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We like it wild: bottle gardens

We like it wild: bottle gardens
As much as we love to garden, sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. If there’s a way we can shorten our to-do list, we’ll take it. This week’s project, a no-fuss recycled windowsill herb garden, has knocked watering the plants off our list. Although this project may take a little more effort than your average windowsill garden initially, the pay off is worth it for us: we get to usefully recycle bottles, we get fresh herbs we don’t have to dote on, and we get a sparkling window display. CLICK HERE for the full (photo illustrated) project steps after the jump! You’ll just want to make sure the neck piece is shorter than the bottom piece so it will rest inside without touching the bottom. Pass the string through and tie a tall knot large enough to keep it from slipping through the screen. Run the string down the neck of the bottle top with the screen resting at the top. Transplant your herbs (or add dirt and plant seeds) to the bottle top.

Five Best Earbuds I tried a bunch of different high end buds recently trying to decide which was my favorite. I gave all of these a shot: Shure SE535: Great fit, but the rolled off highs were annoying...the treble isn't as clear as you'd like it to be, and the bass is lacking. I'm not a bass-nut, but I like to at least "feel" the punch of the bass some. They sound very good, but they are in no way worth their absurd $500 price IMO (I found used in the mid $200s, but ended up not buying them). Klipsch Image x10: They had the biggest bass out of any buds I've ever heard, but the bass totally overpowers the mids and highs, making the sound very muddy. Ultimate Ears 700: Crystal clear highs and mids, but the bass is lacking. ...and the winner, the Ultimate Ears Triplefi 10's: "Holy shit!" I got the Fischer Audio DBA-02 MKII, a month ago and I've been absolutely loving them. most headphones can be repaired. what's wrong with them? I've owned everything from Staxx to Grados to a range of ear buds.

10 Fantastic Fertility Boosting Foods | Like A Mustard Seed Blog Whole foods are vital for natural fertility. But there are certain foods that are extra helpful in creating healthy fertile bodies that will be able to carry life through conception. Below is a list of fertility friendly foods that you should take a closer look at. “A” Vitamin Filled Foods Vitamin A plays a very important part in female reproductive health. In addition to the above vitamin A rich foods, there are other animal based foods that are high in Vitamin A, such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Bananas Although for some with high blood sugar levels, this would not be the ideal food, many with normal blood sugar levels will find bananas to be a true godsend. Berries Berries truly are a super fruit! Berries also carry powerful anti-inflammatory agents, which are very beneficial for those looking to conceive. Berries are rated the some of the highest in antioxidant content among all foods. Beets Cruciferous Vegetables Healthy Fats Greens Healthy Meats Seeds Yams Peek At Fertility Food Checklist

Grow 100 lbs. Of Potatoes In 4 Square Feet: {How To Quite the clever gardening tip here folks! Today’s feature includes tips from three different sources for growing potatoes vertically (in layers) instead of spread out in rows across your garden. If you have limited garden space or want to try some nifty gardening magic, this could be a great option for you. First, there’s this article from The Seattle Times: It’s Not Idaho, But You Still Can Grow Potatoes: The potatoes are planted inside the box, the first row of boards is installed and the dirt or mulch can now be added to cover the seed potatoes. You plant in one bottom layer, boarding up the sides of each layer and adding dirt as you go higher (you wait until the plants have grown a bit before adding a new layer). I traced the information provided in the article to Irish Eyes Garden Seeds, they also advise you can skip the box and try growing them in a barrel or wire cage instead. Bonus! Reader Update: Here’s some info sent in by Christine who made a bin using wood pallets:

Monoprice 108320 Enhanced Bass Hi-Fi Noise Isolating Earphones, Silver: Electronics The real cost of having a baby - body+soul Having a baby requires planning, and considering your budget is a big part of it. Here are the real costs of having a baby. Having a baby is an extraordinary gift, but from the minute you see that double line spring to life on the home pregnancy test, the questions start. Are we ready for this? Will we be able to do it? It's not until it reaches this point that a couple must choose whether to have the baby in the public or private hospital systems, and often cost is the deciding factor. Public vs Private This is the first of many questions you will have to ask yourself. But there is also a niggling perception that you are "just another patient" in the overcrowded public system. Often it is the same doctors doing the rounds in both public and private hospitals, but the difference is that in the public system, who you see comes down to luck of the draw, and a complete stranger will be delivering your child. Another factor to take into account is hospital rooms. Obstetricians Ultrasounds

