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See the Whole Customer to Guide the Decision Journey. The basis of the customer decision journey is that the customer follows a decision path that leads to a purchase. Vendors provide small pokes, prods and nudges along the way, often in the form of engaging content that keeps the customer moving toward buying something. The content needs to be highly personalized and based on demographics, individual buying patterns and other aspects of the buying experience. While “the journey” is a better metaphor than many previous ones used by marketers, especially the militaristic “campaign” or industrial “funnel,” it tends to belie the complexity of the process of turning interest into purchase. The Blind Men and the Elephant Content driven customer decision journeys require that the seller know an awful lot about the customer. For example, vendors need to know what product is the customer looking at and what is their attitude about it? How is that attitude changing over time and where will it be in the near future?

Or at least it should. Understanding the Journey: An Opportunity to Learn from Your Peers. Apr 7 2014 | Loyalty Management: Articles Type Back To Results An interesting test that arises when building a loyalty program (as part of a larger loyalty process) is the effective benchmarking of your program against those of your competitors and others in the market. While there are implicit financial challenges put in place by the organization’s CFO, brands may be challenged by the CMO and CIO to achieve greater impact, efficacy, and efficiencies.

The challenge to effectively measure the efficacy and efficiency of a brand’s loyalty offering versus that of competitors is overwhelming and almost debilitating to some. Please log in or register for a FREE online account to view this content. Register Now Your free online account lets you: Read full articles and post comments, view multimedia and poll results, access job postings and post your resume, receive our weekly newsletters and much more! Register Now. 3 buenas acciones de Social Media en Turismo y Hostelería. ¿No sabes qué proponer en tu estrategia de Social Media para empresas del sector turístico y hostelero? A continuación te sugiero algunas ideas de Social Media en Turismo y Hostelería que puedes aplicar para tu negocio o tus clientes: 1. Utilizar Foursquare para promocionar tu negocio Una de las redes sociales más importantes para los negocios de los sectores turísticos y adyacentes, es Foursquare.

Puede que ahora te estés preguntando cómo puede ayudarte Foursquare en tu negocio, así que te lo cuento: Cada vez que un usuario accede a nuestro negocio (un hotel, un restaurante, una ruta turística o local) se hará de forma automática un Check-in. ¿Qué ventajas puedo ofrecer con Foursquare a mis visitantes? Una buena forma de aprovechar el potencial de Foursquare, es ofrecer beneficios por Check-in. Para mejorar la experiencia del usuario, es importante ofrecer Wifi gratis en el espacio físico de la empresa. 2. 3.

¿Utilizas estas herramientas en tu negocio o con tus clientes? How to Make Your Company Culture a Social Media Marketing Tool. Your company culture can become a social media marketing tool. Unfortunately, many companies don’t recognize this. Social media is probably the most influential communication opportunity in todays world. There really is truly nothing like it. Everyone is in it even though no one is leading it. Naturally, the corporate world was a little slow to adapt. Interestingly enough, and counter intuitively-so, many business owners are observing that it is their employees who are more resistant to the adoption of social media culture in the corporate setting, while executives are more supportive.

Strategic and Cultural Disconnect The difference between the responses of executives and employees towards adoption of social media in their companies can be attributed to the disconnect between corporate culture and strategy. One of the key elements businesses must realize, is that social media works best if it isn’t tied to a single department or person when it comes to execution of strategy. Discussion Point: Can One Firm Provide Complete Digital Experience? The complete digital experience from one digital provider. Ah, sounds refreshing, doesn't it? Or maybe it doesn't. Maybe being locked into one vendor sounds scary. The truth is — most experts think the industry is far from having an all-in-one. Forrester Research reported this in its first Wave for Digital Experience Delivery Platforms last month. Heck, when even vendors admit they don't offer the complete digital package, you know it's the truth.

