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Startup Dublin - The go to place for Startups in Dublin. Samurai Portfolio. 2015. Members. STING companies. Member Companies - Greentown Labs. Promethean Power Promethean Power Systems designs and manufactures rural refrigeration systems for commercial cold-storage applications in off-grid and partially electrified areas of developing countries.

Member Companies - Greentown Labs

According to co-Founder Sorin Grama, Greentown offered the perfect combination of space and community—“you felt like when you came to work it wasn’t just you looking at your business partner,” he said. “Once you get together under one roof, you start collaborating through sharing ideas, looking over each other’s business plans, and sharing talent and people,” Grama said. He claims that the breadth of knowledge, creativity, and passion brimming from Greentown Labs was an invaluable resource that contributed to Promethean Power Systems’ success; today, the company is delivering products to its customer in India, and has received more than $5M in grant and institutional funding, in addition to winning numerous awards along the way.

Inbox (641) - a.rufo - Alien Technology Transfer Mail. European Entrepreneurship and Innovation Thought Leaders - ME421 - Stanford University. Here is a partial listing of Europe-related organizations and websites focused on entrepreneurship, venture finance, innovation, research, business and industry in Northern California.

European Entrepreneurship and Innovation Thought Leaders - ME421 - Stanford University

Contact us if your organization should be included here. Updates are done once each calendar quarter. Startups In Los Angeles. Add your company digital companies (2,294) Remove Filters Sort by Jobs.

Startups In Los Angeles - map of the Los Angeles startup community. Interactive Map. Counties The map includes information on California's 58 counties, including a list of the fastest growing industries in each county as well as a link for additional county information.

Interactive Map

Innovation Hubs The Innovation Hub (iHub) initiative encourages innovation and entrepreneurship by removing barriers to public-private collaboration and promoting investment around research clusters through State-designated iHubs. Small Business Administration The U.S. Service Core of Retired Executives SCORE, a nonprofit association and resource partner with the U.S. Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericsson. Il Premio per l'Innovazione 2014 del Programma EGO è un'iniziativa di responsabilità sociale della Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericsson, ente no-profit costituito da Ericsson in Italia nel 2006.

Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericsson

PROROGA SCADENZA PREMIO PER L’INNOVAZIONE 2014 DEL PROGRAMMA EGOLa nuova scadenza per la consegna dei progetti imprenditoriali, secondo le modalità descritte nel regolamento, è il 27 ottobre 2014. PAD. Materials. Exhibitors List. Techstars. All technology startups in London - Built in London. Alumni. SOSventures. Skynet Labs. Skynet Labs provides oil and gas companies with leading edge information technology, software, to increase the efficiency of their drilling and workover operations.

Skynet Labs

They are saving the Oil & Gas industry time and money in their calculation workflow at the upstream engineering level by using software to consolidate and solve paper based and dynamic problems. Skynet Labs' cloud based drilling applications will revolutionize the way exploration and development engineers use and manage their project data and calculations, through the use of cloud computing and mobile devices. In 2012 they will lead their product release DUC (Drilling Unit Calculator) which offers oilfield operators, engineers, planners, and technicians the ability to perform complex conversions in seconds, using industry standard calculation and conversion algorithms. On top of the DUC product, Skynet aim to develop dynamic information capture systems for the oil rig live drilling environment. #pitch10 look book (31 July 2014) - Swipe. YES!Delft > Companies. Worried About Acne? mySkin Launches ScanZ Device And App To Monitor The Health Of Your Skin.

ScanZ, a product unveiled today at Disrupt Europe, combines a new, smartphone-connected device with a quantified self-style app to help teens battle acne. The product comes from a company called mySkin, which plans to launch a $150,000 Indiegogo campaign this week to fund the launch (I will update this post once the campaign is live). Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Sava Marinkovich told me that the initial version of ScanZ will be able to answer two questions about a zit — when it’s going away, and what you can do to make it go away more quickly. And it can answer a more general question — whether or not you’re about to break out. Over the weekend, the mySkin team demonstrated a ScanZ prototype for me. SiTF Awards. StartCup Puglia 2014. Your one-stop destination to entrepreneurial stardom. Techstars. Premio Best Practices 2014 - M31USA.

H-Farm Ventures » Italia Startup. Paris. London. Quote You have an idea so brilliant it burns.


You can’t sleep. You can’t eat. You just have to make it happen – now. Welcome to Microsoft VenturesAccelerator London. Every startup is unique. Berlin. Quote Welcome to the Microsoft Ventures Accelerator in Berlin.


Located right in the heart of the startup hotspot Berlin, the Microsoft Ventures Accelerator opened its doors in autumn 2013. Focusing on promising early-stage startups or first-time entrepreneurs, the Accelerator is an immersive program designed to build great startups. During the 4 months of the program you will have access to top-notch mentorship, technical training and support, and the opportunity to network with angel investors, venture capitalists, Microsoft executives, media and industry influentials.quote.

Microsoft Ventures. Startups - Pioneers - Entrepreneurship and innovative technologies. Welcome to Startupbootcamp. Startups on f6s - browse and search Startups. Top 100: i giovani e le startup più promettenti d'Italia Wired. Sul magazine di dicembre abbiamo raccontato i dieci under 35 e le dieci aziende più promettenti d’Italia.

Top 100: i giovani e le startup più promettenti d'Italia Wired

Ecco qui tutti 100 casi tra cui li abbiamo selezionati Pubblicato Cento nomi che sono 100 storie di un’Italia che guarda avanti, al digitale, alla ricerca e allo sviluppo ed esercita il suo diritto alla ricerca di un futuro migliore. Quelli che elenchiamo qui sono i nomi da cui abbiamo distillato i 20 esempi pubblicati nel numero di dicembre del magazine. Da un lato, i giovani: le beautiful mind, anzi, le menti bellissime del Paese, con le loro idee e progetti per lasciarsi il passato alle spalle.

Avranno successo? Annalisa Balloi. Stefano Rosso. Beatrice Costa. Andrea Landini. Mattia Affini. Marcello Signorile. Alessia Manzella. Startup Europe Partnership. SVForum.