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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And those fucks I have not given have made all the difference. People often say the key to confidence and success in life is to simply “not give a fuck.” Indeed, we often refer to the strongest, most admirable people we know in terms of their lack of fucks given. Like “Oh, look at Susie working weekends again, she doesn’t give a fuck.”


Are You Experiencing Burnout. As helping professionals, Extension agents must interact with clientele in various roles and, at the same time, respond to administrative duties within the organizational setting.

Are You Experiencing Burnout

In doing so, they cope with enormous amounts of paperwork, answer always-ringing telephones, and meet increased service demands from both clientele and the institutions they serve. The pressure resulting from these demands can create a sense of physical and emotional exhaustion that often leads to burnout. My philosophy for a happy life: Sam Berns at TEDxMidAtlantic 2013. Sports Are 80 Percent Mental: How To Train The Runner's Brain - An Interview With Jason Fitzgerald. As productive human athletes, we just assume that we can knock down any walls put in front of us and conquer new feats of greatness if "we just put our mind to it.

Sports Are 80 Percent Mental: How To Train The Runner's Brain - An Interview With Jason Fitzgerald

" Our conscious brain sets goals, gives pep talks and convinces us that with the right training plan, we can finish a race of any distance. But, when we're stretching our training run farther than ever before, the little voice in our head pops up to try to talk some sense into us; "that's enough for today" or "there's a lot of pain happening right now, time to quit.

" As I discussed in last week's post about the central governor theory, neuropsychologists are finding new ways to acknowledge and actually train the conscious brain to ignore or at least delay the stop orders coming from the subconscious, physiological control center. Jason, thank you for joining us today. But, easier said than done! What happened there? Jason: I absolutely agree that the central governor theory is sound.

Hobie Call. Top-10-life-coaching questions to ask yourself before setting personal goals. Self-Discipline. This week I’ll be blogging a series on self-discipline.


New posts on this topic will appear every day Mon-Fri. I’ve also added a new self-discipline category. In this series I’ll be focusing on what I call the five pillars of self-discipline. The Five Pillars of Self-Discipline The five pillars of self-discipline are: Acceptance, Willpower, Hard Work, Industry, and Persistence. Each day of the series, I’ll explore one of these pillars, explaining why it’s important and how to develop it. Procrastination. The Misconception: You procrastinate because you are lazy and can’t manage your time well.


The Truth: Procrastination is fueled by weakness in the face of impulse and a failure to think about thinking. Netflix reveals something about your own behavior you should have noticed by now, something which keeps getting between you and the things you want to accomplish. If you have Netflix, especially if you stream it to your TV, you tend to gradually accumulate a cache of hundreds of films you think you’ll watch one day. This is a bigger deal than you think. Take a look at your queue. Psychologists actually know the answer to this question, to why you keep adding movies you will never watch to your growing collection of future rentals, and it is the same reason you believe you will eventually do what’s best for yourself in all the other parts of your life, but rarely do. 10 Ways for Creatives to Reduce Procrastination Without Planning.

Overcoming Procrastination/Eliminating Procrastination - Wikibooks, open... One would think that the solution to procrastination (not doing it) is its exact opposite: doing it!

Overcoming Procrastination/Eliminating Procrastination - Wikibooks, open...

That the cure is doing the very thing that is being avoided. [Note: We must be careful using the word "cure" in regard to procrastination. We ought to think of procrastination itself as a cure. Trying to "cure" procrastination is identical to trying to cure a fever. Fever is the body's attempt to "cure" an infection. Top Ways to Save Money. How to Save Money. Be Strong: How to Deal With Pain and Hardships in Your Life. Photo credit: _Ganesha_

Be Strong: How to Deal With Pain and Hardships in Your Life

Self Motivation. How to be Strong and Enjoy Life. This is a tricky subject.

Self Motivation. How to be Strong and Enjoy Life.

I'm writing about it because I feel I can really help. Being morally strong makes you physically strong. Chapter V "To Keep Myself Physically Strong, Mentally Awake and Morally Straight" "Physically Strong" A strong body, an alert mind, and a pure unselfish will are the things which this part of the oath promises to cultivate to the greatest possible extent.

Chapter V "To Keep Myself Physically Strong, Mentally Awake and Morally Straight"

The three things belong together, because the body is the outermost part of a man; the mind is contained in the body, in the sense that it works through the brain; and the will or spirit is the inmost part of the man, or his very center, which lives forever, in which his deepest purposes come into being, and by which he may keep in communication with the will of God.