"Our end goal is a common user interface for everything end-to-end," one software company product manager told Forrester researchers. We asked three professionals in the digital industry to weigh in on this question of "all-one-in. " Forrester claims no digital experience platforms offer end-to-end solutions. Tony Byrne, Founder, The Real Story Group In 2001, Byrne founded CMS Watch as a vendor-independent analyst firm to evaluate content technologies. Before 2001, he managed an engineering team at a systems integration firm.

R. Is Your Value Proposition Helping or Hurting You? 7 emotions connecting brands and consumers. It's no secret that emotionally resonant creative is the key ingredient in advertising. Always has been, always will be. But these days a strong emotional connection is also one of the best ways for advertisers to break through the clutter and make the most of earned media. Emotional connections, after all, are why we consume media. We watch movies that lift up our spirits and tickle our funny bones. We watch television that horrifies, shocks, and -- hopefully -- gets us buzzing about what we just saw. And from time to time, we see advertisements that strike us on such a gut level that they cut through the noise and lodge their message deep inside our minds. Of course, most media fail to connect on an emotional level. CMO 2014: Brand Experience Will Matter First Before Content Marketing. The current logo for We’re Experiencing Technical Difficulties (Photo credit: Wikipedia) For many Chief Marketing Officers and marketing leaders, especially in B2B, there is a seismic shift taking place in how marketing is approached and done.

A staple in yearly strategic planning is the product or service as the central focus of marketing and sales plans year after year. Product marketing is just as the name implies – all about marketing the product. If this is the central premise of your marketing plan for 2014, time to go back to the drawing board before it is too late. New Differentiation Decade after decade, marketing and sales focused on touting the superiority of a product or service as the main competitive differentiator. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: Visual Trends to Drive Your Content Marketing How can this be? Is content marketing really the future if this much of B2B content will be unusable?

What Matters First Creating Meaning Through Experience Framework. The 4 best strategies for dealing with customer service. / wavebreakmedia If you want your cable company, airline or pretty much any other company to resolve your complaints quickly and completely, you may need to change the way you deal with customer service. According to the latest data from the American Customer Service Index, Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with the companies they deal with. In the first quarter of 2014, overall customer satisfaction scores across all industries fell to 76.2 out of 100, which the researchers who compile the ratings say was “one of the largest [drops] in the 20-year history of the Index.”

And some industries are particularly hated: Internet (63 out of 100) and cable and subscription TV (65) companies and airlines (69) rank at the bottom when it comes to customer satisfaction. Part of the dissatisfaction may be because we are interacting with customer service the wrong way. Here are four strategies to employ when dealing with customer service. Don’t be too stern Take notes. The Value of Customer Experience, Quantified | Medallia. Intuitively, most people recognize the value of a great customer experience. Brands that deliver them are ones that we want to interact with as customers — that we become loyal to, and that we recommend to our friends and family. But as executives leading businesses, the value of delivering such an experience is often a lot less clear, because it can be hard to quantify.

Rationales for focusing on customer experience tend to be driven by a gut belief that it’s just “the right thing to do.” The problem with this is that often, whether experience is a priority or not simply becomes a battle of opinions. It was for this reason that we wanted to explore ways of quantifying the impact of good versus poor customer experiences — and then see what the value was in delivering them.

What we found: not only it is possible to quantify the impact of customer experience — but the effects are huge. The results for the subscription-based business were equally impressive. These are dramatic differences. Social Sales Require More Than One-Click Engagements. Creating Loyalty Beyond (and Before) the Transaction. Jul 18 2014 | Loyalty Management: Articles Type Jeremy Ages, The Marketing Store • 2919 views Back To Results Too often brand marketers think that, since loyalty is what they want, they can simply build a rewards program to deliver it.

Think about the proliferation of loyalty programs that have emerged over the past ten years. How many you have signed up for? Please log in or register for a FREE online account to view this content. Register Now Your free online account lets you: Read full articles and post comments, view multimedia and poll results, access job postings and post your resume, receive our weekly newsletters and much more! Register Now. 4 Steps to Implementing a Social CRM Strategy. Are you using social media to improve your customer service? Is your current Customer Relationship Management process inefficient? A fine-tuned social customer service strategy increases customer engagement. In this article I’ll share four easy steps for developing a social CRM strategy. Why a Social Media CRM Strategy? Just about everybody uses social media in their daily lives. Why not use those online gathering places as an outlet for customer service? Social media is a great place to offer CRM.

