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Cold Stone Dreamery. Love And Marriage: A History That Challenges The Notion Of 'Traditional Marriage' On Valentine’s Day, American husbands and wives of every age, faith and region will shower their beloveds with symbols of undying affection — flowers, chocolates, moonlit dinners, kisses. The annual Feb. 14 lovefest is also a popular time for elaborate engagements, with picturesque proposals and pricey jewelry. Calling all HuffPost superfans! Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost’s next chapter But any link between love and matrimony is relatively recent, said Stephanie Coontz, who teaches history and family studies at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash.

And a radical one at that. “Through most of human history, love was not at all the point of marriage,” Coontz said. The notion that a couple would marry for love was considered almost anti-social, even subversive; parents could disown their kids for doing it. “The Greeks thought lovesickness was a type of insanity, a view that was adopted by medieval commentators in Europe. David Tennant Explains Why Shakespeare Still Matters. Introduction to Shakespeare by Lauren Umberger on Prezi. Australia has finally achieved marriage equality, but there's a lot more to be done on LGBTI rights. It took a long time, but on Thursday Australia became the 26th country to achieve marriage equality.

Australia has finally achieved marriage equality, but there's a lot more to be done on LGBTI rights

The LGBTI community is euphoric and relieved with this hard-fought victory. But there is also trauma from the drawn-out postal survey campaign, which saw attacks on rainbow families and communities. It left many feeling vulnerable and distressed. In some cases, it brought back painful memories of the bullying and abuse they were subjected to in their adolescence. But once the celebrations from Australia achieving marriage equality have subsided, the fight for LGBTI people to live lives free from discrimination will continue. A long way to go. The Chemistry of Love. A Brief History of Romantic Love and Why It Kind of Sucks. Royal Shakespeare Company - Romeo & Juliet, on stage footage - NY. Bright Eyes "First Day Of My Life".

Song Analysis #21: Bright Eyes – First Day of My Life. Title: ‘First Day of My Life’Where to find it: ‘I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning’ (2005, Saddle Creek Records)Performed by: Bright EyesWords by: Conor Oberst Last year, I was particularly taken by a telly advert for American real estate company Zillow with a little snippet of what sounded like a sweet love song.

Song Analysis #21: Bright Eyes – First Day of My Life

Good pairing, I surmised. I didn’t think much about it until last month, when randomly Stuart Maconie played the song from where that snippet came from. I maximised my iPlayer window to see what song it was and by whom. What? I can’t even pretend to be a hipster and say I know a lot about Bright Eyes. I recall a conversation I had with a English musician friend of mine when his band were visiting Boston and I went up to see them. Next week, in a first for Music in Notes, I’ve decided I will segue, hopefully elegantly, from this one to another one by an entirely different band. First, the words: Now, the analysis: Vulnerability is the theme of part 3. Like this: Like Loading... Can You Be Addicted to Love? Same-sex marriage: A gay man and his father sit down to debate SSM. 100 Women: The Afghan women celebrating Valentine's Day. Image copyright Getty Images In the centre of Kabul I come across multiple shop-fronts decorated in a style which has become familiar to us in the past few years, writes BBC Pashto journalist Shafiqa Khpalwak.

100 Women: The Afghan women celebrating Valentine's Day

There are bouquets of red and white roses, heart-shaped balloons and empty boxes beautifully wrapped and placed on top of each other. Yes, Valentine's Day is just around the corner and love is in the air. For a moment it all looks surreal. Kabul has witnessed multiple terrorist attacks during the past month, with more than a hundred killed and many more injured.

Yet among all this fear and hopelessness the people of this ancient city, as they have often been forced to do in recent years, just get along with their daily lives. Valentine's Day is one of the few occasions when young people in Kabul give themselves a reason to celebrate - and to love. I cannot help but think what it meant to love - and to be loved - in Afghanistan. I decide to ask Afghan women if they had ever been in love. Why Same-Sex Marriage is Important for Good Health. The debate over same-sex marriage – or “gay marriage” – has been contentious in national and state politics for nearly twenty years.

Why Same-Sex Marriage is Important for Good Health

After voters in many states rushed to ban same-sex unions, the tide turned. In recent years, sixteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage and another three states have approved civil unions or domestic partnerships that include full spousal rights for lesbian, gay and bisexual couples. Despite this progress, as of the end of 2013, only 37% of Americans live in a state with marriage equality; and many lesbian, gay, and bisexual people still do not enjoy the full rights and benefits associated with marriage. This is unfortunate for moral and economic reasons. Equally important, a growing body of public health research documents the many health benefits associated with legal same-sex marriage.

Balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet. History of Marriage. Most ancient societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species, a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines.

History of Marriage

The institution of marriage handled these needs. History of Romance & Dating Customs.