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Vinkkejä englannin opiskeluun. Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom. Do you ever feel stuck in a rut while planning your language classes?

Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom

Perhaps you spend a lot of time lecturing at the whiteboard, use the same activities with different vocabulary for every unit, or rely on teaching students grammar because that’s how you were taught. No matter what your go-to activity is, we’re all much more engaging when we vary our activities and make them relatable. If the speaker is engaging, a good lecture every now and then is enjoyable. However, when faced with daily lectures, students dread class, and hence learn less. So why not mix it up? When dreaming up new activities, our main focus should always be authenticity.

In a previous Edutopia post, I outlined how to best shape a unit around communication. Interpretive Mode Read children’s stories. Interpersonal Mode Sign a contract on the first day of school promising to use only the target language within your classroom walls. Presentational Mode Create a comic strip. Five Rules for the Three Modes. Jouluristikko. Joulu. Super Simple Songs – Christmas – Complete Flashcards. Teach Your Monster to Read: Free Phonics & Reading Game.

Envsop6. 120338 Learning by doing leikkeja ja peleja englannin opetukseen.

Sovelluksia kielentunneille HUIPPUSIVU! Learnenglishkids.britishcouncil. Play this quiz now! 10 Board Games for EFL Teachers - Teach English Spain. How often do you play board games with your English learners?

10 Board Games for EFL Teachers - Teach English Spain

With a little bit of imagination, you can use your board to practise grammar, lexis and pronunciation in lots of fun and engaging ways that will make your learners love your classes. If you’re lucky, the board may be a new-fangled, hi-tech snazzy interactive smartboard. If you have never used one of these, they are basically like a giant tablet. You can do anything with them, but they do have a habit of breaking down when you’re in the middle of an activity. The majority of private language academies – and even universities and training centres – still use boards which aren’t very smart at all – but are much more reliable. There are two main types: 1. 2. Now, whichever type of board you use, I hope you use it for more than delivering boring grammar presentations and noting down new vocabulary. I hope you use it for language learning games. 1. One student sits with their back to the board. That’s the boring version. ePals.

eTwinning: Kumppaninhaku 3: Foorumit. Anna Laukkarinen kooste: Virikkeitä kieltentunneille. Search › hallonbåt 1-2. Lexin. Välkommen till Lexin på nätet!


Här hittar du lexikon på femton minoritetsspråk, men även bildmaterial och kortare videofilmer. Lexikon i bokform finns på följande språk och kan beställas här: Albanska, arabiska, bosniska, finska, grekiska, kroatiska, makedoniska, nordkurdiska, persiska, romska (arli), rumänska, serbiska, somaliska, spanska, svenska, sydkurdiska, tigrinska, turkiska, turabdinska och vietnamesiska. Svenska Lexin finns nu i en helt ny version. Det är den mest omfattande revideringen som gjorts sedan första versionen kom 1984. Lexin på nätet är ett samarbete mellan Institutet för språk och folkminnen, och Kungliga Tekniska högskolan.

Colors. ESL Kids Games & Activities. Guess who or what it is. Olla-verbi. I Was, You Were ("To Be" Past Simple Song) - Rockin' English. LanguageTool Style and Grammar Check.