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Brief History. Opening Space for Emerging Order Harrison Owen Open Space Technology, as a definable approach to organizing meetings has been in existence for somewhat more than a dozen years.

Brief History

Truthfully, I suspect it has been around as long as Homo sapiens has gathered for one purpose or another, from the days of the campfire circle onward. It is only that our modern wisdom has obfuscated what we already knew and have experienced from the beginning. In 1985, eighty-five brave souls, or there abouts, gathered in Monterey for The Third Annual International Symposium on Organization Transformation.

And different it was. Observably, the operative mechanism was simplicity itself. For several years following, the annual symposium was conducted in a similar fashion. And then, in 1989, Open Space escaped. In subsequent years, the space has continued to open. "Doing the Job" begs for further specificity. It is reasonable to ask, what on earth is going on. Women in FLOSS bibliography. This page is a bibliography of published works about women in Free/Libre and Open Source Software.

Women in FLOSS bibliography

Collections Edit GNOME Journal, women's issue, November 2009 Women in Open Source, special issue of the Open Source Business Register, June 2009. Welcome to FSCONS. Definition of Free Cultural Works. Mutinerie : Libres ensemble. Je me suis souvent demandé pourquoi certains espaces, certaines villes ou certains territoires ont vu naitre tant d’idées nouvelles ou d’innovations en tous genres.

Mutinerie : Libres ensemble

Pourquoi certaines entreprises ont été, ou sont encore des terreaux à idées tandis que d’autres apparaissent incapables de proposer de véritables nouveautés? On pense à Athènes, cette cité si petite par sa taille mais dont la fécondité fut absolument stupéfiante à tous les niveaux (philosophiques, politiques, religieux, scientifiques …) au point qu’elle irrigue encore notre époque. Definition of Free Cultural Works. Definition of Free Cultural Works logo, selected in a logo contest 2006.[1] The Definition of Free Cultural Works is a definition of free content from 2006.

Definition of Free Cultural Works

The project evaluates and recommends compatible free content licenses. History[edit] Learning module.


Free Culture: Lawrence Lessig Keynote from OSCON 2002. Editor's Note: In his address before a packed house at the Open Source Convention, Lawrence Lessig challenges the audience to get more involved in the political process.

Free Culture: Lawrence Lessig Keynote from OSCON 2002

Lawrence, a tireless advocate for open source, is a professor of law at Stanford Law School and the founder of the school's Center for Internet and Society. He is also the author of the best-selling book Code, and Other Laws of Cyberspace. Here is the complete transcript of Lawrence's keynote presentation made on July 24, 2002.

Lawrence Lessig: I have been doing this for about two years--more than 100 of these gigs. This is about the last one. Creativity and innovation always builds on the past. In 1774, free culture was born. Free_culture. Intro.


A project of Stay Free! magazine. Miro Community. Comment réussir dans un monde égoïste ? Imaginez que vous soyez illustrateur et que vous ayez un projet de création d’une BD interactive pour tablette.

Comment réussir dans un monde égoïste ?

Votre style est sûr, votre scénario est au point et vos planches sont bien avancées. Le problème, c’est que tout cela prendra beaucoup de temps et que que vous ne maitrisez pas les outils de développement nécessaires. Mais il y’a quelques jours, dans votre espace de coworking, vous avez rencontré un excellent développeur. La complémentarité est évidente mais vous hésitez ; devez-vous vous associer avec ce développeur sachant qu’il vous faudra partager les bénéfices ?

Ne risquez-vous pas également de vous faire chaparder votre concept purement et simplement ? La vie nous place souvent devant ce genre de situations délicates et il nous est parfois difficile de trouver la voie. Pour ceux qui auraient oublié, voici le dilemme en question : Deux suspects sont arrêtés par la police. Comment éviter ce genre de phénomène ? Participatory Culture Foundation - PCF - Open-source video tools for a better world. Open Innovators. Intermediary Platforms Research & Development platforms Innocentive – open innovation problem solvingIdeaConnection – idea marketplace and problem – IP market placePRESANS (beta) – connect and solve R&D problemsHypios – online problem solvingInnoget – research intermediary platformOne Billion Minds – online (social) challengesNineSigma – technology problem solvingIdeaken – collaborative – Community of innovators & creators.

Open Innovators

Marketing, Design & Idea platforms. Opening up education through innovation. #Mooc gd p – 9 mooc - atelier fun penser l'avant-projet -r bachele... The Open Economics Working Group of the OKFN. The Public Domain Review. One year of open source everything! File sharing. Usages transformatifs : quels enjeux juridiques ? What Digital Commoners Need To Do. The following is a meditation on the strategic phases in the construction of a peer to peer world By Michel Bauwens, originally published at What have we been doing in the last few years, and what should we be doing next?

What Digital Commoners Need To Do

Here is a list of major undertakings, some well under way, some barely begun. All need to be done, are interdependent on each other, but need to be done ‘at the same time’, though there is a certain maturation effect which may need to take place to move from one phase or priority to another. Finding out these interdepencies and choosing amongst those priorities is a matter of debate, strategising, and practical experience. * use the existing infrastructures for immaterial exchange for personal and social autonomy We started by creating an infrastructure that allowed for peer to peer communication.

OURGOODS: Why is a significant amount of labor considered "outside" of the economy? “What is often called ‘the economy’ (i.e. wage labor for a market exchange of commodities in a capitalist enterprise) is but a small set of activities by which we produce, exchange, and distribute values in our society.

OURGOODS: Why is a significant amount of labor considered "outside" of the economy?

What about an economic politics that allows us to think creatively and to start here and now to make new economies? We believe that other, more just and ecologically sustainable economies are possible. Everyday people in everyday places can be part of re-thinking and re-enacting economies.” -Community Economies Collective For the past two years, I’ve organized Trade School (a popular education program where students barter with teachers) and (a barter network of creative people) with collaborators Rich Watts, Louise Ma, Jen Abrams, and Carl Tashian.

Activists, households, and artists alike participate (knowingly or not) in diverse, community economies. PLoS Collections: Article collections published by the Public Library of Science. Welcome to Cogprints - Cogprints. FreeeBay - Gift Culture and Gift Economy - Beta 1.29 - Home. Welcome to Open Library (Open Library) Logiciels libres en éducation.