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Portail de ressources documentaires sur la permaculture : ArticlePolyfaceFarmLaFermeAuxMultiplesVisages. Élu par le Time magazine comme l’un des plus grands agriculteurs innovateurs au monde, Joel Salatin est devenu une grande référence de l’agriculture de régénération.

Portail de ressources documentaires sur la permaculture : ArticlePolyfaceFarmLaFermeAuxMultiplesVisages

Fermier innovant et créatif, il a fait de la biomimicrie (imitation des procédés ou évènements naturels) un atout majeur. Joel est une personne atypique et une force de la nature, un exemple d’un pionnier qui de presque rien a construit une belle entreprise profitable sans quelconque aide financière. Il défend avec ferveur le monde agricole et son importance en inspirant les jeunes agriculteurs à changer leur regard sur la fonction agraire. " Nous devons arrêter cette mentalité incessante de victime où quelqu’un d’autre devra réparer ce qui a été détruit, ou quelqu’un d’autre doive me rendre heureux ou que je doive ma santé à quelqu’un d’autre.

Tout ceci est de notre responsabilité, pas de celle du voisin ou du gouvernement, de l’église ou autre Présentation globale de la ferme Définissons le contexte Principe de superposition. Agriculture: Joel Salatin, "fermier libertaire" et anti-OGM, vidéo Agriculture: Joel Salatin, "fermier libertaire" et anti-OGM, vidéo - Archives vidéos. Polyface, Inc. Polyface Guiding Principles TRANSPARENCY: Anyone is welcome to visit the farm anytime.

Polyface, Inc.

No trade secrets, no locked doors, every corner is camera-accessible. GRASS-BASED: Pastured livestock and poultry, moved frequently to new “salad bars,” offer landscape healing and nutritional superiority. INDIVIDUALITY: Plants and animals should be provided a habitat that allows them to express their physiological distinctiveness. Respecting and honoring the pigness of the pig is a foundation for societal health. COMMUNITY: We do not ship food. NATURE’S TEMPLATE: Mimicking natural patterns on a commercial domestic scale insures moral and ethical boundaries to human cleverness. EARTHWORMS: We’re really in the earthworm enhancement business. Message from Joel and all of us here at Polyface: Scaling up without Selling your Soul Many successful entrepreneurial start-ups morph into Wall-Streetified empires that lose their distinctives.

I am first and foremost a farmer, but not a very ordinary farmer. Joel Salatin. Salatin giving a tour of his farm Joel F. Salatin (born 1957) is an American farmer, lecturer, and author whose books include Folks, This Ain't Normal; You Can Farm; and Salad Bar Beef. Salatin raises livestock using holistic management methods of animal husbandry, free of potentially harmful chemicals, on his Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley. Meat from the farm is sold by direct-marketing to consumers and restaurants.[1] Biography[edit] In high school, Salatin began his own business selling rabbits, eggs, butter and chicken from his family farm at the Staunton Curb Market.[2] He then attended Bob Jones University where he majored in English and was a student leader.

About Joel. Michael Pollan gives a plant's-eye view. Joel Salatin's Polyface Farm (Video Library) “I’m all about trying to reinvigorate this notion of the Jeffersonian, intellectual agrarian .” ~ Joel Salatin This post is a video compilation of Joel Salatin’s holistic methods of farming at his Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley.

Joel Salatin's Polyface Farm (Video Library)

It contains over forty five hours of video covering interviews, farm tours, as well as talks and presentations he has given to a wide variety of audiences. I have tried to categorize them under general headings where no specific title is available. It begins with the Introductory Videos section which gives a series of overviews of his farm operation and philosophy. For those who want to skip the introduction and go directly to the details, the 2010 Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER section is the most comprehensive. Happy watching~ Stillwater Table of Contents - Main Sections, Farm Tours, & Presentations (Click "Back" button on browser to return to Table) Overview “Joel F. Polyface Farms clip from Food Inc. AFPTV report on Joel Salatin.