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Nelson Mandela Digital Archive Project | technologies. The Archivist By Mix Online. Virtual Training Suite | technologies. UK’s open access full-text search engine to aid research. Open access research is now more accessible as Jisc has developed a new search engine to help academics, students and the general public navigate papers held in the UK’s open access repositories. Jisc has funded the Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) to create an innovative new search facility which searches not just the abstract but the full text of the article. When researchers use current systems like Google Scholar to search academic papers they can find themselves denied access to the full article, particularly when subscription fees are required.

They also typically have to search across a number of open access repositories or use searches that harvest data from different sources. But now, using the COnnecting REpositories tool or CORE, people can search the full text of items held in 142 approved Open Access repositories. “UK repositories contain a wealth of high quality research papers. Search CORE with your research question. Turnitin. Surfon | technologies. State Of The Internet Now | technologies. Search-cube. Search Results by reading age. Seamlessly Move Your Browser Tabs Between Computers Using The Surfon Plugin. Save your tabs in one browser; open them in another. Surfon aims to make jumping between different browsers and devices easier, and it works. If you use more than one computer, and frequently open way too many tabs, you’ve run into this problem before.

You want to switch computers, but also want to move browser tabs with you. Surfon makes this not only possible, but simple, allowing you to save and restore your open tabs in just a couple of clicks. We’ve shown you how to back up and open tabs in the past, but SurfOn goes one step further. With plugins for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, most modern computer users are covered by this plugin. “Surfon is a simple way to save all your browser tabs and view them on another device.

Want to know more? Set Up Surfon Head on over to GetSurfon to get started. You’ll see a new button on your browser. The function of these buttons are relatively self-explanatory, but Surfon provides a great explanation of the functions with this image: Why I Like This. Siteopsys: SEO Tools | technologies. Scrible | smarter online research. Sciweavers - Explore State-of-the-art in your Research Field | technologies.

Sobotong|Bilingual Search Engine | technologies. Search EBooks - An eBook Search Engine. ReadCube | Free Reference Manager - Academic Software For Research | technologies. Qwiki. Paper vs digital: Why you can’t flog a dead encyclopaedia. We're living through the closing chapter of paper and the printed word - and we shouldn't mourn their passing. Written in London and dispatched a day later from a coffee shop via a free wi-fi service at 20Mbps in Woodbridge, Suffolk. After 244 years, the Encyclopaedia Britannica has come to the end of the road. It's going out of print to be replaced by a $70 annual-subscription online service.

The last paper version, which weighed in at 129lb, consisted of 32 volumes and cost $1,400. It was significantly out of date before it reached the printing presses, let alone the bookshelves. An empire that once commanded thousands of salespeople worldwide was brought down by the web. No other book series in the history of mankind has presented such knowledge and yet been so underused. I remember the salesman calling at our house in the 1950s with sample tomes, engaging my parents in a lengthy discussion rich is superlatives. My father was a manual worker. How the world has changed. visual search engine | technologies. visual search engine. Open your eyes to the web. New Video: Plagiarism Explained by Common Craft. M-library support project - information gathering Survey. LSIS inherits the NLN materials. Published: 22 July 2011 We are pleased to announce that the NLN materials, a huge range of well-respected online teaching and learning resources, have been transferred to LSIS this week.

Originally funded by the Skills Funding Agency, the materials represent one of the most substantial and wide-ranging collections of e-learning materials in the UK. Some of the key features that make the resources so popular are: The NLN materials are available to download to a learning platform or can be used online at An LSIS survey in December last year identified a wish by the sector to retain the materials and, if possible, to bring them up to date. M-libraries | Supporting the m-library community. ManualsLib - Makes it easy to find manuals online! | technologies. | technologies. Libraries lead the way providing tools for visually impaired students. EIFL-sponsored project nominated for prestigious UN award According to the World Health Organization, across the world, there are 285 million visually impaired persons (VIP); 90% of them are living in developing countries. The librarians at the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) wanted to better serve the students with visual impairments at their university. In collaboration with the EIFL-FOSS programme, they formed a partnership with UZ’s Disability Resource Centre (DRC) to implement real solutions resulting in increased access to online resources for the UZ’s students with disabilities.

Their success was recognized by the Zimbabwe Ministry of Public Affairs, and the project has been nominated for a UN award. Students learn about access tools during new student orientation week (30 August 2011) The University of Zimbabwe, located in the country’s capital city of Harare, is the oldest and largest university in Zimbabwe, with ten faculties offering a wide range of degrees. Balabolka. PDF version. Kindle Cloud Reader. JISC Content. JISC Collections - The trusted experts in negotiating, procuring, and licensing digital content for libraries.

