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DEDIBOX-NEWS.COM / Besoin D'aide pour Instaler un serveur Teamsp. [Debian] Demarrage automatique d'un .sh. Bonjour à tous !

[Debian] Demarrage automatique d'un .sh

Afin de ne pas retapper à chaque redemarrage de mon server dédié ( Debian 4.0 ) toutes les commandes de démarrage de programmes, en lisant des tutos, j'ai vu que l'on pouvait faire des scripts de démarrage. Pour cela, j'ai déjà créer un fichier nommé: "" et je l'ai placé dans le répertoire tel que "/etc/init.d/". Après cela j'ai tappé en tant que "root" sans les premiers guillemets bien sûr : "chmod -v 0644 /etc/init.d/ update-rc.d defaults" Pour finir, voici le script que j'ai tapper dans le fichier "" sans les guillemets encore une foi : "#! How To [TeamSpeak Server Linux] [Archives] Voir la version complète : How To [TeamSpeak Server Linux] The Destroyeur 18/11/2006, 18h48 Bonjour à tous, Je vous propose un petit tuto pour installé un serveur TeamSpeak sous linux.

How To [TeamSpeak Server Linux] [Archives]

Installation du serveur TeamSpeak. Webmin. If you are using the DEB version of webmin, first download the file from the downloads page , or run the command : wget then run the command : dpkg --install webmin_1.820_all.deb The install will be done automatically to /usr/share/webmin, the administration username set to root and the password to your current root password.


You should now be able to login to Webmin at the URL Or if accessing it remotely, replace localhost with your system's IP address. If Debian complains about missing dependencies, you can install them with the command : apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python If you are installing on Ubuntu and the apt-get command reports that some of the packages cannot be found, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure the lines ending with universe are not commented out. Some Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu in particular) don't allow logins by the root user by default. Wajig ! Hold a deb package ! Xming - PC X Server. Xming is the leading X Window System Server for Microsoft Windows®.

Xming - PC X Server

It is fully featured, lean, fast, simple to install and because it is standalone native Windows, easily made portable (not needing a machine-specific installation or access to the Windows registry). Xming is totally secure when used with SSH and optionally includes an enhanced Plink SSH client and a portable PuTTY replacement package. Xming installers include executable code, and libraries, only built by me, Colin Harrison (Project Xming's chief developer) + this website is free of adverts, pop-ups and usage tracking of any kind, including cookies, and is hosted on machines only administered by me. Mesa with GLX, or Microsoft WGL, provide interactive OpenGL® 2D and 3D network transparent graphics rendering. AIGLX is available for graphics cards that support hardware-accelerated OpenGL. Xming is cross-compiled on Linux for Microsoft Windows, using MinGW-w64, mostly from canonical X.Org source code with my patches applied.

X.Org, HowTo. How do I add a question to this page?


Anyone may edit this page to add their own content. That is why this page is part of a Wiki and not a hardcoded static file in the FAQ. However, do not add questions without answers to this page. If you have a question about how to do something in Tomcat which has not been addressed yet, ask the tomcat-user list. Once you've figured out how to fix your problem, come back and update the Wiki to allow the rest of us to benefit from what you've learned! How do I contribute to Tomcat's documentation? Download the source bundle or grab the source XML file from Subversion repository. The docs are in the webapps/docs subdirectory. Edit the documentation XML file(s) as you wish. If you're interested in previewing your changes, you will need to follow the directions for building Tomcat yourself.

Open a Bugzilla enhancement item with the explanation of your enhancements, and attach a svn diff or diff -u format of your patch. See TomcatOnMacOS See TomcatOnOpenVMS.