAB TOULOUSE. FabLab | Un site utilisant Réseau blogs de l'ENSCI. Les supports d’interactions Comment faire d’un objet un bon support d’interaction ? Tel est la base de ma réflexion. En effet, un objet doit pouvoir être attrayant physiquement, avoir une bonne fonctionnalité et offrir l’ergonomie recherchée par l’utilisateur. Cependant il est très difficile de remplir ces conditions en même temps.

Et pour m’en apercevoir, j’ai décidé de faire une étude de cas sur un objet bien spécifique : la chaise que vous êtes en train de regarder ! Pourquoi la chaise ? C’est un objet abouti que tout le monde connaît et qui a engendré un certain nombre de réflexes dans notre quotidien comme s’asseoir… mais qu’on tend à faire évoluer comme le dossier pivotant, la mise en place de roulettes ou encore l’incorporation de tablettes. Mais est-ce que les utilisateurs comprennent correctement les fonctionnalités évolutives ou ne les détournent-ils pas à leur façon ?

Trois mots importants: ATTRAIT : L’attrait physique de l’objet est très important. Tablette : Le rebord : La base : Fab Labs on Earth. Neil Gershenfeld on Fab Labs. FabLabSquared. PiNG. The concept of innovation - The concept of innovation. Steve Jobs and the Rewards of Risk-Taking.

TELeurope. CloudTops Web Guide - Interactive Web Navigation. Tendances de l'interactivite 2011 par jeremy dumont. Les 12 voies de l’innovation collaborative. Les 12 voies de l’innovation collaborative Publié le Téléchargez et parcourez ce PDF réservé aux abonnés : Les 12 voies de l’innovation collaborative Télécharger le document Partagez l’info : x Email de votre ami : Votre Nom : Votre Email : Saisissez le code de sécurité * Recommandé par Effectuer une autre recherche Espace abonné Les évènements de l'usine nouvelle Conférence LA JOURNEE TECHNIQUE DE L'ELECTRONIQUE 11 Juin 2014, Paris Conférence CONGRES RH INDUSTRIE 21 Mai 2014, Paris Conférence SURFAIR 5-6 Juin 2014, BIARRITZ Conférence CONFERENCE CHIMIE DURABLE 24 Juin 2014, Paris Voir tous les événements Sélectionnez une région via le menu déroulant Suivre Abonnez-vous Identifiez-vous Mot de passe oublié ?

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