Putting Food By - Beef, Onions and Vanilla A freezer door left open accidentally left me frantically trying to figure out what to do with the contents. I was especially concerned about the organic, free ranged, grass fed beef and chicken steadily thawing. I have this marvelous All American 921 pressure canner, which I had only used to cook meals in. For whatever reason, the idea of actually using it to CAN scared the self sufficient right out of me. So I posted on the Facebook page, "Take Back Urban-Homestead(s)" for help and support - and the members there came through in a hurry. When I realized I couldn't find the rack that came with my pressure canner, it was recommended that I use quart size canning rings in the bottom to keep my glass jars off the metal. I managed to get all the beef put up yesterday. I managed to put up 5 quarts of beef. And did you see that little bit of green hanging out in the picture above? You can see in the next picture how the roots grow and tangle in the cup of water. ***update - 2/5/12.

Marilyn’s Library | ES Updates Marilyn Monroe’s Personal Library Photo by John Florea (Sources: The Personal Property of Marilyn Monroe, Christie’s, 1999; The Unabridged Marilyn; others cited) 1) Let’s Make Love by Matthew Andrews (novelisation of the movie) 2) How To Travel Incognito by Ludwig Bemelmans 3) To The One I Love Best by Ludwig Bemelmans 4) Thurber Country by James Thurber 5) The Fall by Albert Camus 6) Marilyn Monroe by George Carpozi 7) Camille by Alexander Dumas 8 ) Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison 9) The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book by Fannie Merritt-Farmer 10) The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald 11) From Russia With Love by Ian Fleming 12) The Art Of Loving by Erich Fromm 13) The Prophet by Kahlil Gilbran 14) Ulysses by James Joyce 15) Stoned Like A Statue: A Complete Survey Of Drinking Cliches, Primitive, Classical & Modern by Howard Kandel & Don Safran, with an intro by Dean Martin (a man who knew how to drink!) Art Books 84) Max Weber (art book – inscribed to MM by ‘Sam’ – Shaw?) Biography Freud

Baby Cost Calculator | Tools <div class="error" align="center">You seem to have disabled JavaScript. To take full advantage of our site and functionality, we recommend you enable Javascript. &nbsp; <a href="/help-browserinfo" target="_blank">How?</a></div> Log in|Sign up Expert Advice Home Track your baby's development, week by week Join now All You & Your Family Topics advertisement Our sponsors First-Year Baby Costs Calculator To get things started, we've made some choices for you, based on our research and an exclusive BabyCenter survey of more than 1,000 new moms. Share Start Over Ongoing Costs Subtotal of Ongoing Costs:$8,100 Skip this section One-Time Costs We've checked the things we think you'll need -- but please make adjustments based on what you plan to buy and how much you expect to spend. Subtotal of One-Time Costs:$2,058 Want more information? See all tools Featured video The parent rap See all pregnancy, parenting, and birth videos Your Pregnancy, Week by Week Privacy Policy & Terms Have an account? Connect with us Legal

Nifty Food & Plants To Grow Indoors {May Surprise You If you don’t have any garden space or you live in a climate with a short growing season, you can still exercise your green thumb with these indoor plant ideas…a few will even produce fresh produce too! You’ll find tips for growing assorted herbs, a couple vegetables and a few neat-o plants to try your hand at. You can grow them inside year round but many will thrive outdoors during the summer months (if you have the space) but move them indoors once it gets a little chilly and before the first frost (imagine having garden fresh tomatoes over the winter!). Never Pay For Onions Again Enjoy Garden Fresh Onions Year Round With This Tip Here’s a great tip from MyByrdHouse: Onion Recycling Tutorial: I learned this tip a couple of years ago and have tried it and found that it works and is quite marvelous. The trick is to take the cut end (root side) and plant it in a pot, water well, give it some time and voila! Please visit the site for complete details, great tip! Bean Sprouts In A Jar

setting goals + making things happen ( + another free resource ) - CREATE LIKE CRAZY | CREATE LIKE CRAZY This morning, in my email to the CLC insiders on the new email list ( get on the list right here or in the sidebar under “become a clc insider” ), I talked a bit about goals. Goals are important for so many reasons. They’ve become important to me recently in allowing me to get through my long list of ideas and actually make them happen. Like I said in the email, I decided to make a change because I realized I was always busy but not always getting the important things done. To make this change happen, I first made a master list of everything I wanted ( and needed ) to get done. That’s when I decided to take it a step further and create a goals worksheet for myself ( and for you! This worksheet can be used for small ideas and large scale projects alike. You know what to do with the “TO DO” part, but let’s talk about the “TO DO after” part! If you are a creative entrepreneur, the ”TO DO after” list may be just as important as the actual project itself.

Mind Openerz The world is full of mysteries, and not everything can be explained by science. Here are 5 Mind Blowing Things Science Still Can’t Explain. You may have heard of it before, The Placebo Effect is a phenomenon where patients are given a fake sugar pill and are told it will help them in some way or form. Both groups are told that the pills will help with their ailments. These studies seem to suggest that the power our mind has to heal ourselves is greater than we have ever thought. In some deserts across the world there are stones that seem to move along the surface. In rural China, in an area considered uninhabitable by humans, there are three triangular openings at the top of a mountain. What’s strange about them is that tests have seem to place the date of these rusted iron pipes to nomadic times, before we discovered farming let alone advance drilling and metal work. Locals speculate it to be an ancient astronomy lab, or a landing base for alien space ships, but who knows.

17 Things To Do Today To Make Yourself Proud In A Year It’s been said that if you can change one bad habit, you’re likely to change another. This list will show you how being responsible pays (literally). In just one year, watch how making these small investments or spending habit adjustments will implement lasting benefits in your lifestyle. You can absolutely have a better life! 17 Things to do Today That Will Make You Proud of Yourself in a Year… 1. My best college friends and I have made a tradition out of spending St. 2. Peonies are just about the most stunning perennials, or annual blooms, that Mother Nature has to offer. 3. You’ll be happy next year when you have high quality knits, coats, and ski wear come the first snow of next year, especially since you got it for 60% off. 4. You know what threads from last spring and summer you’re willing to part with. 5. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a preferred way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer over the past 25 years. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Customer Service Skills | Skills You Need How you treat your customers can make the difference between a loyal returning customer who will, through conversations and story-telling, become an ambassador for your organisation and a lost opportunity or negative influence for your company, somebody more likely to use your competitor’s services in the future. We have all been customers in various situations, when in a restaurant or shop, when buying a car, in the bank, or at the insurance broker and we have all experienced both good and bad service, in person, on the phone and online. This page is an introduction to customer service skills and demonstrates how good customer service skills can make a significant difference to the success of your organisation. Imagine the scenario... You are on vacation and taking a leisurely lunch in a restaurant – you are quite obviously a tourist. You have placed your order and have been served drinks. What happens next will change how you view your experience of the restaurant:

28 Powerful Questions for a Happy Life “Keep your head clear. It doesn’t matter how bright the path is if your head is always cloudy.” ~Unknown Have you ever noticed that your biggest “aha” moment comes from someone asking a powerful question? Suddenly everything seems to make a little more sense, and you know what you need to do from that point forward, right? That’s exactly how it is for me. I remember a friend of mine asking me over coffee one rainy afternoon a few years ago, “What are you avoiding, Blake?” “What? “Yeah, and…” She quips back. I came to her because her willingness to face challenges head-on amazes me, and I needed her to face my challenge and give me that sage advice I knew she could. I wanted to throw caution to the wind and follow what I most passionately believed in. I wanted to be my own success story. I also wanted someone else to tell me it was going to work. Calculating, weighing, analyzing—these things can only take you so far. We bounced back and forth for what seemed like eternity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
