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Scholarly networking and promotion tools

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Mostly direct links to tools used to in scholarly research to:
provide links or copies
measure attention (altmetrics)
network with others.

Many of these tools are described well in an excellent article:
Roemer, Robin Chin & Borchardt, Rachel. 2015.

"Altmetrics", Library Technology Reports 51(5). World's Largest Professional Network. Twitter. Facebook. Home - RMIT Research Repository. ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers. Kudos – helping increase the reach and impact of research. - Share research. Altmetric - Discover the attention surrounding your research. Impactstory: Discover the online impact of your research. Publons. Citation impact - Research impact - RMIT University Research guide. Mendeley - Free reference manager and PDF organizer. How librarians use Mendeley to overcome research challenges.

Everything you ever wanted know about ORCID. . . . but were afraid to ask ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonprofit organization launched as a community effort to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications.1 Name ambiguity is a problem for several reasons: Shared names. More than one researcher—often in the same field and/or institution—may have the same name. In some countries this is a major problem. For example, in Korea, more than half the population share the same five last names. Different versions of a name. For example, the use of a full name versus initials. ORCID provides unique, persistent identifiers for researchers. What is ORCID (and what is it not)? Unlike a researcher profile system, CV system, research management system, or reporting interface, ORCID’s mission is to provide a registry of unique persistent identifiers for researchers. Researchers own their ORCID identifier and control what may be connected and the privacy settings on their account.

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