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Pay it Forward

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The Corner On Character: A Culture Of Kindness. Bullying. There, I said it. It's a hard topic to grab hold of, and an even more difficult issue to handle and curtail. Let's face it; kids can be cruel. People can be cruel. I wonder how A Culture of Kindness looks, sounds, and feels at his school. If bullying situations arise, our students use this simple formula: Talk, Walk, then Tell. Random Acts of Kindness – Cygnus Review. Thank you, from the core of my heart, for your kind responses to my last email and for the support and healing which I can honestly say was deeply felt. We truly are ‘all for one and one for all’. Now that we are building this Ark of Love together though, we are going to need to gather some tools! The Cygnus team and I are interested to know what you have found helps you to remember your connection to love. I was originally going to ask what helps you to reconnect to love but I don’t believe that we are ever disconnected from It … we just sometimes forget that we are connected … we’ve only to put the phone back to our ear if we want to continue the conversation with our heart, with each other, with the Divine Love.

When we forget about our connection to love it is easy to blame situations, other people or things that are ‘happening to us’. Emotional Freedom Technique How much do you know about EFT? Random acts of kindness Were you aware that this week is ‘Random Acts of Kindness Week’? Home. Home - Forgiveness Project. 7 Proven Tactics to Spread Joy Around the World | Cherie Roe Dirksen. Does it not feel wonderful to be the catalyst that activates the pay it forward system? What is paying it forward? For those of you who don’t know — it is when you perform an act of kindheartedness with no need for reward, the receiver of that action then pays it forward to someone else. “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ― Rumi This creates a cycle of goodwill that can, hopefully, snowball — spreading out into the world at large.

Do you feel like starting an avalanche of joy today? How Can I Be of Service? Here is a simple list of things that you can start to incorporate into your every day life, scattering those seeds of love and bliss. Smile at people — especially the ones that look grumpy. Hug people — most people are tactile and appreciate some physical contact. Acknowledgement — ‘I See You’ I would like to share a story with you. I stopped and started looking in my bag for some money. Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover Other articles you may enjoy:

Why Empathy is Important | David R Hamilton PhD. You can actually see the difference in the brain. Empathy lights up the insula, which is an area of the brain that connects the flow of information between the front of the brain and the emotional areas, whereas compassion sees many of the same areas lit but with the addition of the prefrontal cortex (left side), which is the area above the eyes that is involved in decision making. US President Barack Obama spoke of the need to fill the ‘empathy deficit’ in the world. On 11th August 2006, he said, “You know, there’s a lot of talk in this country about the federal deficit. But I think we should talk more about our empathy deficit – the ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes; to see the world through the eyes of those who are different from us – the child who’s hungry, the steelworker who’s been laid-off, the family who lost the entire life they built together when the storm came to town.

Empathy moves us to share in another’s pain, to really see the world through their eyes.


Acts of kindness spread surprisingly easily: just a few people can make a difference. For all those dismayed by scenes of looting in disaster-struck zones, whether Haiti or Chile or elsewhere, take heart: Good acts -- acts of kindness, generosity and cooperation -- spread just as easily as bad. And it takes only a handful of individuals to really make a difference. In a study published in the March 8 early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from the University of California, San Diego and Harvard provide the first laboratory evidence that cooperative behavior is contagious and that it spreads from person to person to person. When people benefit from kindness they "pay it forward" by helping others who were not originally involved, and this creates a cascade of cooperation that influences dozens more in a social network.

The effect persists, Fowler said: "You don't go back to being your 'old selfish self.''' Be The Peace! Pay it Forward. Pay it Forward means doing something for someone else and instead of asking for something in return, asking them to pass it on. It is based on the film and the book of the same name, with the message of spreading acts of kindness. ‘Pay it Foward is that one thing that 6.9 billion people can be a part of. Whether you have money or whether you live on 2 dollars a day, you can open a door for someone, you can make someone smile, you can create something in their mind that makes them happier. Pay it Forward is pure, it’s genuine, it’s simple.’

Charley Johnson – Pay it Forward Experience Kindness is free and its effects are incredibly valuable. One of the easiest ways to create compassionate classrooms and communities is to encourage peer teaching. If children grow up in an environment where kindness and paying it forward is encouraged, they will always want to do something for another person. ‘Make everyone whose life you touch feel worthy. Neale Donald Walsch Leo Buscaglia.

World peace

Kindness in education. Choice Point » About the Movement. “The World’s problems cannot be solved by the same consciousness that created it” Einstein The population of the world is facing a critical choice point in a time where individual decisions made today not only impact the self, but also affect the world at large. As the world edges ever nearer to its choice point – the tipping point of where it is not too late to decide what our world will be like for future generations – we as individuals also face choices which will determine not only our global outcome but also our own lives, depending on whether we align with where change is going.

Choice Point movement is here to help us all to take a step back, understand our world and then to take the choice to align our purposes, so that a lot of the world’s problems can suddenly turn into the world’s solutions and collectively create the world we all want to live in. Together, through our individual contributions, we are the change. The Love of Power or The Power of Love – which will you choose? Nelson Mandela Paragraph from his book #2 | SEED OF KINDNESS. Ways to share smiles. Have you ever been on a train that has been delayed by several hours, or crammed full of people with every seat taken and people standing at the ends of the carriages? Or Have you ever been in a busy train station at rush hour? Have you ever been stuck in a very long traffic jam? Do you notice that in these situations most people look pretty miserable? And, all it takes is something small and they could be smiling.

Two stories to inspire you to spread the smiles! A few weeks ago, there was a lot of traffic in the city centre, a juggler had decided to entertain these drivers with some skittle juggling! I wish I had taken a photo! And Last week I was on one of those trains, delayed and overcrowded. Here are some other ideas that you can do anytime, you don’t need to be stuck in traffic, on a busy train or be able to juggle!

Pay it Forward is an international movement to spread kindness. If you liked this post, you may also like How can Education facilitate happiness? Learning about Love. One Life Alliance - One Life Alliance.