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Ilustrações. Este fim de semana mais ilustrações: este É o meu "trabalho" é isto que eu gosto e sei fazer e que só publico quando está no "ponto"... todas as imagens publicadas se encontram à venda em diversos formatos e suportes (contactar por email -


The League of Imaginary Scientists. February 15th, 2011 Enjoy this set of images from The League’s second Engagement Party event The Automatoggler.

The League of Imaginary Scientists

Photos by Mark Woodworth. Read the rest of this entry » The apparatuses of The Automatoggler… February 5th, 2011 The Automatoggler was bright, shiny and interactive – like any good robot. Here are some pictures of Dr. The Universe Works Peering into the Universe Atlas has some help. The Universe Works in Action When operating the crank, music goes in; soldiers come out: The Machine of Harmony and Discord. The Machine of Harmony and Discord Professor Madmann leads the mechanical evolution… The Evolve You Machine: Before and After… Before evolving... We heart it. Colt + Rane. Yay!everyday. Colectiva. A wait for ever We truly hope you can find a place in your heart for forgiveness as we feel quite bad that we haven’t posted anything during the last days, and we’d like to apologize.


Unfortunately we’ve been dealing with hosting problems, lack of time, stress, and preparation for a couple of kick-ass activities of which we’ll be writing about during the next couple weeks. Meanwhile, enjoy this animated gif by Rene Abythe conveniently titled A Wait for Ever. via: computers club Loading ... Los Pink Floys Damn, these compadres sure know how to get down! I spotted this gem over at Pablo Leon de la Barra’s selection of youtube videos for Random Rules ‘09. Jetsonorama + Yote Really diggin’ this wall by Jetsonorama + Yote in Tucson, Arizona. via unurth Aircondition Aircondition (2006) x Oliver Laric. Ayala Serfaty Beautiful light sculptures by Ayala Serfaty, which in a way remind me of the incredible work of Tara Donovan.

Via: theartistandhismodel Paul McCarthy: Air Pressure We saw ‘em at MyopeMyope. Dust. Designaside. Behance Network. File Magazine. PHOTO! - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIG. History of Our World. Fotografía. Después de un merecidísimo parón veraniego, hemos vuelto al ruedo con las pilas cargadas (y un alucinante bronceado).


Necesitaremos un poco de tiempo para volver a pillar el ritmo a nuestra rutina y, por supuesto, leer todos los emails que tenemos en nuestra cuenta. Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para comentar que nos hemos mudado a otro sitio de trabajo. Nos despedimos del barrio de Poble Nou y dimos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo sitio: el “Upper East Diagonal”. Como dice la foto de arriba… estamos pasando unos buenos momentos allí, así que venid a vernos un día de estos. ¡¡ Empezamos!! After a deserved summer break, we’re back with the batteries charged (and an amazing suntan). We take this opportunity to mention that we’ve moved to another workplace.

Simons Work. The Magenta Links. Welcome. La main gauche. 72dpi. Australian Edge. Sweet Station. Josh Bronaugh Joshua Bronaugh is an artist that is originally from many places – he spent some years in Germany, before skipping through American mountains, forests, and salt flats, landing eventually in the south.

His paintings, often large in scale, focus the obsessions of memory and emotion, almost always pushing the human figure to the edges of representation and, in some instances, far into abstraction. ( via LeQuire Gallery ) Alex J Jefferies ” I’m a 3D artist, illustrator & animator from the UK. I have been working professionally in CG since 2001 & I am currently a partner in the illustration studio . ” – Alex J Jefferies Angie Wang ” When I was a kid I made a mural on my wall out of snot, and that’s when I knew I was artistic. ” – Angie Wang Tom Phillips ‘ Tom Phillips from Exposure Agency in USA created a website called The Dead Photos where he takes photos of himself splayed out in all manner of poses as a corpse, dead to the world.

Shuichi Nakano Lawrie McIntosh. Home.