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Website Experience & Optimization Online Forum. Training Maker Software Cost and Pricing Plans - ProProfs. Brand Center. UDL On Campus: Media & Materials. UDL Studio. Introduction.

UDL Studio

Using WAI Material: Permission to Use with Attribution. Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) AEM: Designing for Accessibility with POUR. Many of the learning materials educators use in the classroom are self-created.

AEM: Designing for Accessibility with POUR

This has been made possible by the greater availability and improved ease of use of authoring tools. These tools now often include options for adding accessibility into the content creation workflow, and standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide guidance for how to do so. WCAG, which is now at version 2.0, is the international standard for making web content accessible. It is the foundation for many national accessibility laws, including Section 508 in the U.S.

Resources for Web Users, People with Disabilities, and Advocates. Spectrum. Events Calendar. How to Optimize Images for Better Web Design & SEO. 11 Golden Rules of Writing Content for Your Website. Welcome to Flipgrid. How to create a start page for your website that attracts attention. Nolo. Create Awesome Videos Yourself. Use Digital Learning. Faculty just getting started with digital learning have multiple pathways to choose from.

Use Digital Learning

You can set out to have a residential impact, a global impact, help further learning research, or do all of the above. ODL views digital learning as a continuum; therefore, each path complements the other to allow faculty flexibility as their goals evolve. starting points for MIT Faculty. CNDLS at Georgetown University. Following ‹ Reader. How to start a website from A to Z: A 5-step guide - GoDaddy Blog. It’s no secret that more than three billion people across the world have access to the internet.

How to start a website from A to Z: A 5-step guide - GoDaddy Blog

From mobile devices to desktops, it seems like everyone these days is plugged in — and if your business isn’t claiming space on the web, then you’re missing out on oodles of potential customers. Your Site ‹ LGassoway Professional Portfolio. Micro-Credentials. To provide a professional advancement opportunity that is flexible, personalized, and skill-based, CoSN has developed micro-credentials for existing and emerging leaders.


Learning in the digital age takes different forms and earning micro-credentials increases your capacity in tackling the current issues of implementing a technology program. The Go Programming Language. Cover Page Header - new Google Sites. Analytics Academy. New Google Sites How Tos. Google Domains - Google. Enhance Your Site's Attributes   You can enhance the appearance and coverage of your official website and presence in Search results by first establishing it with Google.

Enhance Your Site's Attributes  

By adding structured data markup to your site, you can enable more of your site’s functional and visual elements to appear directly in results and in Knowledge Graph cards. This makes it easier for users to recognize your official site and reach information you provide more easily when they search. This document covers the following site attributes you can enable for search results: Business details like physical location and contact information Marketing details like your official name, logo, and social profile info.

Kansas : Digital Instructional Materials. Connected Courses. Introduction to Creative Learning. Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. Web Designer. IT Services for Graduate Students. Antivirus Download free anti-virus software for home and office computers, get updates and view alerts.

IT Services for Graduate Students

Audio/Video Editing. Information Technology. All official KU units/departments can request a content management system (CMS) website account.

Information Technology

Student organizations and individuals are not eligible for CMS accounts. Quota: 10GB Learn about the CMS Designed for non-technical users, KU's content management system (CMS) is a software platform that enables users to easily build and maintain websites. The CMS provides KU website managers the capability to create engaging sites regardless of their skill level. A Global Professional Women's Network. American Business Women's Association. Women's Job List: The Job Board for Women. Feminist Jobs from the Feminist Majority Foundation. Advancing Women, Diversity and Tech Job Boards and Career Resources. Lawrence Public Library. Lawrence Public Library. Découvrez Google Drive : tous vos fichiers au même endroit. Google Sites & G Suite Specialists - Compare classic to new Sites. 1 You need to use the Publishing option to get the same feature 2 You can only publish the whole site, not individual pages, and you can only publish to the primary domain, not any secondary domains. 3 You can only have one owner of a site, not multiple owners of a site, and domain admins are not automatically owners of sites. 4 Team Drives are only available to G Suite Business and Enterprise customers.