A study by J.D. More recent surveys show that for over 40% of the polltakers, a quick resolution was the most important goal in a customer service exchange. I talked with Ashley Verril, content strategist for Software Advice, and asked her for insights on how companies can align their social media and customer service strategies. . #1: Choose Your Primary CRM Platform Bring CRM to the social channel that works best for your customers. Customize your CRM on Facebook. #2: Prioritize CRM Response Conclusion. Why Your Company Should Recognize Individuals, Not Worker Bees. Three things B2B sites could learn from B2C and User Experience. B2B and B2C companies face similar challenges on their websites. A business users experience on a B2B insurance site for instance, is just as important as it is for the individual B2C customer seeking pet insurance.

B2B customers seek as much information online, if not more, than their B2C counterparts. Business spend always has to be justified, so a higher standard of information is sought. They look for useful product or service descriptions, informative comparison charts, enticing up-sells and an easy path to communication with your organisation. Three very important lessons B2B sites could learn from B2C: 1. Understand your customer perspective With many design teams adopting or at least talking about UCD (User Centred Design) and the process of embedding it, we should not forget that motivating a team to improve UX (user experience) for your users or clients is not just about providing a list of issues, but sharing the pain. 2. 3.

Los clientes demandan una experiencia multicanal pero las empresas no dan la talla. Los clientes demandan una experiencia multicanal integrada pero las empresas y marcas no están en disposición de dárselo Una de las principales exigencias por parte de los usuarios es disfrutar de una experiencia integrada a través de todos los canales. Un deseo que no está presto a cumplirse, al menos a corto plazo, según recoge a tal efecto el informe de eMarketer. La nota positiva estriba en que los usuarios sí son conscientes de la necesidad de garantizar una experiencia de compra integrada. La encuesta realizada en junio por Retail Systems Research entre retailers de todo el mundo indicaba que el 84% de ellos consideraba muy importante avanzar en este área, en todos los sentidos. El 80% considera fundamental el hecho se mostrar íntegramente sus productos en todos los canales, junto con aplicarla misma política de precios (53%) así como ofrecer un seguimiento integral de las peticiones relacionadas con la atención al cliente (73%).

Con la intención no es suficiente. 'Influencers': cómo incitar a la compra por medio de líderes de opinión. VALENCIA. Influencer o ‘prescriptor' son dos palabras que no encontraremos en el diccionario, pero que forman parte de una práctica publicitaria que ha alcanzado su máximo exponente gracias a las redes sociales: el marketing de influencia. Ya sea para vender un par de zapatos o para ganar unas elecciones, las pymes, multinacionales y gobiernos de turno rastrean Internet en busca de personas con poder de influencia sobre terceros, los llamados influencers.

La Word Of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) -sí, existe una asociación de expertos de la publicidad boca a boca- los define como "usuarios que poseen un potencial de influencia superior al promedio ya sea por su mayor frecuencia de comunicación, su capacidad de persuasión, el tamaño y ubicación en una red social, etc". Gracias a Internet, su figura se ha democratizado. Influencity, la startup valenciana que pone en contacto a marcas con influencers, ha elaborado la siguiente clasificación de usuarios prescriptores de tendencias:

The Bar Is Higher Than Ever For Customer Experience | Loyalty Lab Blog. By Jeanne Roué-Taylor Customer experience is going through rapid change. At the Forrester East Coast Customer Experience Forum in New York, the hot topic—and even the title of the conference—was “Why Good Enough Is Not Good Enough.” We’ve entered a new age of competitiveness that raises the bar significantly and forces brands to rethink the ways to know the customer better, and to trigger their passions where possible. Where it was once all about stocking the right products and having well-trained sales and customer service associates, today’s customer experience is defined by, as Forrester puts it, “…your people, processes, and technologies.” Outperforming the Market Is it worth the cost of making your customer’s experience that much better than with your competitors?