A new community-owned content service for UK HE and FE institutions JISC Collections, the membership organisation that supports the provision of digital content for education and research in the UK, is formally launching a new service to consolidate and host a broad range of content including journal archives, historic books and multimedia items. The JISC eCollections service has been funded by JISC, to protect and preserve content investments made by JISC Collections on behalf of UK higher and further education institutions. The service comprises three platforms, developed in partnership with EDINA (JISC MediaHub) and Mimas (JISC Journal Archives and JISC Historic Books). Together they are intended to provide a sustainable, value for money alternative to accessing licensed content on publisher platforms. Each platform contains a number of resources to which JISC Collections has previously negotiated long-term licences, along with some content that has never before been available online:

Library 2.0. Poll Results: What Technologies will impact libraries in 2-5 years? There were an amazing 395 responses to last week’s poll question: Which new technology(ies) do you think will have the most impact on libraries over the next 2-5 years? E-Books, mobile, and cloud computing technologies dominated the responses. Here are the results: e-Books: 79 votes, 20%Mobile Apps: 68 votes, 17.22%Cloud Computing: 60 votes, 15.19%Semantic Web: 31 votes, 7.85%Social Publishing Applications (blogs, wikis, Twitter, YouTube): 30 votes, 7.59%RFID: 25 votes, 6.33%Social Networking Applications (Facebook): 23 votes, 5.82%Augmented Reality Apps: 19 votes, 4.81%QR Codes: 18 votes, 4.56%Social Bookmarking (Pinterest): 18 votes, 4.56%Location-Aware Technology (Foursquare): 12 votes, 3.04%Other: 12 votes, 3.04% And here are the results of the “Other” category Discovery ServicesHTML5 as an app platform Book scanners for ILL and photocopier replacement GISiPad Mobile devices moble web large screen, gesture-based info exploration linked data None of the above.

Introducing the Knowledge Graph. Humanities Resource List. Hubii. Publishers If you are a publisher we are interested in talking to you to describe our revenue model. This matters to you as we want to create an environment to provide a sustainable revenue model for all parts involved, therefore please send us an email to If you would like to add Publications to Hubii you can do that on this form. Work with us We are always looking for talented individuals with the right attitude; Attitude is important to us. If you want to work in a fast paced environment to build the best product available out there then send us an email to How to do research - The KYVL Research Portal. How can we legally lend digital content to our students via a Kindle? > JISC Legal > ManageContent. Amazon encourages multiple purchase of their Kindles for use in education, however at present this does not extend to multiple use of digital content bought from the Kindle store.

The digital content may be downloaded for personal use only which would not include the loan of individual items to multiple users. Our FAQ on Copyright issues in lending Kindles for more detail on this. There is material which it may be possible to use and lend freely such as: · Out of copyright material. However the current Kindle terms and conditions of use apply to all material acquired via the Kindle store whether out of copyright or not but it might be worth seeking consent, as often the out of copyright material is provided at no cost. Similarly check other content provider terms and conditions prior to download. . · If the copyright in the material is owned by the college or university, it may be uploaded and used freely on their Kindles. Home | The British Newspaper Archive. British Library's early newspaper archive goes online | Media.

The British Library's newspaper archive, previously kept in decent obscurity in north London, is now available to browse online. Photograph: Jack Sullivan/Alamy As the Leveson inquiry reveals fresh horrors about press behaviour every day, the British Library's archive of early newspapers, which has gone online, shows there is nothing new under the Sun – or, perhaps, in it.

More than 4m pages, drawn mainly from 19th-century regional newspapers, previously kept in decent obscurity at the library's newspaper archive in Colindale, north London, will now be available for historians and family researchers to browse for a small fee, or free if they visit the central library in King's Cross. All human life, not to say all the news fit to print, is certainly there, albeit written up in florid Victorian prose – great events, horrible murders reported in exhaustive detail, celebrity gossip, as well as the occasional intrusion into private grief. They could knock down celebrities in those days too. How To Cite A Tweet In Academic Papers. Twitter is a big part of education and technology. But what happens when it needs to be included in an academic paper? Until now, you had to do your best to guess the proper citation for tweets in academic papers. That all just changed. Official MLA Twitter Citation Format The Modern Language Association ( MLA , yes that MLA format) just released its official usage for citing tweets in academic papers.

