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Edu'Hack'tion Meetup - Paris, France | Jan 9, 2012. .Design des Connaissances. Edu'Hack'tion Meetup - Paris, ID, France | Dec 12, 2011. Ico. The protagonist is a young boy named Ico who was born with horns, which his village considers a bad omen. Warriors lock him away in an abandoned fortress. During his explorations of the fortress, Ico encounters Yorda, the daughter of the castle's Queen. The Queen plans to use Yorda's body to extend her own lifespan. Learning this, Ico seeks to escape the castle with Yorda, keeping her safe from the shadow-like creatures that attempt to draw her back. Throughout the game, the player controls Ico as he explores the castle, solves puzzles and assists Yorda across obstacles.

Gameplay[edit] Ico (right) calls out to Yorda (left) while she waits on the ruined castle. Escaping the castle is made difficult by shadow creatures sent by the Queen. Plot[edit] Ico (イコ, pronounced "Ee-ko"?) Ico awakens below the castle and makes his way back to the upper levels, finding a magic sword that dispels the shadow creatures.

Development[edit] The cover used for the North American release of Ico. Soundtrack[edit] Phylo. Map Explorer | Field Expedition: Mongolia, National Geographic. Stardust@Home. LIMBO. LIMBO - In-game Teaser. Machinarium. Machinarium Trailer. François Taddei’s course now open for Learnit Lab « Learnit Lab. Good news, Just got Francois’s permission to open his course to Learnit Lab and les nouveaux étudiants members. It’s going to be a great venue for collaboration between scientists, engineers and eduhackers. Some words on the course: First course will be tomorrow at 18:00, presenting both courses, Open science and scientific discovery games. Scientific discovery games Duration: 10x 2h, on Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00 at the CRI (room 2006), Next course: December 1st.

The success of gamers in games such as Fold-it are each year more impressive. Last year in Nature they announced that players can make better predictions than the best software. In this course we’ll propose the study of such games and we’ll work on how to design new scientific discovery games and will contribute to the creation of an international community of students and researchers that create such games. Open science: Duration: 10x 2h, on Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00 at the CRI (room 2006), Next course: November 24th.

Wish You Were Here project. Here comes some news ! Le LeanIt Lab et les Nouveaux Étudiants lancent le projet "wish you were here" dès la semaine prochaine. Kézako ? Le principe est tout simple : Faire venir des personnalités du monde de l'éducation pour donner une conférence/ atelier au LearnIt Lab. (qui a lieu tous les lundi soir au Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire à Paris) La semaine dernière c'est Dale Stephens du mouvement Uncollege qui est venu. Et les suivants ? C'est vous qui proposez quels experts vous voulez voir, directement sur ce google moderator. En attendant, on vous donne rendez-vous lundi prochain pour une petite rédaction de cartes postales. Et oui, Dor Garbash, le génial créateur du LearnIt Lab a eu l'idée à la suite d'un Hold Up, d'inviter nos futurs convives par le biais de cartes postales vintage de Paris.

Cool huh ? L'idée est toute simple : Expliquer en quelques lignes au dos de la carte pourquoi la personne devrait (à tout prix) venir nous rencontrer. Dor having an idea (and a fake moustache) Moderator : Who to invite ? Dale J. Stephens. LearnitLab @CRI Edu'Hack'tion Community. A space to change and think about learning.