What Can I Do About It? These numbers are great, but what can you as a brand do to improve your customer’s experience? Optimizing for the Ultimate Moment of Truth: Your New Sales Cycle.

Customer Journey Mapping

The new digital customer journey: Cross-channel, mobile, social, self-service, and engaged. The Rules of Engagement: How Social Media Has Changed the Landscape. How Understanding Your Customer Will Help You Create Copy That Sells. Customer Service Leadership: How To Transform The Behavior Of Customer-Facing Employees. Company Culture Initiatives: 5 Bottom-Line Reasons To Rebuild Your Corporate Culture Now. Guía con estrategias para fidelizar a los fans de tu marca. Restaurant Watches Old Surveillance And Shares Shocking Results On Craigslist. Are you Experiential? Designing for the Pervasive Entertainment Era « BMW Change Accelerators. Here's The Simple Secret To Apple's Marketing Success. Brand Journalism: User-Generated Content. The Scarcity of Customer Surprise.

Are Brands Engaging Correctly with Customers? Connecting the Customer Experience Value Chain | Genesys Blog. 20 consejos para desactivar una “bomba” en las redes sociales. Los pequeños negocios ya apuestan por el Marketing Experiencial. 3 Types of Analytics Every Contact Center Manager Should Know | Genesys Blog. Helping Employees Become Brand Ambassadors. Why Loyalty is the Best Form of Acquisition. Barriers to Participation. Why Social Media is the Key to Unlocking Brand Loyalty. La empatía clave para la estrategia de las redes sociales. Impacto del Marketing Digital en los consumidores. 4 Steps to Connecting with—and Engaging—Generation C. Why Your Marketing Needs to Include Your Company's Story. Creating a Successful Customer Experience Program.

The Internet of Things: Using Technology to Engage. Customer Experience: A Journey on the Path to Customer Loyalty. Reduce Customer Effort with Proactive Web Chat | Genesys Blog. Consejos para iniciar a tu hotel en redes sociales. Customers Care When They Share. Ctrl Alt Delete: Q&A with Social Media Expert Mitch Joel. Proficient Website, Search Engine Attracts More Customers to CarMax. The Retail TouchPoints Blog • Do Frequent Shoppers = Loyal Shoppers? Google and Ogilvy research finds word of mouth had biggest impact on purchase decisions (not media)

Retail Solution From Salesforce Facilitates Channel-to-Channel Customer Engagement. Brand Alignment – A Design Imperative for Successful Loyalty Initiatives. NetAppVoice: Look Who Really Owns Your Brand (Hint: It's Not You) 5 Obstacles to Overcome for Great Customer Experience | Genesys Blog. Consistency is Key to Creating an Exceptional Customer Experience.

Welcome to Forbes. Optimizing the Digital and Social Customer Experience. Social CRM is Just the Beginning: Looking Beyond Customers Brian Solis. Using social media to map the consumer journey to the customer experience. Vender experiencias: marketing más directo para los clientes. 10 consejos para implementar marketing de experiencias.

Case Studies

A Digital Customer Experience Case Study: Sephora’s Supremacy. Digital Experience: The New Heart Of Customer Engagement. Harvard Business Review: Using Social Networks to Improve Operations. Don't Waste Money on Analytics. Drive Customer Experience with Actionable Social CRM. Firms learning to embrace social media in their CEM strategies. Give Customers The Choice To Start Their Journey On One Channel And Finish It On Another. Leveraging social media to drive Brand Advocacy. Surveys + Social Feedback make a killer combination to drive action. Recommendations for managing the Social Customer Experience. The Evolution of the Customer Service Experience (Infographic) Optimizing the Digital and Social Customer Experience. Social CEM: Moving Beyond Customer Loyalty to Customer Advocacy | E...


How to drive Local Action with Social Media.