Google Sites & G Suite Specialists - Compare classic to new Sites

Search results - Sites Help. Quick Start · BootstrapCDN by StackPath. JavaScript and HTML DOM Reference. University of Kansas Office of Research. Google Sites. Free UI design kits, icons, and plugins. Introduction. Android Development Tools List. Starting out in Android development can be a daunting task – there’s so much information out there, so many tutorials and so many resources it can be hard to navigate.

Android Development Tools List

That’s why we’ve compiled this big list of Android development resources and tools so you can find all you might need in one place. From IDEs to learning tutorials, consoles to libraries, we’ve covered the very first steps a budding developer can take on this path, to useful libraries and plug-ins for the more experienced users. The sections in this guide are: Each section has a brief description of what it is before delving into the best tools within that category. ASP Tutorial.

Oracle Developers. Visual Studio Code July 2018. Update 1.26.1: The update addresses these issues. Downloads: Windows | Mac | Linux 64-bit: .tar.gz .deb .rpm | Linux 32-bit: .tar.gz .deb .rpm Welcome to the July 2018 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of significant updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include: If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on

You can also check out this 1.26 release highlights video from Cloud Developer Advocate Brian Clark. The release notes are arranged in the following sections related to VS Code focus areas. Help Scout - Marketing Designer. Well hello! You’ve finally found us. We’re Help Scout. Maybe you haven’t heard of us before, and that’s okay. Or maybe you’ve heard the name, but you don’t remember why. Either way, you’ve landed on this page because you were at least a little curious, and we like that about you. We’re looking for someone who’s super thoughtful, intentional, humble, meticulous, and weird, and self-motivated, and funny, and tenacious, and super creative, and did I say self-motivated? Designers here do a lot of things, but to summarize, we are shepherds of the brand. About Us Help Scout is made by roughly 80 people in 40+ cities around the world, all with a passion for excellence in their craft. Since launching in April of 2011, Help Scout now powers 9,000+ support teams in over 140 countries.

Aira Agent Portal. Getting started - Knowledge base. Created by the leading mobile game engine, the Unity Ads SDK provides a comprehensive monetization framework for your game, whether you develop in Unity, xCode, or Android Studio. It streamlines ads, in-app purchasing and analytics, using cutting edge machine learning to maximize your revenue while maintaining a great player experience.

Getting started is simple. This page illustrates the journey towards maximizing your revenue with Unity Ads. Follow step by step, or jump to the integration step that best fits your stage of development. MIT App Inventor. Connexion : comptes Google. Google Cloud Platform for Learners and Makers. Resources – Build your future with Google. Best Practices & Helpful Tools for New Startups - Google for Startups.

New skills. New opportunities. Index. Download Android Studio and SDK tools   Maze-cake?path=README.   Google Developers. Gadgets for Google Sites   At Google, gadgets are HTML and JavaScript applications that can be embedded in web pages and other apps, including Sites. These gadgets offer the ability to include external and dynamic content within your site, such as miniature applications and database-driven lists, incorporated with text and images for a seamless user experience. Gadgets for Google Sites   HTML Service: Create and Serve HTML   The HTML service lets you serve web pages that can interact with server-side Apps Script functions. It is particularly useful for building web apps or adding custom user interfaces in Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms.

You can even use it to generate the body of an email. Create HTML files To add an HTML file to your Apps Script project, open the Script Editor and choose File > New > Html File. Within the HTML file, you can write most standard HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript. Your file can also include template scriptlets that are processed on the server before the page is sent to the user — similar to PHP — as explained in the section on templated HTML. Serve HTML as a web app To create a web app with the HTML service, your code must include a doGet() function that tells the script how to serve the page.

Function doGet() { return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Index');}   Google Developers. A script project represents a collection of files and resources in Google Apps Script, sometimes referred to simply as "a script". A script project has one or more script files which can either be code files (having a .gs extension) or HTML files (a .html extension). Platform Home. Google Analytics. Platform Home. Platform Home.