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The raw cashew cheesecake experiment. As the saying goes, three times a charm. No kidding! After having only minor success creating a raw blueberry pie and a strawberry cheesecake, I decided it was time to find a recipe that has already generated a lot of positive feedback. I found one on the Raw Food Talk forum, but I ended up modifying it slightly. If you are interested, the link to the original recipe can be found at the bottom of this post. For the crust I used the following: 1.5 cups of almonds1.25 cups of pitted dates Like with the other desserts, the almonds were processed in the food processor, then dates added. Having problems with the crust sticking to the pie plate in my previous desserts, I decided to use a small amount of coconut oil and a paper towel to spread the oil on the plate before adding the crust mix. Finally the crust mix was shaped to fill the pie plate, then put in the refrigerator.

For the filling, I used the following ingredients: The dates and agave nectar are replacements for a cup of honey. Raw Strawberry Cheesecake – I Am A Pink Lady | Raw Food Recipes Online. Directions In order to make the crust you should take the ingredients from the crust (1c of almonds, 2c walnuts, 1c dates) and soak them for at least 1 hour. Then drain and put in the food processor, add 1 pinch of Himalayan salt and some cinammon to taste.

Process until you get a sticky paste. Spread the mixture at the bottom of the pan and press with your fist against it so it's firm and even. For the Cheese/filling: Soak the 3c of cashews and the cup dates for at least 1hour. Free Healthy Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes - Raw Food Recipes. The Raw Food World. Raw Food Diet. Yummy Avocados. Living and Raw Foods: The largest community on the internet for living and raw food information. Food Cravings? Here Is What Your Body Really Wants~