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Requena Debugging your web applications with Visual Studio Code makes you more efficient. It helps you save a lot of time and keeps your code cleaner. This is because you don’t have to write a bunch of console.logs and you can go through your code execution line by line. But if you’re here, you probably know the benefits of debugging web applications. Getting set up The first thing you need to do is install the Debugger for Chrome extension. You can create the launch file by going to the debug section in the Activity Bar and clicking the gear icon. A list of options will prompt you to select the “Chrome” one. After you’ve done this, you’re going to have a .vscode directory with a launch.json file. Configurations There are two kinds of Chrome debugging configurations: launch and attach. Launch The launch configuration launches a Chrome instance running a specified file or URL. Note: Be careful while setting webRoot, this is used to resolve URLs to a file on your computer.

Attach. VSCodium - Open Source Binaries of VSCode. 15 VS Code Extensions to Save Your Time and Make You a Better Developer. A list of useful VS Code extensions for frontend developers VS Code has a marketplace, and it contains a collection of plugins that can be installed into the text editor to make it more powerful.

15 VS Code Extensions to Save Your Time and Make You a Better Developer

We can open market place by selecting Extension option in View menu or simply press shift + cmd + X . The below list of extensions can be installed in VS Code to save your time in multiple ways and make you a better developer. This allows us to automatically reload the web page when you change the code in your IDE. Once Live Server is installed, you can right-click on an html file and you can see an option Open with Live Server[Alt + L + Q]. Quokka.js will automatically compute the result you are typing and print the result in the IDE itself. This spell checker will report some common spelling errors. VSCode Shortcuts. Wallaby - Integrated Continuous Test Runner for JavaScript. Quokka - Live Scratchpad for JavaScript in your editor. My personal favorite Visual Studio Code extensions. Introduction This is a short article about all the Visual Studio Code extensions that I personally find to be great tools to have.

My personal favorite Visual Studio Code extensions

This are my favorites, so if you use different extensions that I didn’t mention, feel free to let me know in the comments down below. Just a note… Along with writing this article, I have also created a YouTube video! 10 Must-have VS Code Extensions for JavaScript Developers. In this article, I’ll focus on a list of must-have VS Code extensions for JavaScript developers.

10 Must-have VS Code Extensions for JavaScript Developers

Visual Studio Code is undoubtedly the most popular lightweight code editor today. It does borrow heavily from other popular code editors, mostly Sublime Text and Atom. However, its success mainly comes from its ability to provide better performance and stability. In addition, it also provides much needed features like IntelliSense, which were only available in full-sized IDEs like Eclipse or Visual Studio 2017. The power of VS Code no doubt comes from the marketplace. This article was updated in March 2019 to reflect the current state of the VS Code extensions ecosystem. VS Code Extensions by Category For this article, I’ll focus on VS Code extensions specifically targeting JavaScript developers. Snippet Extensions When you first install VS Code, it comes with several built-in snippets for JavaScript and Typescript. Here are some of the most popular snippet extensions for JavaScript developers.

5 Ways To Improve Development With Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Live Share. Visual Studio Code : personnalisation et extensions indispensables - Juan Sorroche. J'utilise désormais Visual Studio Code (VSCode) au quotidien.

Visual Studio Code : personnalisation et extensions indispensables - Juan Sorroche

Cet IDE est assez complet mais nécessite tout de même quelques extensions pour être confortable dans le cadre de développements PHP. Voici un rapide tour d'horizon des extensions qui me sont aujourd'hui indispensables : Beautify : auto-format le code : Javascript, JSON, CSS, Sass et HTML Better Merge : améliore nettement l'affichage des "merge conflict" (Git) Close Unmodified : permet de fermer les fichiers n'ayant pas été modifiés (Git) minify : supprime les espaces, les retours chariots des fichiers Javascript, Css et Html.

Pour ma part, je ne l'utilise pas pour l'Html php cs fixer : auto-format du code PHP TWIG pack : support du format de fichier TWIG. J'ai hésité à mettre cette extension dans cette liste car elle est relatviement catastrophique. Concernant la personnalisation de l'outil, j'avoue ne pas l'avoir beaucoup poussé : "editor.fontSize": 12, // Défini la taille de police "**/.git": true, "**/.svn": true, Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined.