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NOSQL Databases. AsyncFP. Why AsyncFP.pdf. MyNoSQL. Getting Started with NoSQL « myNoSQL. Couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure to sit down with Mathias Meyer, Chief Visionary at Scalarium, a Berlin startup and discuss NoSQL adoption. Like myself, Mathias is really excited about NoSQL and he uses every opportunity to introduce more people to the NoSQL space. Recently he gave quite a few presentations around the Europe about NoSQL databases. The discussion has focused on how would someone start learning and using NoSQL databases and the path to follow in this new ecosystem. Below is a transcript of our conversation. Alex: How does one get started with NoSQL?

Mathias: Well, that’s a question I get quite a lot, but it is not that easy to answer. From a business perspective, you are probably going to find some use cases where storing your data in a relational database doesn’t make too much sense and you’ll start looking for ways to get it out of the database. Alex: So, as a developer you should just give yourself a chance to play with the new shiny toys. Mathias: Indeed. CouchDB. MongoDB. The Apache Cassandra Project.