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Your Open Source Compass. 3. Get things done with ease, comfort and control.


GNOME 3 has been designed from the ground up to help you have the best possible computing experience. Learn about what it has to offer. Simple and easy to use Every part of GNOME 3 has been designed to make it simple and easy to use. The Activities Overview is an easy way to access all your basic tasks. Helps you get things done GNOME 3 provides a focused working environment that helps you to get things done, and it is packed with features that will make you more productive.

Puts you in control GNOME 3 lets you do the things you want without getting in the way. Finely crafted Every aspect of GNOME 3 has been crafted to fit together as a harmonious whole, so that it offers a consistent and integrated experience. Easily access all your data If you use online services to store documents or to organize your calendar or contacts, GNOME 3 is just for you.

And much, much more. OpenSource HIT. Home - eHealthOS. Accueil - 12es RMLL du 9 au 14 juillet 2011. 12es RMLL du 9 au 14 juillet 2011 Les RMLL sont un cycle non commercial de conférences, tables rondes et ateliers pratiques autour du Logiciel Libre et de ses usages.

Accueil - 12es RMLL du 9 au 14 juillet 2011

L’objectif est de fournir un lieu d’échanges entre utilisateurs, développeurs et acteurs du Logiciel Libre. L’accès est gratuit et ouvert à tous. Les RMLL sont organisées cette année à Strasbourg du 9 au 14 juillet 2011 par un collectif d’associations locales et le soutien de partenaires publics et privés. Cette année :

Crowdfunding Open Source Projects

30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered in 2013. These are full-featured open source software products, free as in beer and speech that I started to use recently.

30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered in 2013

Vivek Gite picks his best open source software of 2013. Adblock detected 😱 My website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to my visitors. Joomla. Open source. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Open source

Comparison of open source software hosting facilities. A source code repository is a file archive and web hosting facility where large amounts of source code are kept, either publicly or privately.

Comparison of open source software hosting facilities

They are often used by open-source projects and other multi-developer projects to handle various versions. They help developers submit patches of code in an organized fashion. Produkt KDE. Applications for the KDE-Desktop Applications using the GTK Toolkit Applications for GNOME.

25 free open source projects IT pros will love. Although it's popular these days to pooh-pooh the advertising-supported, for-profit SourceForge in favor of GitHub, the SourceForge folks want to remind you that the forge still hosts more than 300,000 projects and serves up a good 4 million downloads a day.

25 free open source projects IT pros will love

We asked SourceForge's new community manager and longtime open source coder, Rich Bowen, to sniff out a few of the cool, lesser-known projects he thinks IT folks will love. What follows are his picks, along with a few of our own. Also: Oxygen KDE (Firefox Theme) :: Oxygen style for Firefox!

Oxygen KDE (Firefox Theme)

:: Consistent and coherent integration with KDE! :: NEWS ( Last updated : 15 August 2013) Quote: OXYGEN KDE 4.0 beta3 is released! :: What's new in the 3.x-4.x version. The most popular Linux is... Main Page. Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation open source community website. Framabook - Livres libres sur le logiciel libre - Framasoft. Libextractor. GNU Libextractor is a library used to extract meta data from files.


The goal is to provide developers of file-sharing networks, browsers or WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain simple keywords and meta data to match against queries and to show to users instead of only relying on filenames. libextractor contains the shell command extract that, similar to the well-known file command, can extract meta data from a file an print the results to stdout. Récupéré: Welcome [Gna!]

"Microsoft, instead of turning the lights off on XP, make it open source" Microsoft, instead of turning the lights off on XP, make it open source. To state the obvious, Microsoft is hugely important economically and culturally, and as Peter Parker (AKA Spiderman) was told by his grandfather: "With great power comes great responsibility.

Microsoft, instead of turning the lights off on XP, make it open source

" (Actually Voltaire said it first but he said it in French so that doesn't count.) Part of Microsoft's great responsibility is supporting the products it sells, but that responsibility apparently has limits. When Microsoft initially releases a product it has "Mainstream Support," meaning it gets free security updates, performance and stability improvements, bug fixes, and, if you're very, very lucky, the company might even cough up a new feature or two. Open-source religion. Yoism symbol Open-source religions attempt to employ open-source methodologies in the creation of religious belief systems.[1] They develop their systems of beliefs through a continuous process of refinement and dialogue among the believers themselves.

Open-source religion

In comparison to traditional religions – which are considered authoritarian, hierarchical, and change-resistant – they emphasize participation, self-determination, decentralization, and evolution. Followers see themselves as part of a more generalized open source movement, which does not limit itself to software, but applies the same principles to other organized, group efforts to create human artifacts.[1] Another early example, in 2001, Douglas Rushkoff organized the first Reboot summit that took place in 2002.[8] "The object of the game, for me, was to recontextualize Judaism as an entirely Open Source proposition.

Another example is Open Source Religion, founded by Sidian M.S. References[edit] Further reading[edit] Evan (May 2008). Main Page. Fle3 is a Learning Environment! - Fle3 CSCL Software. Uzbl - web interface tools which adhere to the unix philosophy. The Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition System. Ruby on Rails. Protege Wiki.