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Pretty Prints: 60 Cutest Inspirational Quotes. 10 Painting Tips & Tricks You Never Knew. After painting almost an entire house by myself, I've learned a lot about paint in the past few years.

10 Painting Tips & Tricks You Never Knew

Today I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite painting tips with you. These are my 10 paint secrets that will save you time, money, and just make painting more fun. Making a wooden headboard for $60. We’ve been in our house for almost 3 years now, and our most-used guest room (the other serves mostly as my jewelry storage area for Stella & Dot) has been left unfinished this entire time.

making a wooden headboard for $60

We have a great king-size bed in there, but the room is not much bigger than the bed…. so it doesn’t leave much space for a bed frame. 22 Smart Balcony Designs with Space Saving Furniture and Planters. Space saving furniture design ideas, green walls, vertical garden designs and hanging planters are great balcony designs for beautiful and comfortable decorating of these small spaces.

22 Smart Balcony Designs with Space Saving Furniture and Planters

Small furniture pieces, like hanging tables and folding chairs are ideal for decorating small apartments and homes with tiny balconies. Lushome brings a collection of amazing, space saving and attractive balcony decorating ideas that include folding small furniture pieces and demonstrate creative ways to decorate small outdoor rooms with flowering plants. Space saving furniture and planters are wonderful for small balcony designs and decorating small outdoor living spaces. These practical design ideas for balcony decorating are clever and inspiring. Confetti Drapes Tutorial. Vaso de gatinho feito com garrafa pet. DIY Back Tab Curtains. Today I am finishing up my curtains for the bedroom.

DIY Back Tab Curtains

Wow! What a difference well placed curtains can make. Koszyczek z klamerek na How To Make An Ottoman - Cheap Rustic Furniture Idea Using a Vintage Milk Crate! I researched many ideas on how to make an ottoman.

How To Make An Ottoman - Cheap Rustic Furniture Idea Using a Vintage Milk Crate!

But, it was my husband who came up with not only a fabulous idea, but a really cheap rustic furniture idea! We were in the process of giving our living room a makeover. So, I drug him into an antique store in hopes of finding some unique and eclectic accessories. He spotted an old milk crate, and a light bulb came on. Diy Dream Catcher Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter. Cachez ces fils que je ne saurais voir ! Entre la box, le décodeur, la télé, les lampes, difficile de ne pas etre envahi par les fils électriques, les prises, les multiprises, toutes ces choses moches du quotidien.

Cachez ces fils que je ne saurais voir !

Pourtant on peut cacher une multiprise bardée de fils simplement dans une boite en carton. Pour que les fils ne fassent pas sauter le couvercle, il suffit de découper une fente sur chacun de ses petits cotés. Inspiration For Moms: I Finished It Friday: Canvas Wall Art. I found this art on Pinterest and I thought it was so elegant and yet so simple...

Inspiration For Moms: I Finished It Friday: Canvas Wall Art

Upon further review, I found out that the company resides is in the United Kingdom and charges 295 pounds (which is...gasp.... $486!!) For this lovely artwork. We like it wild: bottle gardens. As much as we love to garden, sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all.

we like it wild: bottle gardens

If there’s a way we can shorten our to-do list, we’ll take it. Shaker Cabin Primitive Country Pullback Curtain. Tutorial: DIY Curtains from a Bed Sheet. Wow!

Tutorial: DIY Curtains from a Bed Sheet

I did not intend on being away for so long, but Stephen and I both came down with strep throat on Monday and we’ve been out for the count! Luckily I was able to make a decision and attack our dining room curtains since the last time I posted. THANK YOU to everyone who weighed in on our Dining Room Curtain Dilemma last week. You ladies have such good ideas and really got me thinking on other ways to improve our space. Fun Bedroom Ideas - Bedroom Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodels and Decor. My laundry basket dresser with doors. The free content provicded by this website is made possible by the following current sponsors.

39 Easy DIY Ways To Create Art For Your Walls. Creative Carmella: Toilet Paper Roll Painting.....A DIY project. Decorating Tricks of the Pros. I am no professional when it comes to decorating.

Decorating Tricks of the Pros

However, I have watched enough decorating shows and read enough shelter magazines to amount to a degree in the field. Here are some tips I have read about or seen repeatedly. 1. Hang ‘em high. Draperies hung high help a room look taller. 2. Image courtesy of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles 3. 4. Image courtesy of Pottery Barn 5. Ambient – Light that fills an entire room or space. Every room should have more than one type of lighting, and living spaces usually look best when all four are incorporated. Those are my tips. 2a8609e763543a019e9c963d226836d9.jpg (Imagen JPEG, 540x720 pixels) - Escala (61. Well organized shelves are pretty and functional in a small ...

2d19b6ecf5765a8418fb7c50d468ca3a.jpg (Imagen JPEG, 320x320 pixels) Affordable and Easy Window Treatment Ideas for the DIYer. In My Own Style Window Treatments Sew & No Sew ← Return to Main Project Gallery page. Reusing Wine Bottles As Centerpieces - Sortrachen. In DIY world, one of the most popular trend is reusing wine bottles. They not only make adorable centerpieces for dinners, weddings, parties but also decor accesories to complement the design of your home. These handmade pieces will help you show off your personality and pump up your style.

Besides being quick, they are also inexpensive to make, only requiring a few materials. You can use them either as vases by putting some flowers or as candle holders. Let’s have a look at some simple but trendy centerpieces then get ready to get your craft on! DIY Headboard. Find an interesting branch and moun. Mandy's Krafty Exploits: Lined Canvas Diaper Box. You can find almost anything on Pinterest…it’s true. Upon wasting my time searching the other day, I found a fantastic tutorial on upcycling diaper boxes. Hmmm…what could I do with this? Oh, yes – toys scattered all about our living room floor: check, a desire to get said toys put away when not in use: check, cute fabric laying there staring at me: check! I decided to take on this project! I changed some things from this tutorial I found, but you could use either hers or mine. What you’ll need Diaper Box Canvas fabric (1 yard covered two diaper boxes) Measuring tape Spray adhesive Craft glue Scissors (or rotary cutter and mat) Here’s how Cut the flaps off of your box.

Measure the outside width and length of the box. Width. Hang curtains the new way! Scrap wood from an old bench, cheap hooks from Home Depot & sheer curtains. Red Barn Candle Company: DIY $5 No Sew Burlap Roman Window Shade. Sweet Tea Imagery – Charleston, SC Family, Vacation, Beach, Baby, Engagement Photographers. As you know, I am still working on fixing up our house day by day.

One project that seems to be ongoing is getting window treatments up. Pinterest. Turkosa askar med snygga hörn – Turquoise boxes with pretty corners. Jag fick ganska mycket turkost papper kvar efter mitt pennburk-projekt och resterna har jag nu använt till att klä in ett gäng askar, 7-17 cm långa. Dessa tänkte jag använda som presentaskar, om jag inte behåller dem själv vill säga.

Cozy little house: Small Space Decorating Ideas. Small Spaces Decorative Wall Canvas Organizer. Pinterest. Pinterest. Si tú me olvidas - Poemas de Pablo Neruda. QUIERO que sepas una cosa. Tú sabes cómo es esto: si miro la luna de cristal, la rama roja del lento otoño en mi ventana, si toco junto al fuego la impalpable ceniza o el arrugado cuerpo de la leña, todo me lleva a ti, como si todo lo que existe, aromas, luz, metales, fueran pequeños barcos que navegan hacia las islas tuyas que me aguardan. Ahora bien, si poco a poco dejas de quererme dejaré de quererte poco a poco.