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eLife editor and Nobel prize winner declares boyco... - The Watchers - Iceweasel. US biologist who won the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine this year, Randy Schekman, announced this week that his lab would no longer send research papers to the leading scientific journals like Nature, Cell and Science because they distort scientific process.

eLife editor and Nobel prize winner declares boyco... - The Watchers - Iceweasel

He explained that pressure to publish in "luxury" journals encouraged researchers to cut corners and pursue trendy fields of science instead of doing more important work. The problem was exacerbated, he said, by editors who were not active scientists but professionals who favored studies that were likely to make a splash. In an article titled "How journals like Nature, Cell and Science are damaging science", published on December 9 in UK's "The Guardian", Schekman writes: "I am a scientist. Mine is a professional world that achieves great things for humanity. Tracking retractions as a window into the scientific process.

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