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Learning Styles & Methods

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Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY. 5 Videos That Describe New Learning. What new learning actually is depends on who you talk to.

5 Videos That Describe New Learning

Project-based learning infused with educational technology. Game-based learning and learning simulations. Self-directed learning and learning through play. eLearning and mobile learning to promote personalized learning for every child. Learn how Everything Works!". Reciprocal reading. Visual Thinking. Active Learning. Visual Thinking.

7 Major Learning Styles – Which One are You? Everyone learns differently, that’s nothing new.

7 Major Learning Styles – Which One are You?

However, over the years the different styles of learning have usually been cut down to visual, physical (learn-by-doing), or audible. Truth is, we could probably dissect each of these learning three styles down even further and arrive at a handful of sub-levels. Learning is a complicated concept as everyone is unique in their own way, and learns in their own way as well. That said, it is still very much possible to classify a learning style into one of seven categories. Perhaps you fall into one of the following: