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Gearbox. Shakespeare. Designing online courses. 2ºESO. Sing along songs. Google Classroom. Tropical Rain Forest. Indigenous Peoples of the world. Sustainability. My favorite Ted Talks. Gardening. Rome. IDI 2.0. Rainforests. Music and Flags of the Early American Wars. London. London. Lesson Design Tools. Medicinal plants & herbs. Dictionaries and Reference Tools. Unique learning. Music search. Screencasting. BODY LANGUAGE. 'Atlantis' Foraging. Landscapes. Design Thinking. Nasa Earth science. Education n culture. Geography. What have the Romans done for us? Un/homeschool. Animal farm. Animal cognition.

Recovered Grammar and Punctuation. The Grammar Logs: Volume One. Language links. Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities. Enseñar y Aprender con TICs.

Pearltrees videos

REVOLUCIÓN EN EDUCACION. REVOLUCIÓN EN EDUCACION. Worksheets & Grammar Printables. Listening Web Tools. E- LEARNING. The Idiom Connection. Learning words. The Evolution of Tie Dye. Recipes With Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. Earthquakes & Tsunamis. Curso Educar 1 a 1. Cats. Plane Crashes and Disappearances. Online Course Design Guidelines. Beijing Top Sights. Camping. Yellowstone. INFOGRAFÍA-AURELIA. ELL's activities. Yonaguni. Ethical Fashion. The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King. If you’re a designer, entrepreneur, or creative – you probably haven’t been asked for your resume in a long time.

The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King

Instead, people Google you – and quickly assess your talents based on your website, portfolio, and social media profiles. Do they resonate with what you’re sharing? Do they identify with your story? Are you even giving them a story to wrap their head around? One are the days of “Just the facts, M’am.” To help you with this, your bio should address the following 5 questions: Who am I? Your bio is the lynchpin for expanding your thought leadership and recognition, especially online. Here’s the challenge: who taught you how to write your bio? Admittedly, most of us never got a lesson in this essential task. The personal branding industry has only muddied the waters.

Instead, share more of what you really care about. With all this in mind, here’s a few key pointers for reinventing your bio as a story: 1. You’re a creative. 2. 3. Think frugally here. 4. Recycled crafts. Hurricanes. Fireflies. Modèles PowerPoint. Modèles de présentation pour l'éducation. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Bois, palette... YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. The truth about social media. Interesting Search Engines. Urban Gardening. Google glasses. Gulf Oil Spill. Planet Earth. Boston Marathon Bombing.

An Amaz-ing Resume. India. Photo | places | NYC. Examples of Gliffy Diagrams. Gliffy’s friendly editor, vast symbol libraries, and handy templates make it easy to communicate your thoughts and plans visually.

Examples of Gliffy Diagrams

Usos del teléfono móvil en el aula. (5) Facebook. Secretos de Pronunciación del Inglés: Letters "R" and "T" Burrito, Bu~rri~to. RECURSOS TIC PARA EL AULA DE INGLÉS. Voxopop workshop Learning English - Home. Teaching and learning through social networks. Teaching and learning through social networks Submitted by admin on 27 April, 2009 - 11:51 In 2007, the British Council conducted market research into how the Internet has affected the preferred learning styles of young people wanting to learn English around the world.

Teaching and learning through social networks

The results of this research suggest that if teachers are to remain relevant and effective, then they need to use 'learning technologies' to help students reach the world outside the classroom. 69% of learners around the world said that they learned most effectively when socialising informally This result suggests that a lot of students learn best from their friends and family.

Perhaps that isn’t so surprising. Does that mean teachers should start taking their students to cafés more? There are other implications from the result above. The average young person in the world today owns £500 of technology (Prensky) It feels like everyone has a mobile phone today. The implications, therefore, are that teachers might: TEFL sites - online resources for English teachers. On this "TEFL sites" page, we include links to other sites that provide online resources for English teachers which can be used in the classroom, including song lyrics, articles on English language teaching (ELT) and classroom activities, among others.

TEFL sites - online resources for English teachers

On separate pages, we include links to other TEFL sites, include ELT organizations like IATEFL, publications for teachers like ET Professional, ELT publishers, TEFL jobs sites. We have pages of interesting links to sites for those teaching young learners and one for those teaching business English. We also have a page for links to sites on using new technology in the English classroom and a page on using interactive whiteboards.

Note that if you are looking for online dictionaries, you should go to our translation site.

Digital storytelling

Relato-Digital Storytelling. Centre for Digital Storytelling. Español/LE. Web- based activities and cross-curricular topics. "10 años de vivencias en educación virtual" - Net-Learning - Libro de descarga gratuita. Libro de descarga gratuita: “10 años de vivencias en educación virtual” – Net-Learning 10 años de vivencias en educación virtual / Susana Trabaldo … []. – 1a ed. – Buenos Aires : Net-Learning, 2012.

"10 años de vivencias en educación virtual" - Net-Learning - Libro de descarga gratuita