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Le pipi dans tous ses états. Question de définition. Ecoconstruire : une définition non marchande.

Question de définition

Nous se sommes pas dans le "green business". L'écoconstruction n'est pas le mot magique destiné à vendre et dont certains abusent. L'écoconstruction est une démarche. Astuces Pearltrees. Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction - Holcim Awards Acknowledgement prize 2011 Europe. BAsalte. Materials. Building construction. S Reynobond® with EcoClean™, Powered by Hydrotect™ Reynobond® with EcoClean™ Alcoa Architectural Products has developed a proprietary process that leverages HYDROTECT™ technology from TOTO® to apply a titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating, called EcoClean™, to the pre-painted aluminum surface of Reynobond®.

s Reynobond® with EcoClean™, Powered by Hydrotect™

The result is the world’s first coil-coated aluminum architectural panel that helps clean itself and the air around it. As a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide interacts with sunlight to break down organic matter both on and floating around the surface of the building panels, leaving the organic matter sitting on the surface of the Reynobond® panel, ready to be washed away. Accueil - Usinage Modelage 17 - Modelage composites Moules et pièces polyester ou carbone.

Résines biosourcées. Fibres végétales. Bambou. Bamboo fibre. Terre paille.