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Linoit. Mindomo. GroupZap. Scrumblr. Compte-rendu. The right tool for the job: Five collaborative writing tools for academics. Research collaboration now involves significant online communication.

But sending files back and forth between collaborators creates redundancy of effort, causes unnecessary delays and, many times, leaves people frustrated with the whole idea of collaboration. Luckily, there are many web-based collaborative writing tools aimed at the general public or specifically at academic writers to help. Christof Schöch looks at the different tools out there and presents some helpful tips on finding the right tool for the job. The image of the solitary genius formulating deep thoughts in the closed confines of his dimly-lit study has never been very appropriate for research, neither in the sciences nor, most likely, in the humanities. However, research projects have become increasingly complex, for example involving experts from a wide range of disciplines, so collaborative writing has become more and more widespread. Therefore, collaborative writing now happens online. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Framapad.

Etherpad. Piratepad. Doodle. Google Drive. EtherCalc. Framacalc. Social Posters — Checkthis. Livestream. LiveMinutes. BigBluebutton. Google Hangouts. Animez vos conversations Soyez informé quand vos amis lisent vos messages et y répondent. Si l'ami que vous essayez de joindre n'est pas disponible, il sera prévenu de votre tentative à sa prochaine connexion. Ainsi, vous ne perdez pas le fil de la conversation. Si vous activez l'option SMS pour Hangouts, vous pourrez même recevoir vos messages lorsque vous n'êtes pas connecté à Internet. Ils vous parviendront sous forme de SMS, auxquels vous pourrez répondre pour poursuivre la conversation.

Soyez informé quand vos amis lisent vos messages et y répondent. Retrouvez facilement chacun de vos Hangouts Trouvez et reprenez une conversation en cours sur n'importe quel appareil. Flash Meeting. Dolist. Netvibes.

MailChimp. Site OpenStreetMap France. uMap.