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Evolution Basics: Species Trees, Gene Trees and Incomplete Lineage Sorting.

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Humeurs. Le parcours du professeur connecté Que d'outils numériques mis à notre disposition en ligne pour simplifier notre métier d'enseignant : le réseau local de l'établissement, le site de l'établissement, l'espace numérique de travail, etc. Sauf qu'au bout d'un certain temps, on commence à s'y perdre quelque peu, comme en atteste cette brève vidéo... Lire la suite : À urler. Dans les testicules de Darwin. Browse Maps. Doc en Stock | La culture scientifique vue par les jeunes chercheurs. Science Blogs: definition & history. I have been asked recently to write an article, somewhat along the lines of this one but longer, and with a somewhat different angle, asking a little bit different questions: What makes a science blog? Who were the first science bloggers and how long ago? How many science blogs are there? How does one differentiate between science blogs and pseudo-science, non-science and nonsense blogs?

The goal of the article is to try to delineate what is and what isn’t a science blog, what are the overlaps between the Venn diagram of science blogging and some other circles, and what out of all that material should be archived and preserved forever under the heading of “Science Blogging”. We’ve had these kinds of discussions for years now… but I’ll give it my best shot. And I need your help – let’s crowdsource this a little bit. Defining a science blog Defining a science blog – heck, just defining a blog – is difficult. What is considered a science blog varies, and has changed over the years. Awards.

Blog scientifique

Rechercher sur la blogosphère scientifique francophone | CONSCIENCE. Posts - Research Blogging. Blog de sciences.