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Innovation 2.0

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Social networks. Online Event Registration - Sell Tickets Online with Eventbrite. Web site. How Leading Organizations Manage Their Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing Efforts – Part One. Although there are simple and cost effective ways to jumpstart your efforts – for example, leveraging a company like InnoCentive to host prize-based challenges in order to rapidly find solutions to your most pressing problems – leading organizations that wish to truly embrace open innovation and crowdsourcing do so through careful planning. When seeking to engage external talent, one of the first of many questions you must first ask yourself is: Why are we doing this? What do we hope that external talent can achieve for us that our internal talent cannot (or should not) achieve, and how do we integrate the two together? The second question leading organizations in open innovation ask themselves is: Why will they care?

And one good place to start in answering this difficult question is to ask: What kind of organization do you have? Do you have a product-driven organization like Microsoft that is very much organized around products? Other questions to ask: The Bouillon Soup Lesson – You Can’t Innovate Alone. My first innovation job after graduating was as a marketer of dried soups, at the Dutch market leader called Honig.

The Bouillon Soup Lesson – You Can’t Innovate Alone

We sold around 50 million consumer packages per year. Not bad for a country with only 16 million people. Honig had a market share of more than sixty percent. There was only one problem. The dried soups market was not growing anymore. As ‘new kid on the block’, I was invited to give fresh input on the marketing and innovation strategy. Next to being involved in strategy, senior management gave me a hands-on innovation assignment. In the meanwhile we discussed our strategic chilled soups plan with our colleagues of R&D, logistics and production on a middle management level. The wise lesson I learned as a young marketer is that in an organisation you cannot innovate alone. If you want to be effective as innovator, do not make my mistake.

Henri Verdier

Les liens faibles, moteurs de notre diversité informationnelle. Liens faibles, liens forts.

Les liens faibles, moteurs de notre diversité informationnelle

Cette semaine le dossier d'InternetActu vous propose de revenir sur ce que sont les liens faibles, ce concept forgé par le sociologue américain Mark Granovetter permettant de distinguer nos relations selon selon leur proximité, mais aussi selon leur diversité et la richesse de ce qu'elles nous apportent. A l'heure des réseaux sociaux numériques, la compréhension de la structuration et du rôle de nos relations est devenu d'autant plus importante qu'elles forgent de plus en plus toutes nos actions en ligne.

Quelle est la force des liens faibles, quelles sont leurs limites ? C'est le dossier d'InternetActu. Les chercheurs de Facebook, menés par Eytan Bakshy, ont publié une nouvelle étude s'intéressant à comment les gens recevaient et réagissaient à l'information dans le cadre du réseau social. Pourquoi "repenser la diversité de l'information dans les réseaux sociaux" ? Les liens faibles sont les gens les plus influents de nos réseaux sociaux Hubert Guillaud. .: :. De la mesure à la démesure de soi.

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