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Cannes 2012: 'Adweek' and Leo Burnett Pick Favorites to Win Lions. The Cannes Lions festival has been moving away from its focus on TV spots in recent years. In 2012, for the first time in 25 years of forecasts, fewer than half the entries in Leo Burnett's Cannes Predictions Reel are traditional commercials. The rest? Music videos, Facebook apps, 3-D light shows, mobile-commerce technologies, annual-report designs.

The TV spot still thrives, but many lively companions are jostling for Lions in France. As part of our festival preview, Adweek took a close look at Burnett's predictions for 40 works to watch at Cannes, choosing 18 of our favorites. The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity runs June 17-23. Customization • Intel, 'Museum of Me' Agency: Projector, Tokyo Personalized experiences are the lifeblood of social marketing. For complete coverage of Cannes Lions 2012, visit Four Corner Store : Your store for all things Toy Camera — Welcome. This is kind of sad. Startup Advice: How Entrepeneurs Gain Credibility. While talking with young founders in Europe and the US over the last couple months, I have been asked the same question repeatedly -- how can an entrepreneur just starting out gain the necessary credibility to attract capital?

It is an important question because, at its heart, a startup investment is an investment in the entrepreneur. And the earlier stage the investment, the more so this is true. We all know the allure of the elusive "serial entrepreneur" -- the rare breed who has done it before (successfully) and will not fall victim to the same business pitfalls (he'll have to discover new ones). I have backed serial entrepreneurs before and will continue to back them. They have valuable startup knowledge to bring to bear on the company building process that we in the venture business clearly covet. But I have also backed first time entrepreneurs, sometimes just out of school.

So how does an entrepreneur with little or no track record gain credibility? Steal-like-an-artist-list.gif (imagen GIF, 500 × 897 píxeles) Subastas de LaSubasteria: El sitio web número 1 de ofertas en línea. Inicio | Servicio al Cliente | E.R. de santiago pinotepa naciona Compro el MP4 Touch Por $28.46 Articulo #95371 {*style:<u>Vea mas Subastas Finalizadas </u>*} ¡Regístrese ahora y obten un bono del 100% de tu deposito inicial! Luego de llenar nuestro formulario de registro, faltará muy poco para que participe en nuestras subastas.

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Fake iPhone Text. Naked waitresses flirt with you. Blog. Even The 2nd richest man in the world is simple. American Express Tops FI Social Media Report. SCHOPENHAUER'S 38 STRATAGEMS, OR 38 WAYS TO WIN AN ARGUMENT.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), was a brilliant German philosopher. These 38 Stratagems are excerpts from "The Art of Controversy", first translated into English and published in 1896. Carry your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; exaggerate it. The more general your opponent's statement becomes, the more objections you can find against it. The more restricted and narrow his or her propositions remain, the easier they are to defend by him or her.

Use different meanings of your opponent's words to refute his or her argument. (abstracted from the book:Numerical Lists You Never Knew or Once Knew and Probably Forget, by: John Boswell and Dan Starer) Floating Soccer Pitch on Devour. Frano Selak, “el hombre con más suerte del mundo”, regala todo su dinero para ser feliz. Frano es un viejo profesor de música croata, llamado “el hombre más afortunado del mundo” después de que lograra escapar a la muerte en no menos de siete ocasiones y ganar casi 700.000 euros a la lotería hace 5 años.

Frano dice que ahora es más feliz…después de regalar toda su dinero a familiares y amigos. “¡Ser su cuñado debe ser una suerte!” , pensarán algunos; pero nada comparado a la flor con la que ha nacido en su trasero este croata jubilado. Superen ésto, sin repetir medio de locomoción (sólo él puede permitírselo): - En 1962, un tren en el que viajaba a Sarajevo descarriló y se precipitó a un río helado. . - Un año más tarde, Selak volaba de Zagreb a Rijeka cuando una puerta del avión se abrió y fue absorbido hacia el exterior. . - En 1970 iba conduciendo cuando su coche empezó a arder. . - En 1995 fue atropellado por un autobús en Zagreb, pero sólo tuvo heridas superficiales. - En 1996, mientras conducía por una carretera de montaña, un camión invadió su carril. ¿Y tú?

Vía Austrian Times. Like it, Pin it, Sell It - Why Pinterest Matters for Your Business. Pinterest. Is this a term that makes you scratch your head, or does it describe your latest obsession? I can definitely say around our office, it’s everyone’s latest obsession, and it looks like we’re not alone. In December, 2011, Hitwise listed Pinterest as one of the Web’s Top 10 and Time listed it as a Top 5 social network of 2011. comScore also reports that as of November, 2011, Pinterest had almost 5 million users. And, according to Biz Report, new statistics, recently released by social sharing tools firm Shareaholic, reveal that Pinterest is pushing up the rankings to drive almost as much referral traffic (3.6%) as Twitter (3.61%) and Google (3.62%).

In fact, Pinterest now drives more referral traffic than YouTube (1.05%), Reddit (0.83%) and Google+ (0.22%)! Just check out this inforgraphic shared by the folks at Monetate: So what is Pinterest? Pinterest is a social photo sharing pinboard and online community. 1. 2. 3. . © 2012, VR Marketing Blog. About the Author. Blanco salva a negro. Kony 2012: matices sobre su visión simplista >> África no es un país. Kony 2012 no es el nombre del que será el helado estrella de este verano (o quizá sí, a este ritmo quién sabe) ni el lugar de las próximas Olimpiadas de invierno en Japón.

Como probablemente hayas oído ya, es el nombre de la última campaña de la organización estadounidense Invisible Children (Niños invisibles). En un principio, quizá vieras algo en Facebook o en Twitter o en blogs. Y a estas alturas ya puede que la gente lo esté comentando en los bares. Con esta campaña, Invisible Children pretende hacer famoso a Joseph Kony, el líder del Ejército de la Resistencia del Señor (Lord's Resistance Army, LRA), una especie de milicia originaria del norte de Uganda y que en sus inicios mezclaba ideas fundamentalistas cristianas con unas ciertas aspiraciones políticas.

En su revuelta contra el Gobierno ugandés, que se inició en 1987, el LRA se especializó en el secuestro de niños y niñas, a los que obliga a convertirse en soldados o sirvientes. Eso sobre el vídeo. Resumiendo. En español: The Kony 2012 video phenomenon « evan lieberman. I could say that I simply didn’t have time to watch the KONY 2012 video all week, but the truth is I really didn’t have any interest. Sure, I heard that it was going viral, but since I was familiar with the nature of the atrocities committed by Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) — particularly the recruitment of child soldiers to his fanatical cult, and aspirations of developing a theocratic state — it didn’t initially occur to me that I ought to watch.

But then a friend asked for my reflections on the phenomenon, and I decided to join just about everyone else and invest about 29 minutes in front of my computer screen. Between the time when I started this morning, and when I finished this afternoon, more than 4 million views were added to the tally, reaching over 56 million. I was pretty gripped even thought I didn’t learn a single new fact about this absolutely horrific situation. I really don’t feel like commenting on any of these issues. Here are my hypotheses: Like this: Find jobs based on your social connections | JIBE. Carlsaganexistence.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 590x801 pixels) - Escalado (67%) Magazinemodel.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 487x650 pixels) - Escalado (83%) Here is a Georgia State Trooper in riot gear at a... | Kyoko has a blog. Más tamaños | TITANIC POSTER | Flickr: ¡Intercambio de fotos! Video. _lfcmq9NsEY1qerkqao1_500.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 500x375 pixels)