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Protection des Oiseaux / Birds Protection

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Ornithologie. Protection: Rapaces / Raptors. Lesser prairie chicken considered for endangered protection status. Las Cruces Sun-News, November 30, 2012 Lesser prairie chicken considered for endangered protection status By Milan Simonich SANTA FE — The U.S.

Lesser prairie chicken considered for endangered protection status

Fish and Wildlife Service on Friday proposed to list the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened species, igniting a debate about whether protecting a rare bird could cost New Mexico jobs. This Western grouse, found in five states, has been a candidate for listing since 1998. The recommendation begins a yearlong process of whether the lesser prairie chicken should receive federal protection. Fish and Wildlife said it made the recommendation based on evidence that the lesser prairie chicken's population and habitat are in decline.

"Listing cannot come soon enough for the lesser prairie chicken," said Taylor Jones of WildEarth Guardians. U.S. "Unfortunately, our jobs and our way of life in southern New Mexico continue to come under assault," Pearce said. Pearce said he held out hope for cooperation. Copyright © 2012 Las Cruces Sun-News. La sécheresse dans la corne de l’Afrique retarde les oiseaux migrateurs. State of Canada's Birds Report. The Canadian BirdLife International co-partners Bird Studies Canada and Nature Canada are pleased to announce the release of the first-ever State of Canada’s Birds report.

State of Canada's Birds Report

The report draws on 40 years of data to present an overview of how Canada’s birds are faring. It summarizes the status of Canada’s bird populations for eight regions, including the boreal forest, prairies, Arctic, and oceans. The report shows that Canada’s bird populations have been dramatically influenced by human activity, and finds that there are fewer birds now than in the 1970s. Overall, more species are decreasing (44% of species in Canada) than increasing (33%). Some groups have severely declined, including grassland birds, migratory shorebirds, and aerial insectivores (birds that catch insects in flight). Other species have increased as a result of successful conservation efforts.

Birds are crucial indicators of ecosystem health. “This report is unprecedented. BirdLife International - conserving the world's birds. Oiseaux en difficultés. Nourrir les oiseaux de jardins toute l'année. La vie et l’observation des oiseaux en Hollande... Guided by science, Kenyan authority rejects the case for jatropha at Dakatcha IBA. Birding Canarias. Comment arrivent les oiseaux rares ? Centenaire LPO : 100 ans d'actions pour la Nature. En 2012 la LPO a fêté ses 100 ans d'existence.100 ans d'actions tant en faveur de la protection des oiseaux que de la biodiversité mais aussi d'interventions à tous niveaux : réforme des lois sur la chasse, création de réserves naturelles, directives européennes sur la protection des oiseaux, lutte contre les marées noires, Grenelle de l'environnement, opposition au braconnage des ortolans dans les Landes, et bien d'autres...

Centenaire LPO : 100 ans d'actions pour la Nature

Retrouvez l'ensemble des dates clés qui ont jalonné ce parcours depuis 1912 et les victoires acquises au fil du temps. Découvrez également tous les reportages réalisés durant l'année de ce centenaire, mais aussi le LPO Tour, le Festival Birdfair et les galeries photos. Détails. Forget a Chicken in Every Pot—America Needs a Solar Panel on Every Roof. The biggest news in solar power is the mainstreaming of distributed generation.

Forget a Chicken in Every Pot—America Needs a Solar Panel on Every Roof

Call it a suburban dream, version 2.0: a chicken in every backyard, an electric vehicle in every garage, and a solar panel on every roof. Americans want more solar power, and solar companies are now ubiquitous at home improvement shows. The wonks call it distributed generation, but friendlier names abound: rooftop solar, “locapower,” or “you own your own power.” Solar industry news reads like the dawning of a very sunny day. One study shows that rooftop solar is already cheaper than grid power in over ten percent of the market in five states—California, Connecticut, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and New Jersey. A separate Citigroup report projects that solar power module costs may fall to 25 cents per watt by 2020. Jonathan Silver, who ran an Obama Administration Department of Energy loan program, tells TakePart: “There is a lot to be optimistic about in the solar space. The utilities have noticed.

Rescuing the Endangered Cape Parrot.