MLA gives an example using the famous tweet that acknowledged the attack on Bin Laden’s compound in May: Athar, Sohaib (ReallyVirtual). They go on to elaborate on one of the biggest issues with citing tweets: time. The date and time of a message on Twitter reflect the reader’s time zone. Google The Right Way [Infographic] Google Inside Search · Playground | technologies. Glean Comparison Search: An Educational Research and Search Tool | technologies. FLYABIT | Digital experience and social curation window. | technologies. Einstein Archives. Famous Scientists: Get Information On Famous Scientists, Mathematicians & Inventors. Without the scientists, mathematicians, and inventors of the past, we would today be without the technology that we see surrounding us. If you are interested in learning more about the people who greatly contributed to scientific advances in our technology, then check out a site called Famous Scientists.

Famous Scientists is a free to use website that provides informative details about notable scientists, mathematicians, and inventors of the past and present. On the site’s homepage you will find the list of people sorted alphabetically. Simply click on a person to view their details that includes their bio and contributions. The site also features a blog that provides you with science news and articles. Overall, Famous Scientists will quickly become one of your favorites if you are interested in science and math or are generally interested in learning about people who have made significant contributions to technology.

Features: A user-friendly web service. Five Handy Things You Can Do with Google's New Knowledge Graph Search. I'm actually finding it pretty handy. I was worried about the condensed search results, but it's okay. I still wish they would let it spread out more on a widescreen monitor. At any rate, for the obvious searches at least, it's nice to have that material right there. One immediate benefit (at least, I think it's a benefit): When I do a quick search on something, I can get the gist about the subject from Wikipedia without actually having to go to Wikipedia and risk getting stuck on one of my hours-long jags. I swear, last week I went to look up something quick about London. 3 hours later, I'd read all about London, ancient London, Westminster, The East End, Eastenders (the people and the entire history of the show), the Kray brothers, and heraldry. - Watch free documentaries online | technologies. Digital Literacy - Education. Digital literacy | by Gavin Dudeney| British Council | BBC | Digital Literacy. Capturing the Impact of Libraries | Impact of libraries. Chrome Browser on a USB Flash Drive – With Accessibility. Earlier this year, I wrote about several add-ins for Google’s Chrome Browser that enhance its accessibility as a web browser. Today, I’m writing about how to use Chrome, with these add-ins, on PC’s where Chrome has not been installed. The Google Chrome Browser is one of a large number of programs available in a “portable” version that can be downloaded, loaded on a USB flash drive and then run directly from the flash drive. This means that Chrome can be run on computers in libraries and schools, or on computers at work sites, where Google’s browser would not otherwise be available.

Running Chrome from a USB flash drive also means that the person who needs text-to-speech, voice recognition, support for low vision, or any one of the other many tools available for Chrome, can use these tools wherever he or she needs to go online. Here’s how to set this up. Download the portable installer here. Digital literacy projects « Web n' Circle. November 30, 2011 Jin Higher Education, Teaching&Learning Resources e-learning CASCADE is designed to focus on the digital literacy of researchers – building on the University’s strengths in research-led teaching. It also incorporates the concept of “students as change agents“. The Digital Literacy Portal provides a rich global resource and collaborative environment for dissemination of ICT Literacy and Digital Literacy materials, interactive discussions, research information, and international dialogue.

Microsoft’s Digital Literacy curriculum is now live and available at no cost. JISC has recently funded a £1,5 million Developing Digital Literacies Programme which runs from July 2011 to July 2013. Like this: Like Loading... Cambridge Digital Library - University of Cambridge | technologies. Bloomin' Android by Kathy Schrock | technologies. Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images | technologies. Apture. Cheater_full. | Bible reference shortener and site linker | technologies. Are you an Accidental Outlaw? Take the test .... > JISC Legal > ManageContent. Adult and Community Learning News.

18 Usability Resources for Librarians. 21 Useful Cloud Computing Resources for Librarians | technologies. 10 Trends on Information Literacy and LILAC 2011 | Impact of libraries. WhoIs Project: A Tool to Investigate Information Authority, Authenticity, Ownership and Perspective | technologies. Attrakt | technologies. | Best Websites in One Start Page. 200,000 Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Go Online. World Digital Library Home | technologies. World Development Indicators - Definitions and Visualizations | technologies. What are the copyright issues in lending Kindles and ebooks to our students? > JISC Legal > ManageContent. Wiki Summarizer | technologies. What is a browser?